Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2010, Vol. 1(2) 58-68

Reflective Practice-A Creative Means of Teaching

B. Venkateswara RAO,  Samrajya LAKSHMI

pp. 58 - 68

Publish Date: July 31, 2010  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


One cannot say that a particular method is the only method of teaching a particular concept. The teacher, who is a researcher as well, used traditional method of teaching i.e. explaining the content from the textbook. However, students did not fail to respond to the method used but felt difficulty in learning and applying the concept. Then Teacher realized through oral and written feedback the difficulty faced by students and changed his mode of teaching. First, he explained the concept of content from the textbook and discussed the same with the help of an example. He divided the students into groups and gave other examples along with a question related to the concept, which was useful for the subject of the course and asked the students to apply and give the answers (result) after thorough discussion. He moved round the classroom and interacted with groups clearing the doubts of students. In this way, he prepared the students for the class. He started teaching the content/concept from the textbook. Students understood the concept and felt very happy in learning and applying the concept. The teacher realized the happiness of students regarding the concept learning through oral and written feedback. Later he surveyed the literature and understood the use of diary writing. Now he started writing diary and noted down his experiences for guidance in the future. He has taken three tasks and guided students successfully. The answers in internal exam papers of students confirmed that it is the best way of teaching. Thus he found a new and effective method of teaching through reflective practice.

Keywords: Reflective practice, concept learning, diary writing, literature survey

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
RAO, B.V., & LAKSHMI, Â.S. (2010). Reflective Practice-A Creative Means of Teaching. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 1(2), 58-68.

RAO, B. and LAKSHMI, Â. (2010). Reflective Practice-A Creative Means of Teaching. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 1(2), pp. 58-68.

Chicago 16th edition
RAO, B. Venkateswara and   Samrajya LAKSHMI (2010). "Reflective Practice-A Creative Means of Teaching". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 1 (2):58-68.