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pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles The Opinions of Young People on Ecological Product Development Training: a Case Study
Rabia Vezne, Ilhan Günbayi pp. 1 - 10 Abstract The aim of this research was to classify the opinions of the young people on ecological product development training they participated in a Project under Grant Scheme for Promoting Youth Employment in Sectoral Investment Areas as the reasons of joining this Project, the benefits of the Project. The research is a qualitative study with a holistic single case study design. Data were collected via interviews by using semi-structured interview form. At the end of the research, conclusions emerged under three themes. The first one was that the main reason for participating in the project was improving their skills and learning new things about ecologic product development. The second one was that young people did not do any preparation before the training. The final benefit of the Project was improving their knowledge about nature, their manual skills, and learning how to use it in their future work.
Keywords: Vocational education, ecological product development training, youth employment | |
Original Articles Nomophobia among Undergraduate Students: the Case of a Turkish State University
Nehir Yasan Ak, Soner Yıldırım pp. 11 - 20 Abstract The research aimed to investigate undergraduate students' nomophobic behavior, and its relationship with certain demographics and certain mobile phone activities. Moreover, it was explored whether there were any significant differences among the four sub-dimensions of nomophobia: “not being able to communicate”, “losing connectedness”, “not being able to access information”, and “giving up convenience”. A correlational research design was employed with a sample of 146 undergraduate students from four different faculties of a Turkish state university by using convenience sampling method. The Turkish Nomophobia Questionnaire was used for data collection. By conducting One- Way Repeated ANOVA, a significant difference between the mean scores of four dimensions was found. While the students’ scores on the fear of “losing connectedness” were significantly lower than the other three factors, the fear of “not being able to access information” had the highest mean scores. There was no difference between the factors “not being able to access information” and “not being able to communicate”. Furthermore, the Pearson’ Product Moment correlation was performed, its results indicated that there was a weak, yet significant, correlation between gender and the subdimension of “not being able to communicate”. There was also a weak positive correlation between the Internet browsing and the four dimensions of nomophobia. The study also found a weak positive correlation between learning/education and the level of “not being able to access information”.
Keywords: Nomophobia, smartphone, educational mobile phone use, undergraduate students | |
Original Articles The Education of Syrian Children in Terms of Functional and Spiritual Social Integration: a Theoretical Analysis
Beyhan Zabun pp. 21 - 27 Abstract In the current study, the formal education of the Syrian children living in Turkey who are in the position of refugees under temporary protection was investigated sociologically in terms of the two basic dimensions of social integration. Social integration are regarded in two dimensions as functional and spiritual. According to official data, there are almost 4 million Syrians living in Turkey. The integration of 4 million people to the social structure is a hard process with all its dimensions. Education is the most important instrument of the Integration process. One of the significant functions of formal education is to make the individual a member of community. Being a sociological phenomenon, integration corresponds with the social integration and the objectives of education. While socialization and cultural heritage transfer, as the objectives of education, aims at spiritual integration, the purpose of political function, economic function and the function of developing the individual are functional integration.
Keywords: Education, Social Integration, Functional Integration, Spiritual Integration |