Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2012, Vol. 3(4) 1-18

Education and Precarious Labour in Slovene Science (Some Sociological Views on Women in Science between Career and Family)


pp. 1 - 18

Publish Date: October 31, 2012  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


The image of a woman in the present Slovene society is still linked to prejudice to set limits and makes her feel bad. Especially, because the environment's opinion contains some certain activities how a woman is incapable of doing or is not able to do them good enough. One of the areas with this belief is the area of science. Different public researches and academic institutions are stimulating massive enrolling of women to higher education and science. This is showing significant gradual increase in the proportion of women in education and researching positions in Slovenia over past decades. One of the most important measures for encouraging women/mothers/housewives to pursue an academic/science career was the exclusion of maternity and her role in domestic work and later on also parental leave from the time set for elections to higher academic /scientific titles for women. The actual position of women in science and research in Slovenia is similar to those which have been observed all around the world: horizontal and vertical segregation, subtle discrimination and thus worse situation in regard to the male scientists, in spite of the quantitative prevalence of the women students at the graduate level. This is particularly the case, after the introduction of the paid (and excluded) one year leave of absence for a child, including parental (male) leave of absence. This also increased the number of birth rate among young scientists, although this was unfortunately counteracted in the past few years by their precarious work. The contemporary period is also characterized by the increased difficulty for women to get employed, especially younger, highly educated professionals, usually meaning the potential to have children and leaving for long maternity leave and, normally domestic work. Because of their domestic duties and household occupation top positions (at institutes, academia and industry) are not occupied by women to a greater than up to a few percent. This is also true for many other decision-making positions in Slovenia. The situation is slightly improving, but it seems how in order to get established at leading position, a woman in the field of science has to work harder than her male colleague, as confirmed by several recent studies. A “men-like behavior” is expected from a woman at leading position. However, the proportion of women at leading positions in scientific bodies has increased since the transition period, but a pay gap within scientific institutions still exists (women earning are ranging from 90% - 95% of men’s gross earning). But, a closer look shows how the main source of these subtle differences comes from the differences at the leading positions scientist, where functional supplements and financial stimulation can vary up to 50 %. According to the available data of staff distribution, the vertical gender segregation does exist in world-known mode: women are concentrated in the lower professional strata as it shows the hierarchical order by the gender structure of leading staff in research projects and by the asymmetric participation of women and men in the scientific boards, creating science policy as well as in the top management of institutions of science. Our research aim was to study and research on the pattern of casual 206 women employed in science and in academic and research institutions the position of women in science and family environment in contemporary Slovene society according to educational influences. We were particularly concentrated on their present International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications October 2012 Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Article: 01 ISSN 1309-6249 Copyright © International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications / 2 position which in great dimension is denoted by discrimination and inequality, especially as her formal work is understood as her precarious work and her domestic work as invisible and unpaid, from “love” done work. All these areas are extremely important for the society, not to lose the intellectual potential of women, especially in the situation of active economic crises. Within the framework of this thesis our research determinated the position of women in the field of science and in her domestic environment as well. On the other hand, we have to consider the fact how in comparison with the past, women are nowadays allowed to take new roles and possibilities of public activities, but only when the traditional duties are preserved. That is why we can assert that women in science are sexually discriminated.

Keywords: women, science, education, domestic work, family, precarious work, balance, discrimination, inequality, Slovene society

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APA 7th edition
GORIUP, J. (2012). Education and Precarious Labour in Slovene Science (Some Sociological Views on Women in Science between Career and Family). International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 3(4), 1-18.

GORIUP, J. (2012). Education and Precarious Labour in Slovene Science (Some Sociological Views on Women in Science between Career and Family). International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 3(4), pp. 1-18.

Chicago 16th edition
GORIUP, Jana (2012). "Education and Precarious Labour in Slovene Science (Some Sociological Views on Women in Science between Career and Family)". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 3 (4):1-18.