Volume 3 Issue 4 (October 2012)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles Education and Precarious Labour in Slovene Science (Some Sociological Views on Women in Science between Career and Family)


pp. 1 - 18


The image of a woman in the present Slovene society is still linked to prejudice to set limits and makes her feel bad. Especially, because the environment's opinion contains some certain activities how a woman is incapable of doing or is not able to do them good enough. One of the areas with this belief is the area of science. Different public researches and academic institutions are stimulating massive enrolling of women to higher education and science. This is showing significant gradual increase in the proportion of women in education and researching positions in Slovenia over past decades. One of the most important measures for encouraging women/mothers/housewives to pursue an academic/science career was the exclusion of maternity and her role in domestic work and later on also parental leave from the time set for elections to higher academic /scientific titles for women. The actual position of women in science and research in Slovenia is similar to those which have been observed all around the world: horizontal and vertical segregation, subtle discrimination and thus worse situation in regard to the male scientists, in spite of the quantitative prevalence of the women students at the graduate level. This is particularly the case, after the introduction of the paid (and excluded) one year leave of absence for a child, including parental (male) leave of absence. This also increased the number of birth rate among young scientists, although this was unfortunately counteracted in the past few years by their precarious work. The contemporary period is also characterized by the increased difficulty for women to get employed, especially younger, highly educated professionals, usually meaning the potential to have children and leaving for long maternity leave and, normally domestic work. Because of their domestic duties and household occupation top positions (at institutes, academia and industry) are not occupied by women to a greater than up to a few percent. This is also true for many other decision-making positions in Slovenia. The situation is slightly improving, but it seems how in order to get established at leading position, a woman in the field of science has to work harder than her male colleague, as confirmed by several recent studies. A “men-like behavior” is expected from a woman at leading position. However, the proportion of women at leading positions in scientific bodies has increased since the transition period, but a pay gap within scientific institutions still exists (women earning are ranging from 90% - 95% of men’s gross earning). But, a closer look shows how the main source of these subtle differences comes from the differences at the leading positions scientist, where functional supplements and financial stimulation can vary up to 50 %. According to the available data of staff distribution, the vertical gender segregation does exist in world-known mode: women are concentrated in the lower professional strata as it shows the hierarchical order by the gender structure of leading staff in research projects and by the asymmetric participation of women and men in the scientific boards, creating science policy as well as in the top management of institutions of science. Our research aim was to study and research on the pattern of casual 206 women employed in science and in academic and research institutions the position of women in science and family environment in contemporary Slovene society according to educational influences. We were particularly concentrated on their present International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications October 2012 Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Article: 01 ISSN 1309-6249 Copyright © International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications / www.ijonte.org 2 position which in great dimension is denoted by discrimination and inequality, especially as her formal work is understood as her precarious work and her domestic work as invisible and unpaid, from “love” done work. All these areas are extremely important for the society, not to lose the intellectual potential of women, especially in the situation of active economic crises. Within the framework of this thesis our research determinated the position of women in the field of science and in her domestic environment as well. On the other hand, we have to consider the fact how in comparison with the past, women are nowadays allowed to take new roles and possibilities of public activities, but only when the traditional duties are preserved. That is why we can assert that women in science are sexually discriminated.

Keywords: women, science, education, domestic work, family, precarious work, balance, discrimination, inequality, Slovene society

Original Articles Can Geogebra Make Easier the Understanding of Cartesian Co-Ordinates? a Quantitative Study in Turkey

Sevinc GULSECEN, Elif Kartal KARATAS, Fatma Onay KOCOGLU

pp. 19 - 29


A complex number z is a number of the form a + bi where a and b are real numbers. A complex number z in complex plane can be represented by Cartesian co-ordinates, its real and imaginary parts, but equally useful is the representation of z by polar co-ordinates. Generally, students cannot easily visualize them by Cartesian coordinates and that makes the subject difficult to be understood for them. The aim of this study is to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the students’ opinions about GeoGebra and to contribute to Turkish GeoGebra Library. First we have translated “Polar Grapher” (created by Jerel L. Welker) into Turkish and developed a new worksheet with GeoGebra about “Visualizing Complex Numbers on Cartesian Co-ordinates”. After presenting material to 4th grade students from high schools located in Istanbul and Sakarya cities (Turkey) respectively, a questionnaire has been conducted. The data collected through questionnaires have been analyzed and the views of students and their teacher’s on the use of GeoGebra have been reported.

Keywords: Geogebra, cartesian co-ordinates, Turkey

Original Articles Dea Metafrontier Analysis on Technical Efficiency Differences of National Universities in Thailand

Anupong WONGCHAI, Wen-Bin LIU,  Ke-Chung PENG

pp. 30 - 42


Since the national university in Thailand has a variety of academic institutes located throughout the country, resulting in technical efficiency differences among the regions. Therefore, this study aims to measure the regional differences in technical efficiency of the 77 national universities. As a metafrontier model is able to calculate the comparable technical efficiencies for firms operating under different technologies, the concept of metafrontier estimated by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was adopted to be the methodology. The frontiers were divided into five regions, Bangkok, central, north, northeast, and south. Besides, this study used the crosssection data of 2011 recorded from Office of the Higher Education Commission in Thailand. Firstly, an analytical framework necessary for the definition of a metafrontier function was described. Then, the property of the metafrontier function estimated by non-parametric DEA was exclusively explained in this research. Finally, the empirical results of the DEA metafrontier were presented and discussed.

Keywords: Cross-section data, DEA metafrontier, regional differences, technical efficiency, Thai national universities

Original Articles The Effects of Active Learning on Foreign Language Self-Concept and Reading Comprehension Achievement


pp. 43 - 58


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of active learning on foreign language self-concept and reading comprehension achievement. This research was carried out through an experimental design with experimental and control groups. In the Spring Term of 2005-2006 Academic Year, 182 male college students formed the experiment and the control groups which were all randomly chosen. Active learning techniques were applied to experiment groups for 13 weeks while the control groups were educated through traditional methods in teaching English. The data of the research were gathered by the Foreign Language Self-Concept Scale which is developed by the researcher and a reading comprehension placement test. The results demonstrated that the researcher-mediated learning environment, i.e. the group engaged in active learning techniques, was successful in enhancing reading comprehension achievement. On the other hand, the effect of active learning on foreign language self-concept was found to be insignificant. Furthermore, there is no significant correlation between foreign language self-concept and reading comprehension scores according to the types of high schools the students have graduated from.

Keywords: Active learning, reading comprehension achievement, foreign language self-concept

Original Articles The Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Self-Perception with Anxiety of Examination in High School Students

Somaie YARI,  Tahereh Golestany BAKHT

pp. 59 - 66


The aim of this study was to investigate the relation of self-efficacy and self-perception with anxiety of examination among students of Zahedan. The method used in this research was correlation. The statistic population of this study was all of the high school students of Zahedan. The number of the samples of this study was 320 students that were chosen by random cluster sampling method. Research instrument were the questionnaires of self-efficacy believes, Philips' scale of anxiety of examination and self-perception. The results showed that a negative significant correlation exists between the self-efficacy believes and the anxiety of examination. A significant positive correlation also exists among the anxiety of examination and the three factors of self-perception, passive, actorness and aggressive. The results of stepwise regression showed the passive self-perception, alone, can predict .25 of variances of the anxiety of examination and with actorness self-perception they can predict .29 of variances of anxiety of examination. In addition the results showed that the self-efficacy believes of male were more than female students. Also female students' anxiety of examination was more than male students.

Keywords: Self-perception, self-efficacy, anxiety of examination and student

Original Articles Attachment Styles as the Predictors of Contact Disturbances


pp. 67 - 78


The main purpose of the study was to determine if there is a significant predictor of contact disturbances and attachment styles of university students. The study group covered 318 students from Faculty of Education of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. The data were gathered by using the Contact Disturbances Scale and Relationship Scales Questionary. Relational method was employed in the research. In the analysis of the data, Pearson Moments Multiplying Correlation Coefficient and Progressive Regression Analysis were used. According to the findings, it has been found out that secure, preoccupied, fearful and dismissive attachment styles significantly predict contact, full contact and post-contact disturbances, dismissive and fearful attachment styles significantly predict dependent contact disturbances, while secure and preoccupied attachment styles did not significantly predict dependent contact disturbances. The findings have been discussed in consideration of the literature.

Keywords: Gestalt Therapy, Contact disturbances, Attachment styles, University students

Original Articles Silent and Oral Reading Fluency: Which One Is the Best Predictor of Reading Comprehension of Turkish Elementary Students?


pp. 79 - 91


The aim of this research was to learn whether silent reading fluency was the predictor of reading comprehension and which variable including silent or oral reading fluency was the best predictor of reading comprehension. With this aim, the study used correlational design and the study sample consisted of total 100 fifth-grade Turkish elementary students studying in two elementary schools. The schools were located in low socioeconomic status and the students` families had low socioeconomic level. The informed consent obtained from all participants before the study began. For silent and oral reading fluency assessments, an appropriate grade level text was chosen and the students` silent and oral reading fluency were measured through one-onone sessions in the suitable place in the elementary schools provided by the school principals. After this process, the reading comprehension test related to the grade level text read was administered to all students. The data obtained from testing process were analyzed and the findings were presented in respond to research questions. The research findings showed that silent and oral reading fluency were moderately related to each other and had significant correlations with reading comprehension. They both explained together 23% of the variance in reading comprehension and silent reading fluency had more significant contribution to prediction of reading comprehension than oral reading fluency. Additionally, the total variance of reading comprehension explained by silent and oral reading fluency varied according to gender of the students.

Keywords: Silent reading fluency, oral reading fluency, reading comprehension

Original Articles Student Evaluation of Teachers: a Case Study at Tertiary Level


pp. 92 - 99


The increasing number of institutions using “Student Evaluation of Teaching” (SET) has caused a growing controversy in the literature. Studies on the use of students’ ratings for evaluating teacher effectiveness have mostly questioned students as valid judges of teaching effectiveness, revealing positive and negative effects of SET. Based on the literature indicating that student ratings should be combined with data collected from different sources, the purpose of this study is to identify the relationship, if any, between the evaluation ratings of the students and coordinators. The study also aims to investigate the consistency of the ratings of the two groups over a two-year period. The participants consisted of 1028 Preparatory Program students, 99 teachers, 4 trainers and 4 Preparatory Program coordinators in the first year study, and 1211 Preparatory Program students, 99 teachers, nine coordinators in the second year. A Pearson’s correlation addressed the relationship between the mean ratings for teachers by the students (M = 4.12, SD =.56) and by the coordinators (M = 4.7, SD =.46). The correlation between the ratings was found to be statistically significant, r (99) =.45, p <.001. This indicates that ratings for teachers given by the students and given by the coordinators were positively related. Another correlation was employed to determine the relationship in the second year. The correlation between the ratings of the students (M = 4.38, SD =.44) and coordinators (M = 4.80, SD =.30) was also significant, r (99) =.43, p =.00. The study suggests that data collected from students is a valid evaluation tool in evaluation of the teachers.

Keywords: Students’ evaluation, feedback, teacher, teaching

Original Articles Integrating Second Life into an Efl Classroom: a New Dimension in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching


pp. 100 - 111


The use of multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) as a learning platform has been one of the new trends in distance education recently. Second Life (SL) has gained popularity in the field of foreign language learning and teaching because of its immersive and interactive environments. This paper aims at emphasizing the prominence of SL in foreign language learning and teaching. It provides a brief history of SL use in foreign language education, defines SL as an online 3D virtual learning environment and explains how to design language learning experiences in SL. Moreover, it summarizes the benefits and drawbacks of teaching English to EFL learners in SL. It also expounds the language teacher’s role in SL as well as the description of available ESL/EFL sites for learning and teaching English in SL. Lastly, it makes some recommendations for language teachers regarding the powerful use of SL as an instructional device in the classroom.

Keywords: Second life, multi-user virtual environment, language learning, language teaching

Original Articles New Trends in Higher Education - the Case of Macedonia

Abdulla AZIZI

pp. 112 - 117


Ten years after its independence (1991), besides other social changes Macedonia also changed the concept the educational system at all levels, in particular higher education. Apart the public education which accrued in the framework of public universities, in 2001 for the first time was given legal opportunity for the opening of private universities while the educational policies had been orientated towards the Bologna Process. In this paper shall analyzed the current higher education policies related to the liberalization of the higher education, the legal possibilities for access to the higher education, as well the new trends and the challenges in this area. Also, will be carried out the empirical study, where students shall survey and would provide their judgments about the current situation in higher education in Macedonia.

Keywords: Higher education, universities in Macedonia

Original Articles Numerical Method/Analysis Students' Conceptual Derivative Knowledge


pp. 118 - 127


Advanced level mathematics and engineering courses such as Numerical Methods and Numerical Analysis require advanced knowledge of derivative. In this paper, undergraduate and graduate engineering and mathematics Numerical Methods-Analysis course students' conceptual derivative knowledge is observed. Students' ability to determine the cusp points (if exist) of a quotient function after calculating the first and second derivatives of the function is investigated. In addition, student responses to find the derivative of a composition function is evaluated by using the schema development idea of Piaget and Garcia (1989) where the participants were expected to apply the chain rule and determine the domain of differentiation for the given function.

Keywords: Derivative of functions, the chain rule, schema classification, concept image, critical points

Original Articles Sixth Grade Students' Skills for Reading Levels in Achieving Their Goals


pp. 128 - 138


The reading which is the one of the basic language skills is an active process containing such mental processes such as comprehension, interpretation and critical thinking, etc. Each and every society that may wish to have got information in the age of information has been attaching importance to the fact that individuals should have acquired the habit and skill of reading. The basic problem which has been experienced at the field of Turkish Education in Turkey is that individuals cannot understand what they read, and cannot interpret them with a critical eye. Having considered these problems at Turkish Language Teaching Program, objectives towards earning the skill of reading have been determined. Improvement of the Students’ reading skills depends upon their achievement to these objectives. Eventually determination of the level of achieving these objectives by the students at the level of primary school in which level is significant in terms of reviewing and revising these purposes. In this context, it is thought to be worthwhile to consult to Turkish Teachers who have done their best to provide and improve skills of reading to students in order to learn their views about such skills. The purpose of the research carried out in this respect is to reveal the views and opinions of Turkish Language Teachers have accessed at what degree and level to the sixth grade students of the primary school for their skill of reading. In order to achieve this goal, consultation and interviews have been conducted with 15 Turkish Language Teachers, data have been recorded by audio recorder, and the content analysis technique has been used for analyzing the data. At the end of the research some Teachers stated that students were in difficulty to assess and understand the reading text and to achieve enriching the existence of words and to acquire the habit of reading and indicated the causes of their difficulties, and additionally Teachers specified that certain prerequisites must have been fulfilled in order that these goals were to be attained much more easily.

Keywords: Turkish Education, reading skill, purposes (goals, objectives),Teacher’s views

Original Articles The Assessment in Art Education Through E-Portfolios


pp. 139 - 147


Art education should reflect students’ daily life, their personal, social and cultural values, and their visual environment which is mostly being digitalized nowadays. As digital technologies change our world rapidly, and creates new ways of understanding, art educators need to develop students’ critical understanding through integration of digital technologies. Art educators also need to assess the visual qualitative products of art education to examine the process of learning. E-portfolios can be suggested as a tool in this process. They provide an easy to use, storage and management platform which can carry huge amount of information including texts, images, sounds, and videos, and also retrieve from the limitations of lack of time. The main purpose of this study is to examine the new strategies, integrations and implementations of e-portfolios used for assessment in art education. The study was conducted within the literature review.

Keywords: Art Education, Digital Technologies, E-Portfolio

Original Articles The Use of Finite Element Analysis Applications in Architectural Education

Gokhan YAZICI,  Yasemin Erkan YAZICI

pp. 148 - 155


Architectural design is a complex process and architects are continuously required to draw and analyze resources from various disciplines in their design decision making processes. Architects commonly refer to “rules of thumb”, originating from previous design experiences to deal with design issues involving engineering analysis, since the formulation and analysis of the engineering problem is usually quite rigorous. The problem with this approach is that these rules of thumb may not be appropriate to the design problem at hand. Recent advancements in computer aided design, finite element analysis software and building information modeling paved the way for “integrated design”, where architects and engineers work simultaneously throughout the design process. This paper reports two case studies which use finite element analysis software (ANSYS) to enhance the architectural design process. This paper also investigates the ways this approach can be applied more extensively in architectural design education.

Keywords: Architectural Education, Finite Element Analysis Software, Integrated Design

Original Articles Training in Textile: a Transfer of Innovation Project as Elearning Tool


pp. 156 - 163


Distance education is becoming an increasingly common and accepted form of learning as the introduction of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) makes the possibilities of Communicating across distances of space and time. Distance Education is unique as it encourages a more flexible learnercentric approach and provides opportunities for learning anywhere and anytime. Therefore, today, there are many private and public, non-profit and for-profit institutions worldwide offering distance education courses from the most basic instruction through to the highest levels of degree and doctoral programs. Vocational education is one of the most common fields where distance education in any form is used. The aim of this paper is to present a distance education tool in vocational education where the Telestia products were transferred into Turkish and Romanian. The products are are a) Pattern Construction, b) Fashion Design, c) Pattern Grading, d) Fashion Express pattern making, e) Sewing, f) e-Telestia (on line training school, specialising in clothing and fashion courses). They are all based on the same principles and use them to cover the needs of the specific subject every time. Among these products, two training modules, TELESTIA AB: Fashion Express and Pattern Making, were transferred into Turkish and Romanian under a Transfer of Innovation project.

Keywords: Textile training, Distance education, Fashion design, Pattern construction

Original Articles Authoring Tools for Developing the Content in Language Education


pp. 164 - 169


The advances in technology and rapid spread of internet pave the way for using technology in language classes more easily. Enriching online or traditional language education with the use of authoring tools is an important aspect in presenting the content to language learners more effectively. Both online and traditional language education have some sorts of well-known tools supporting teachers, particularly language teachers such as Articulate, Captivate and Camtasia. However, these tools are costly for developing the content and require advanced computer skills. On the internet, there are many freely available authoring tools most of which are actually easy to use with basic computer skills to enrich the content. For example, jing, voxopop and wallwisher are some of those freely available tools. The purpose in this study is to behave like a web watcher and explore some of the authoring tools freely available on the internet for English language teachers. This type of investigation is useful for language teachers to have knowledge about the opportunities through which they can enhance the language content they present to their students.

Keywords: Language Education, Content Development, Authoring Tools

Original Articles An Alternative Classroom Proposal for Education Faculties of the Future and Its Application

Necdet KONAN

pp. 170 - 180


In this study, in order to make the learning - teaching process more effective, the process of building an enriched class will be discussed in terms of education technology. The physical conditions of the class, the technological equipment, class regulations and the specifications of these regulations and equipments will be discussed in terms of usefulness. As envisaged in the literature of educational sciences, all basic physical properties of a contemporary class (lighted enough, soothing colored, adequately ventilated, equipped with the up-to-date technology, with desks and chairs suitable to the physical needs of students, with wellorganized classroom equipment) were realized in line with available means. Besides, more effective and efficient teaching and learning process were accomplished with the help of an adjustable mechanism to desired speed by a remote control device, by turning 7 meter-diameter circular platform half-way in either direction, with interactive lessons as the students see each other face to face.

Keywords: Faculty of education, classroom management, educational technology, educational environment

Original Articles A Comparative Study on the Educational Activities and Learning Programs in Commercial Banks in Turkey


pp. 181 - 193


This presentation aims at examining the educational activities and learning programs for the employees of commercial banks in Turkey. Whether it is a foreign bank or a national bank, all the commercial banks in Turkey are offering continious opportunities for their employees to increase their knowledge, abilities and skills by means of educational activities and learning programs. In this study, we examined the in-service educational programs by giving examples and comparing them in detail. Furthermore, we gave some advices for educational inservice designers as well as the prospective bank employees.

Keywords: Bank, education, training

Original Articles An Evaluation of the Academic Performance of Students Enrolled in the Double Major Programmes of Architecture and Civil Engineering


pp. 194 - 201


Double major programs allow students to simultaneously obtain diplomas in two related academic programs by satisfying their graduation requirements. Students of architecture and civil engineering at the Istanbul Kultur University can apply for the double major program between the third and fifth semesters of their undergraduate education providing their GPAs are at least 3.00 out of 4.00 and they need to maintain their GPAs above 3.00 to continue the double major program. Although all double major programs are demanding and require keen interest of the students, the double major program is particularly challenging due to the differences in educational models used in engineering and architecture. Engineering education largely depends on classroom teaching and laboratory work whereas the architectural education is centered on the design studios. This paper attempts to evaluate the academic performance of civil engineering and architecture students enrolled in the double major program at the Istanbul Kultur University and outline the challenges of a double major program of engineering and architecture.

Keywords: Architectural Education, Civil Engineering Education, Double Major Programs

Original Articles Effect of the Demographic Characteristics on Students’ Achievement- a Path Analytic Study

Serhat KOCAKAYA, Selahattin GONEN

pp. 202 - 231


Primary purpose of this study is to examine the influence of the demographic characteristics and the relationships between these characteristics on the students' achievement with path analysis. First of all the affects of the demographic characteristics to the elementary school diploma grades of the students and later the affects of the elementary school diploma grade together with the demographic characteristics have been examined. In the result of the examinations made with the path analysis, while its being determined that the education level of the father and gender variables among the demographic characteristics did not have an affect over the physics achievement that the students achieved from this study however the education level of the mother and the income level of the family had a positive effect on the elementary school achievement grades of the student.

Keywords: Physics education, path analysis, demographic characteristics, achievement