Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2012, Vol. 3(3) 25-37

A Study on Curriculum Structure and Industry Requirement of Design Education in Taiwan

Shing-Sheng GUAN, Li-Shu LU

pp. 25 - 37

Publish Date: July 31, 2012  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


The purpose of this study is to explore practical courses that conform to industrial design, visual communication design and multimedia design. The methodology includes literature review, DACUM and interview for each design realm. The research results are as follows: (1)Industrial design: through analyzing existing courses and investigating design industry, then planning industrial design courses and amending the curriculum structure into four programs, which are including design technology program, design creation program, culture invention program and digital application program. Further, to cultivate students’ secondary specialty, encourage them to participate design competition and apply for patent. (2) Visual communication design: courses can be divided into three aspects which contain nine categories. Cognition aspect includes knowledge of professional, marketing, and technological, Sentiments aspect includes design thinking, art culture, and pre-professional planning, technique aspect includes basic design, integrated design, and digital design. And the future courses are recommended to intensify marketing and technological knowledge. (3)Multimedia design: courses can be divided into three aspects which contain seven categories. Cognition aspect includes humane cultivation, basic knowledge, and professional knowledge, sentiments aspect includes attitude and value judgment, technique aspect includes basic and advanced skill. The needs of digital design industry are information software system, marketing planning and project management, art and communication designs, business sales, and script writing.

Keywords: Design Education in Taiwan, Design Industry, Curriculum Structure

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
GUAN, S., & LU, Â. (2012). A Study on Curriculum Structure and Industry Requirement of Design Education in Taiwan. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 3(3), 25-37.

GUAN, S. and LU, Â. (2012). A Study on Curriculum Structure and Industry Requirement of Design Education in Taiwan. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 3(3), pp. 25-37.

Chicago 16th edition
GUAN, Shing-Sheng and  Li-Shu LU (2012). "A Study on Curriculum Structure and Industry Requirement of Design Education in Taiwan". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 3 (3):25-37.