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pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles An Investigation into Parental Disciplinary Measures and Effects in China
Shi Li, Ingrid Harrington pp. 1 - 11 Abstract The study investigated 13 high school students in Xi’an China on 1) disciplinary measures adopted by their parents, 2) the effects on their academic performance and affection for their parents. the method of in-depth interview was adopted and NVivo was employed in data analysis. The results from this investigation show that 1) physical punishment with good reason in early childhood can be forgiven by them after entering into high school, 2) constructive verbal discipline is the most effective method of discipline for academic performance and the development of a parent-child bond, 3) nagging has a detrimental effect on both school performance and the intergenerational relationship.
Keywords: parental discipline, constructive verbal discipline, academic performance, affection for parents | |
Original Articles The Future of Distance Education in Educational Organizations: Transformation and Innovation
Hilal ERKOL pp. 12 - 27 Abstract In the current study, on which issues dissent arises in schools, the reasons why it arises and the consequences of dissent for teachers, administrators and the school were examined. The study using the phenomenological design was conducted on 25 participants. In the study, data were collected with a semi-structured interview form. The collected data were analysed using content analysis. In the study, it was determined that dissent is exhibited on many issues related to instructional planning, extracurricular duties and other duties assigned. The exhibition of dissentient behaviours in these areas was attributed to various organizational, managerial and personal factors. While dissent contributes to increasing the value of the dissident teacher, it causes him/her to face many negative sanctions ranging from mobbing, threats, exclusion and change of place of duty. Dissent can lead to positive outcomes for the school administrators, such as development/empowerment and raising awareness. However, it can also result in negative consequences, including seeking support, isolation, loss of authority and removal from the position. It has positive consequences for the school such as development and creating a more democratic climate, and negative consequences such as an uneasy environment, low productivity, grouping and communication problems.
Keywords: Dissent issues in high schools, reasons of organizational dissent, consequences of organizational dissent | |
Original Articles Transforming Stem Instruction Through Socioscientific Issues Focused Professional Development
Joseph JOHNSON, Becky MATHERS, Lisa MARCO-BUJOSA, Gabrielle IALACCI pp. 28 - 43 Abstract This study reports the findings of a two-year intensive professional development (PD) program situated in the northeastern United States for secondary mathematics and science teachers to support them in transforming their STEM instruction to incorporate SocioScientific Issues (SSI). This PD focused on developing units of study that integrated student-centered, authentic learning experiences grounded in social justice issues. Findings indicate that after participation in the USTRIVE project, teachers displayed growth in their ability to incorporate components of the instructional framework for SSI introduced in the PD into their teaching. This is consistent with previous research that SSI-focused PD can increase teachers’ knowledge of, and teaching practices toward SSI, resulting in more meaningful STEM learning experiences for students. As such, the USTRIVE PD model and framework may provide a useful guide for other SSI and social justice PD programs. Connections of these findings to student engagement, teachers learning, and challenges encountered in SSI implementation are explored.
Keywords: SocioScientific Issues, Social Justice, Professional Development, STEM Education | |
Original Articles The Reputation of the Teaching Profession: Discourse and Education Policies Towards Teachers During the Justice and Development Party Period
Şenay SEZGİN NARTGÜN, Alper ÖZOCAK pp. 44 - 62 Abstract With this research, the discourse on teachers and perceptions of teaching in education policies during the Justice and Development Party period explains the reputation of the teaching profession in detail. The research was designed using a holistic multiple case study method, which is a qualitative research method. These formation states constitute the explanations for the policy determinations of the Justice and Development Party. The study group consisted of 16 teachers working in the Mudurnu district of Bolu Province in the 2022/2023 academic year. According to their views, as a result of the evaluation of the views on the discourse and education policies towards teachers during the Justice and Development Party period in terms of the reputation of the teaching profession, it has been concluded that government officials have many discourses and policies that damage the reputation of the teaching profession. It is recommended that government officials should be more careful both in the policies they develop and in their discourse. In this direction, it is suggested that government officials should receive in-service discourse training after taking office. As a result of the research, policy makers are recommended to review the issues that are thought to harm the reputation of the teaching profession in discourses and policies according to the participants and make the necessary arrangements.
Keywords: Justice and Development Party, Reputation, Teaching Profession | |
Original Articles The Effect of Kahoot Supported Rebus Application on Gifted Students' Cognitive Structures and Views on Astronomy
İbrahim BENEK pp. 63 - 78 Abstract This study was planned to determine the effect of the rebus application developed on astronomy on the cognitive structures and views of gifted students. The research was designed according to phenomenological design, one of the qualitative research methods. In the research, firstly, using the canva programme, which is one of the web 2.0 tools, the rebuses for 25 different astronomy concepts were created and the created rebuses were integrated into the kahoot programme, which is also a web 2.0 tool. The developed application was applied for 8 weeks in the 2022-2023 academic year to 20 gifted students who were studying in a Science and Art Centre (SAC) in the east of Turkey and who were determined by the easily accessible case sampling method. The data of the study were collected with Word Association Test (WAT) and semi-structured interview form. The WAT was administered to all students in the study group before and after the application. The data obtained from the word association test were evaluated by creating frequency and percentage tables. Content analysis method was used to analyse the data collected through interviews. In the study, it was concluded that the application had a positive effect on the cognitive structures of gifted students on astronomy. In addition, the students stated that they learnt new and useful information with the application, enjoyed the process and found the application educational and instructive.
Keywords: Astronomy, gifted, mind and intelligence game, rebus, kahoot | |
Original Articles Examining the 21St Century Skills Competencies of Students in a High School
Seda KILIÇ, Memet KARAKUŞ pp. 79 - 93 Abstract It is known that 21st century skills, especially knowledge, skills, character and meta-learning dimensions, are needed by people in our developing and changing age. The aim of this study is to examine the four-dimensional 21st century skills of students studying in a high school in terms of some variables. The study was conducted according to mixed research method and enriched design was used. The study was carried out with 179 students (98 female, 81 male) at different levels studying in a multi-programme high school in Gaziantep province. "Personal Information Form", "Questionnaire for Determining Students' Views on 21st Century Skills" and "Form for Determining Teachers' Views on Students' 21st Century Skills" were used as data collection tools in the study. When the results of the applied measurement tools were examined, it was determined that the students had 21st century skills (knowledge, skills, character, meta-learning) at an average level, and there was no differentiation according to gender and class level.
Keywords: 21st Century Skills, Secondary School, Curriculum Development, Four Dimensional Education | |
Original Articles The Relationship between Ethical Climate of Schools and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction
Safiye Pınar KORKMAZ, Saadet KURU CETİN pp. 94 - 110 Abstract This study aimed to find out the relationship between ethical climate of schools and teachers’ job satisfactıon. The population of this descriptive study consisted of the public school teachers employed at primary, secondary, and high schools in 2018-2019 educational year. Each Public school teacher employed at primary, secondary, and high schools was considered as a subpopulation and the samples were designated for each group. The Sample of the study consisted of 298 primary school teachers, 322 elementary school teachers and 357 high school teachers. Ethical Climate scale, which was originally developed by Victor and Cullen (1993) and was adapted to Turkish by Eser (2007) and the Minnessota Satisfaction Scale, which was originally developed by Weiss, Davis, England and Lofquist (1967) and was adapted to Turkish by Baycan (1985), were used as data collection tools. According to the results of this study, schools’ instrumental, caring, indepence, rules, and laws and codes of ethical climate are at moderate levels. Besides teachers’ inner satisfactions and external satisfactions are at high levels. The results show that teachers’ inner satisfactions and external satisfactions predict the ethical climates of schools. According to the results of the study, some suggestions were made about the ethical climate of schools and teachers’ job satisfactions.
Keywords: Ethics, ethical climate, job satisfaction, teacher | |
Original Articles Analysing the Activıties to Develop Language Skills in Primary School
Dilek KIRNIK pp. 111 - 122 Abstract The aim of this study is to examine the activities carried out by primary school classroom teachers to develop students' language skills. Case study method was used in the study conducted according to the qualitative research model. The study group of the research was determined according to the convenience sampling method. In the study, Turkish lessons of 7 classroom teachers teaching at different grade levels were observed. Observation form and researcher diary were used in the study. The research data were analysed according to descriptive and content analysis methods. As a result of the research, while colouring and line studies, dictation studies were carried out in the first grade, activities such as visualising events in the mind, using a dictionary, and writing greeting cards were carried out in the second grade. In the third grade, free writing and summarising the text were carried out, while in the fourth grade, debate, preparing a poster about the subject and making inferences from the text were carried out. It was observed that speaking skills were not sufficiently included in the classroom practices of primary school Turkish lessons.
Keywords: Language skills, Turkish, classroom teacher, primary education | |
Original Articles “I Want to Be a Teacher-Researcher!” Self-Evaluation of Candidate Teachers Participating in the Tübitak 2237 Project
İrem NAMLI ALTINTAŞ, Dilek ÜNVEREN pp. 123 - 141 Abstract 21st century skills are linked to teachers' professional development. The concept of teacherresearcher also emerged with this connection. This study is the product of a TUBITAK project that aimed to explain the concept of teacher researchers to prospective teachers. In other words, this project has been developed to better explain the concept of teacher-researchers, which supports teachers' active involvement in both teaching and research processes, to pre-service teachers and to increase their awareness of this concept. The project offered courses to prospective teachers under the titles of thinking education, scientific research methods, and skill learning. These courses were given online by expert teachers and faculty members working at various universities. The study lasted 6 days in practice and self-evaluation feedback was received twice at the end of the applications. 30 teacher candidates from different branches participated in the research voluntarily. At the end of the research, we conducted self-evaluation practices. We designed the study as a case study model to show how the program progresses. We used content analysis as the method for analysis. After the teacher candidates completed their self-evaluation, we identified 4 main themes. "Self-Evaluation, Expectation From the Project, Functionality Of the Project, and Practices In the Project". As a result, it was concluded that the project was able to reach teacher candidates who have the potential of the researcher teacher to think scientifically, democratically and critically.
Keywords: Teacher-Researchers, Professional Development, Self-Evaluation |