Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2015, Vol. 6(2) 168-173

Teaching Variance and Degree of Freedom Through Computer-Assisted Instruction


pp. 168 - 173

Publish Date: April 30, 2015  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


The principle objective of the current study is to teach variance and degree of freedom by means of computerassisted instruction. Variance is regarded as one of the most important topics to learn, degree of freedom is a concept considered as one of the most difficult concepts to teach and learn. The preliminary results on 15 faculty members showed that they had limited knowledge related to these concepts. Based on this need analysis, we developed a video tutorial to teach these concepts using Flash and Camtasia Studio software. We also considered visual design and instruction principles when developing the tutorial. The tutorial is made up of three parts: population variance, degree of freedom and sample variance. The effectiveness of our tutorial was tested on these 15 faculty members. The findings revealed substantial improvement in their knowledge about these two concepts. They were very satisfied with the tutorial and gave us valuable insight into what can be done to promote the instructional value of our tutorial. We strongly believe that the video tutorial we developed has a great potential to help learners of statistics to grasp these concepts.

Keywords: Variance, degree of freedom, statistics learning, computer-assisted instruction

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
PERKMEN, S., & SURMELIOGLU, Y. (2015). Teaching Variance and Degree of Freedom Through Computer-Assisted Instruction. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 6(2), 168-173.

PERKMEN, S. and SURMELIOGLU, Y. (2015). Teaching Variance and Degree of Freedom Through Computer-Assisted Instruction. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 6(2), pp. 168-173.

Chicago 16th edition
PERKMEN, Serkan and Yesim SURMELIOGLU (2015). "Teaching Variance and Degree of Freedom Through Computer-Assisted Instruction". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 6 (2):168-173.