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pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Learning Analytics: Assessment of Mass Data in Distance Education
Mehmet FIRAT, T. Volkan YUZER pp. 1 - 8 Abstract The e-learning environment and its instruments have diversified with computer and internet technologies and provided new opportunities for open and distance educational researchers. As a result of the widespread use of the electronic environment in education, learner interactions were also transferred into the electronic environment. One of the important advantages of this new environment is being able to record learner interactions in considerable detail. In the electronic environment, the frequently of access of a learner to content, the duration and times of such access, the user’s progress, the diversity of sources the user accesses, the subjects the user shares, the times, quantity, and party the user engages in sharing can be recorded utilizing a computer and information technologies. Analysis of all such data led to appearance of learning analytics as a new field. Learning analytics was defined as a due field aiming to access trends or structures utilizing large educational data in order to move customized higher education forward in the report of New Media Consortium (NMC) on higher education published in 2014. This study presents a theoretical starting point of learning analytics, definitions made in related literature, scope and structure of the field, research environments and tools as well as suggestions for studies to be conducted in the field.
Keywords: Learning Analytics, distance education, data mining, massive data analyze, mass data in education | |
Original Articles Causes of School Failure from Teacher and Student’s Perspective
Emine ONDER pp. 9 - 22 Abstract In this research, the aim is to determine causes of the failure in a school that was placed second to last as per TEOG average scores despite being located in Burdur city center. This research is in descriptive research model, and a mixed study designed according to both quantitative and qualitative research approach. Study group of the research consists of 11 school teachers and 171 students of the school in question. In the research, quantitative data was collected from students through the causes of failure determination survey, and qualitative data was obtained from teachers through open-ended questions. Quantitative data was examined with descriptive analyses and chi-square test, qualitative data was examined though content analysis. As a result of analyses, it is clearly understood that causes of students’ failure show so much diversity. It has been observed that causes such as inability to ask questions to teachers on issues students do not understand, quickly forgetting what they learn and inability to take good notes show significant difference as per upper and lower success group, and hat students pull such situations to forefront as reasons for failure. As a result of the content analysis, it is understood that teachers explain causes of failure under themes of family, student and school.
Keywords: Causes of failure, mixed study designed, school, teacher and student’s perspective | |
Original Articles Individual Contributions to Infollution (Information Pollution):Trust and Share
Sebnem OZDEMIR pp. 23 - 33 Abstract Information, from the rawest condition to the most valuable form, is the most important and undeniable power of the age we live in. However, gaining this power is quite difficult because of many reasons. For example, information cannot be used in the way it is obtained or it cannot be effectively accessed in a way to fulfill the need. The individuals, who have the capacity to process limited information, struggle with certain problems such as excessive increase regarding information or information overload. As a result, they are exposed to infollution (information pollution). When the role of the individuals on producing and spreading information is taken into consideration, it is possible to accept that they are also effective in the concept of information pollution. The general purpose of this study is to understand the contribution of individuals to information pollution. The special purpose of the study is to identify the main criteria that make individuals effectively using social media believe the trueness of the shared information and the driving forces behind sharing the abovementioned information whose trueness they believe in. In line with this purpose, sample group consisting of 541 individuals was asked open-ended and likert-type questions and their contributions to information pollution were analyzed through a case study. The obtained data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. As a result of the study, it was understood that high school students constituting the majority of the sample group were very effective on information pollution and they did not have consciousness level regarding not sharing inaccurate information on digital world.
Keywords: Information Pollution (Info Pollution, Infollution), Polluter, Digital Natives, Information Overload | |
Original Articles The Investigation of the Learning Styles of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers by Some Variables
Abdulkadir TUNA, Ahmet KACAR pp. 34 - 42 Abstract This study aimed at determining the learning styles of pre-service mathematics teachers and investigating whether such learning styles varied by some variables (grade, type of high school graduated, and sex). The study, which was a descriptive one, was conducted on 126 pre-service mathematics teachers attending a state university located in the north of Turkey in the 2013-2014 academic year. Kolb’s Learning Styles Inventory was employed for determining the learning styles of the pre-service teachers. It was seen that the pre-service mathematics teachers predominantly had the converging learning style. In addition, it was found out that the learning styles of the pre-service mathematics teachers varied by grade.
Keywords: Mathematics education, pre-service mathematics teachers, learning styles | |
Original Articles Contemporary Matter on Communication Education: Technological Lack
Sedat CERECI pp. 43 - 49 Abstract This study investigates character of communication education, and evaluates communication need of people, and handles relation between communication and contemporary requirements, and emphasizes contemporary requirements on communication education. Industrial Revolution and technological developments also conributed communication technics and proved numerous technological facilities for communication. Education in the world also use developed technology in any department and communicaiton education especially necessities high technological faciliities in schools. Many high schools and universities have communication departmens and most of them use contemporary technological facilities, but they are not sufficient. Communication departments in educational organizations in Turkey have computer classrooms and monitors and cameras and microphones and telephones and different softwares and others. But despite all this, technological facilities and teaching methods are not sufficient because of contemporary developments. Technology developes rapidly due to hopes of people and technological facilities in education can not catch developments and people always hope more.
Keywords: Communication education, technology, contemporary requirements, technics | |
Original Articles Serendipitous Faculty Development Through Infographic Active Learning Exploration
Janet T. DAVIDSON, Jace HARGIS pp. 50 - 60 Abstract This study explores two important college classroom events. First, is enhancing student engagement using a more active learning technique, which is distinctively different than the instructor’s traditional didactic and discussion format. Second, is the specific utility of integrating appropriate, relevant and meaningful (ARM) technology, such as an Infographic as an active learning assessment tool. Students in an introductory Criminal Justice class were assigned Infographics as a way to collaborate and as an alternative assessment to a final exam. Results demonstrate that the Infographic provides a meaningful experience for both the professor and the student. Students ultimately connected with the material in a more authentic way, and they learned to collaborate with their colleagues to produce a thoughtful, informative, and attractive artifact. Students also felt that the Infographic was a meaningful way to attain, synthesize and ultimately express knowledge.
Keywords: Active learning, Collaboration, ARM Instructional Technology, Infographics | |
Original Articles Usage of Technology for Prisoner Distance Learners: Anadolu University Oef Case
Ugur DEMIRAY, Sezen UNLU, Serap SUGUR, Incilay CANGOZ, Esra Pınar UCA GUNES pp. 61 - 75 Abstract Around the world, various correctional jurisdictions are struggling to enable the delivery of higher education into prisons. At a time when universities are moving increasingly online, very often access to the internet is restricted or disallowed in correctional environments. Many universities, leading in distance education provide in their countries in which they are based, are delivering higher education into prisons using technology to varying extents. This paper reports on distance education into prisons, particularly using technology, in Turkey, by Anadolu University. In Open Education Faculty jurisdictions, in prisoner access to computer hardware, personal devices and to the internet. How these differences impact on the delivery of distance education is explored with an examination of various learning initiatives and lessons learned.
Keywords: Distance Education, prisoner, using technology, open education faculty, Turkey | |
Original Articles Validity and Reliability Studies of Recognizing and Comprehending Emotions Test
Elif UNAL BOZCAN, Mufit KOMLEKSIZ pp. 76 - 89 Abstract The main purpose of this study is to reveal the results of validity and reliability tests of Recognizing and Comprehending Emotions Test designed to make assessment on the 6-year-old (60 to 72 months) children in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. In the study, samples comprise of a total of 108 children, of which, 49 are girls and 59 are boys. Recognizing and Comprehending Emotions Test is a test consisting of two part, the “Recognizing Emotions” part and the “Comprehending Emotions” part. In order to assess the construct validity of these tests, a “Principal Component Analysis” using the varimax rotation was preferred during exploratory factor analysis. As a result of factor analysis of “Recognizing Emotions” and “Comprehending Emotions” tests, five-factor structures were obtained. These structures were confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. Recognizing Emotions test included ten photographs consisting of facial expressions of anger, fear, bewilderment, shame, and disgust, and in Comprehending Emotions test, ten items pertaining to everyday emotional states children may encounter, such as happiness, sadness, anger, bewilderment and shame were present. For reliability, KR-20 internal consistency coefficients are calculated. Data from the analysis provided evidence to the fact that Recognizing and Comprehending Emotions Test is a valid and reliable test.
Keywords: Emotional Skill, Recognizing Emotions, Comprehending Emotions | |
Original Articles Based on Social Media Relationship Marketing Approach: a Study on Anadolu University Open Education System Website and the Facebook Network
Berrin OZKANAL, Gulendam UYGUCGIL pp. 90 - 108 Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relational marketing approach based on social media as marketing communication strategy according to the students’ opinions in making, the continuation and the development contact open and distance education institutions with current and prospective students. The study was performed with questionnaires administered through the corporate website of Open Education System with enrolled students in Anadolu University Open Education System. With the survey questions satisfaction brand loyalty, interactive communication and views on usability elements for service providers of corporate website and the Facebook network was evaluated. In the study, Anadolu University Open Education System website and Facebook network cannot meet enough expectations of students within the framework of relationship marketing approach based on social media has emerged.
Keywords: Open and distance education, social media, relationship marketing | |
Original Articles A Group of On-Campus Efl Learners’ Readiness for Internet-Based Distance Language Learning
Dilek ALTUNAY pp. 109 - 117 Abstract This study investigates the learner beliefs of a group of on-campus students about Internet-based language learning and the language learning activities that they do on the Internet in order to determine their readiness for a potential distance language learning course. The participants of the study are 62 first year EFL students in a public university in Turkey. A 5-point Likert scale-based questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaire was prepared by the researcher in Turkish. The participants of the study think that use of the Internet is effective in language learning. Yet, half of the participants favor the traditional classroom environment to learn English. Among the other half, the number of undecided participants is higher than the ones who favour the Internet-based language learning environments. The study shows that the participants use the Internet mostly for translation and learning vocabulary, but they do not use it for interaction and as a knowledge-sharing platform.
Keywords: Internet-based language learning, EFL, learner beliefs, learner activities, distance language learning |