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Original Articles The Relationship between Marital Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: a Meta-Analysis Study
Gökhan AKSU, Mehmet Taha ESER, Hatice EMEKLİ pp. 7 - 22 Abstract The main purpose of the current study was to examine the relationship between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction through meta-analysis method. A total of 6163 studies were identified as a result of the literature scanning and accordingly examined on the basis of their titles and abstracts. Ultimately, results of 19 studies were included to analysis. The findings obtained from analyses were examined and it was determined that there is a significant difference in all subgroups regarding the relationship between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction. Output of REM analysis showed that the pooled effect size of the relationship between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction is moderate (0.46). Considering the screening process within the scope of this study, it can be concluded that there are too many poor reporting practices regarding the studies.
Keywords: marital satisfaction, satisfaction of life, meta-analysis, family studies | |
Original Articles Enhancing Cognitive Abilities in Elementary School Students: Exploring the Impact of Teaching Socioscientific Issues Through Argumentation Method in Science Education
Serkan AYDIN , Dilek KARIŞAN pp. 23 - 39 Abstract In this study, we investigated the impact of teaching socioscientific issue-based science activities using the argumentation method on the cognitive abilities of elementary school students. The study comprised a total of 63 eighth-grade students, with 32 in the experimental group and 31 in the control group, all attending a state school under the Ministry of National Education. Employing a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test and post-test control group, participants were selected through convenient sampling. In the experimental group, students engaged in activities centered around argumentation scenarios, while the control group received traditional lectures and in-class activities. The activities for the experimental group were designed in accordance with the Toulmin argumentation model. Data collection relied on three scales: attitudes towards socioscientific issues scale developed by Topçu (2010), the reflective thinking scale created by Yıldırım (2012), and the critical thinking scale by Görücü (2014). The study's findings indicated that the control group students' attitudes towards socioscientific issues demonstrated positive changes, although there was no significant enhancement in their critical thinking and reflective thinking skills. In contrast, the experimental group students exhibited significant improvements in their attitudes towards socioscientific issues, reflective thinking abilities, and critical thinking skills. These results underscore the potential benefits of incorporating socioscientific issue-based science activities more extensively in the classroom, offering students a more comprehensive educational experience.
Keywords: Science Education, Discussion, Socioscientific Issues, Critical Thinking, Reflective Thinking | |
Original Articles Examining 8Th Grade Science Textbook Evaluation Questions Through the Lens of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
Zeynep ÇOLAK ŞEKER, Cihat DEMİR pp. 40 - 52 Abstract The aim of this study is to analyze the end-of-unit evaluation questions in the 8th Grade Science textbook used in primary education, using the framework of the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (RBT). The study employed document analysis to evaluate 306 end-of-unit questions from the 8th Grade Science Textbook (SSFBDK), which has been approved by Board of Education and Discipline (TTKB). This analysis considered both the knowledge and cognitive process dimensions as outlined in RBT. The questions were categorized based on criteria outlined in the book "A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing," translated into Turkish by Anderson et al. Findings were presented in terms of percentages and frequencies. When evaluating the FASFBC unit questions according to the cognitive process dimension of RBT, it was found that 157 out of 306 questions were primarily concerned with the "remembering" process. Similarly, when categorized by the knowledge dimension, 157 out of 306 questions were based on factual knowledge. In a broader assessment of the 8th grade units, the majority of questions were found to focus on lower levels of cognitive processes. Likewise, when considering the knowledge dimension of RBT, most questions were geared towards factual knowledge. Based on these findings, it is recommended that future end-of-unit evaluation questions in the SSFBDK be formulated to engage higher cognitive processes, specifically those within the metacognitive domain of the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy.
Keywords: Science Curriculum, Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, 8th grade, Textbook evaluation | |
Original Articles Occupational Analysis of Vocational Instructors with Dacum: a Case Study
Tarkan DÜZGÜNÇINAR pp. 53 - 65 Abstract The dizzying change triggered by technology in organizations has made it necessary to make quick and accurate decision-making in a multi-actor environment. To implement these decisions as soon as possible, it is necessary to have a high degree of integration in all units of the organization. And the staff must perform the tasks expected of them without any misstep. This situation forces the organizational systems to become compatible with their elements. Traditional task analysis methods applied in strict hierarchical institutions are criticized for requiring intensive labor, budget, time, and resources. In this traditional task analysis, the collection of information in a long process and with a lot of effort, the necessity of collecting data from a representative sample and the limited use of the collected data have triggered the need for new analysis methods. In this study, the job analysis of vocational instructors in an in-service training institution with a strict hierarchical structure was performed with DACUM (Developing a Curriculum), known as the new generation competency-based job analysis method. As a result of an analysis that lasted only one and half day, the duties, tasks, knowledge, skills of the instructors, the behaviors expected of them, the equipment they use, future trends of their occupation were revealed. With the results obtained from this study, it has been determined which critical issues will be considered in the selection of qualified instructors for the institution and in the performance evaluations of the instructors.
Keywords: Vocational instructor, DACUM, Duty, Task, Occupational analysis | |
Original Articles Experiences of University Students Having Lgbt Identities in Turkey
İlkay GÖKÇE, Necla ŞAHİN FIRAT pp. 66 - 80 Abstract This study aims to explore the educational, social and individual experiences and expectations of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students at various universities in Turkey. The study evaluated whether LGBT students try to conceal their identities, have difficulties making friends without prejudices, suffer negative reactions from friends and are exposed to bullying. Additionally, the effects of these problems on them and their actions to solve those problems have been examined within the scope of sub-problems of the study. A qualitative research design is used in the study, in which the data were gathered through a semi-structured interview format from 23 LGBT students. Participants in the study were recruited through the snowball sampling method. In this method, one or a few participants are initial ones, and they are asked to recommend some other participants to join the study (Parker et al, 2019). The results showed that even in the 21st century, LGBT students experience serious problems, and are looking forward to practical solutions and responses being made to address their expectations.
Keywords: LGBT, LGBT experiences, LGBT students, expectations, gender issues | |
Original Articles Organizational Dissent in High Schools: Issues, Reasons and Consequences
Müjdat GÜNTEKİN, Emine ÖNDER pp. 81 - 92 Abstract In the current study, on which issues dissent arises in schools, the reasons why it arises and the consequences of dissent for teachers, administrators and the school were examined. The study using the phenomenological design was conducted on 25 participants. In the study, data were collected with a semi-structured interview form. The collected data were analysed using content analysis. In the study, it was determined that dissent is exhibited on many issues related to instructional planning, extracurricular duties and other duties assigned. The exhibition of dissentient behaviours in these areas was attributed to various organizational, managerial and personal factors. While dissent contributes to increasing the value of the dissident teacher, it causes him/her to face many negative sanctions ranging from mobbing, threats, exclusion and change of place of duty. Dissent can lead to positive outcomes for the school administrators, such as development/empowerment and raising awareness. However, it can also result in negative consequences, including seeking support, isolation, loss of authority and removal from the position. It has positive consequences for the school such as development and creating a more democratic climate, and negative consequences such as an uneasy environment, low productivity, grouping and communication problems.
Keywords: Dissent issues in high schools, reasons of organizational dissent, consequences of organizational dissent | |
Original Articles Teaching English Passivity Via Systemic-Theoretical Instruction of Vygotskian Concept-Formation
Mohammadreza Sadeghi pp. 93 - 105 Abstract The present study investigated the impact of systemic-theoretical instruction (STI) on Iranian EFL learners’ English Passive Structure formation. In such doing, first, an Oxford Placement Test was administered among 12 Iranian EFL language learners studying in Iran. Based on the OPT scores, 50 out of 68 participants were randomly selected and divided into two equal experimental and control groups. As the main treatment, Concept Based Instruction (CBI) principles, was taught twice a week, and lasted eight weeks. At the end of the treatment, a posttest on English Passive structure with the similar content as the pretest was given to the learners, and the results were analyzed through independent sample t-test. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference between two groups’ performance in learning passive structure in posttest. In fact, the experimental group outperformed their counterparts in the control groups in terms of English Passive structure learning. Finally, the pedagogical and theoretical implications of the study were presented.
Keywords: Concept based Instruction (CBI), English Passive Structure, EFL Learners, Systemictheoretical Instruction (STI) | |
Original Articles Technological Competencies of Pre-School Principals
Yengin Sarpkaya, Nazlı Sıla Öner, Hasan Ulvi Evren pp. 106 - 120 Abstract In this case study, it is aimed to obtain the experiences and opinions of school principals working in pre-schools and academicians working in the early childhood education department regarding the technological competencies of school principals. In this study, phenomenology, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The data were obtained through interviews with 3 school principals and 5 academicians, determined by criterion sampling, through interview forms developed by the researchers. After the content analysis, the findings were gathered under seven themes. In the theme of development, it was revealed that the principals should support the technological development of the employees at the school. In the theme of safe use, it was stated that technology should be used in accordance with the age development of preschool children. In the communication and promotion theme, it has been determined that WhatsApp and e-mail are preferred for communication. In the theme of common vision, the use of technology for educational purposes is underlined. In the musthave features theme, it was revealed that the school principal should have a good command of the use of up-to-date software and hardware. In the theme of technical equipment, it was emphasized that school principals should have a good command of the use of equipment in the school. Finally, in the theme of databases, it was stated that information about students, parents and school should be stored in digital environment. In this study, it is suggested that school principals and academicians working in the pre-school teaching department should cooperate with each other.
Keywords: Technological competencies, preschool, school principals | |
Original Articles The Opinions of English Instructors Towards Mentoring at Tertiary Level
Yusuf POLAT, Mehmet BİRGÜN pp. 121 - 135 Abstract Mentoring programs are critical to teachers' professional development and provide both new and experienced teachers with the support and guidance they need. This study aims to investigate the perspectives of English language teachers who participated in a mentoring program at higher education level. A case study design was adopted within the scope of qualitative research and semistructured interviews were used to collect data from ten instructors chosen through convenience sampling. The data obtained from the interviews were then transcribed and subjected to content analysis. The findings of the study show that mentors are concerned about the lack of a wellorganized mentoring program as well as the time and resources needed for effective mentoring. The study also reveals insights into professional development, interactions between mentors and mentees, and the impact of the mentoring program. The results suggest that mentoring can be a useful strategy for advancing teachers' professional development but requires careful planning and implementation to be effective. This study contributes to the ongoing scholarly debate on mentoring and provides important insights for educators, institutions, and officials interested in implementing effective mentoring programs.
Keywords: mentoring, language instructors, professional development, teaching practices | |
Original Articles An Investigation of School Principals' Being a Manager or a Leader According to Teachers' Perspectives
Esef Hakan TOYTOK, Özgür BOLAT, Şeyda ÇALIK pp. 136 - 150 Abstract Education is a concept that creates many added values in terms of meaning and function. Today, when education is mentioned, schools come to mind. One of the most fundamental factors in determining the effectiveness of schools is school principals. The purpose of this study is to determine whether school principals are managers or leaders while performing their duties. In this context, a qualitative approach was followed in the research in order to provide in-depth information. Methodologically, the phenomenological method used in qualitative research was used. A semistructured interview form developed by the researcher in accordance with the necessary procedures was used as a data collection tool. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive analysis method. As a result of the research, according to the perspective of the teachers participating in the research, administration is defined as providing discipline, providing education with rules, and managing, while leadership is defined as leading, strong oratory, and caring about the audience. It was revealed in the results that being an executive school principal has more negative consequences than being a leader school principal, and that these negative consequences are insecure, monotonous environment and high number of sanctions for executive school principals, and lack of rules and chaos of authority for leader school principals. Limited to the school principals who participated in the research, it was seen that they behaved more like administrators than leaders in their schools.
Keywords: Administrator, Leader, School Principal, Teacher |