Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2015, Vol. 6(2) 104-115

Practices and Integration of Ict at Private Higher Secondary Level in Pakistan

Syed Siraj MUNIR, Imran KHAN

pp. 104 - 115

Publish Date: April 30, 2015  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


The current exploratory study investigates the acquaintance of teachers’ information in communication technology (henceforth, ICT) and its integration in teaching-learning process at private higher secondary level in Pakistan. The study adopts a quantitative technique and a variety of variables pertaining to the familiarity with computers in teaching-learning were examined. Subsequently, using a purposive sampling, 200 questionnaires were disseminated to the teachers. Total 169 instruments were returned and 133 were keyed into SPSS after filtering and cleaning the data. Descriptive means, percentages, crosstabs, and rank order were computed to report findings. The study revealed that 75% teachers had been formally trained for ICT, 67% teachers had access to computers and 53% had access to internet at their institution as well as home. Results show that ‘use of Email’, ‘internet browsing’, and ‘word-processing’ were most familiar tools. On the other hand, ‘collection of teaching/reference material’, ‘preparing papers’, and ‘teaching materials’ were being used for teaching purposes.

Keywords: ICT, teaching-learning process, higher secondary level, accessibility of internet, teacher training

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
MUNIR, S.S., & KHAN, I. (2015). Practices and Integration of Ict at Private Higher Secondary Level in Pakistan. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 6(2), 104-115.

MUNIR, S. and KHAN, I. (2015). Practices and Integration of Ict at Private Higher Secondary Level in Pakistan. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 6(2), pp. 104-115.

Chicago 16th edition
MUNIR, Syed Siraj and Imran KHAN (2015). "Practices and Integration of Ict at Private Higher Secondary Level in Pakistan". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 6 (2):104-115.