Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2017, Vol. 8(1) 12-22

The Place of Culture in Foreign Language Education: Undergrad Inside

Meliha R. ŞİMŞEK

pp. 12 - 22

Publish Date: January 31, 2017  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


With the ever-increasing globalisation of education, acquisition of cultural skills has established its place as a gold standard for defining competent communicators. Varied frameworks in the famous hubs of ELT require both language teachers and learners to know a foreign language, use it for introducing home culture and getting to know other cultures, and ultimately develop cross-cultural understanding and awareness for a more peaceful global community. However, a comparative analysis of ten undergraduate course contents outlined by language teacher training programs in the UK and Turkey indicated that unlike their British counterparts, Turkish programs paid only sporadic attention to the cultural component of foreign language teaching, because (i) courses related to intercultural communication, language varieties, culture and identity remained elective and marginal, and (ii) culture teaching could receive focus as another topic area in only four compulsory courses thanks to its mention in CoHE’s framework for ELT programs.

Keywords: Cross-cultural awareness, undergraduate course contents

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
SIMSEK, M.R. (2017). The Place of Culture in Foreign Language Education: Undergrad Inside. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 8(1), 12-22.

SIMSEK, M. (2017). The Place of Culture in Foreign Language Education: Undergrad Inside. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 8(1), pp. 12-22.

Chicago 16th edition
SIMSEK, Meliha R. (2017). "The Place of Culture in Foreign Language Education: Undergrad Inside". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 8 (1):12-22.