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pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles The Investigation of the Prospective Teachers’ Opinions Related to Peer Assessment: a Qualitative Study
Irfan YURDABAKAN pp. 1 - 12 Abstract The aim of this study is to analyze the opinions of prospective teachers’ opinions on peer assessment. The research was conducted in Buca Education Faculty Primary School Mathematics Department, third grade course “Measurement and Evaluation in Education”. There were in 46 participants in the study (m=20, f=26). The study lasted for 5 weeks. The lessons were conducted according to cooperative learning method. At the end of sessions peer assessments were conducted and students’ written opinions on the implementation were received. Students’ responses were coded with Maxqda12 software program for qualitative research in order to analyze and organize the data. In the end two themes emerged. First were the positive and second were the negative opinions. The positive opinions were grouped under four sub-themes as accurate assessment, perform the task, rating learning, and confidentiality, whereas there were three negative sub-themes as reliability, impartiality, and concern.
Keywords: Peer assessment, prospective teacher, cooperative learning | |
Original Articles The Comparison of Hairdresser-Customer Communication: the Analysis of Communication Themes in Barbershops
Ruchan GOKDAG pp. 13 - 20 Abstract Nowadays, people cannot communicate effectively in their families and they cannot solve their problems. This lack of communication even is seen in workplaces. People do not want to listen to each other’s problems and cannot tell their problems to anybody. When they go to their hairdressers, they get a chance to tell their problems. Hairdressers resemble a therapy center while also being a place for personal care. Thus, people sharing their secrets and problems in hairdressers get rid of their stress. This study consists of the topics discussed in hairdressers. Also, it examines the secrets shared by the customers about their personal lives. At this point, fourteen male barbers and thirteen female hairdressers were interrogated and whether there is difference between the topics discussed at these barbershops were scrutinized. In the end, the similarities and differences in topics were revealed in themes.
Keywords: Male barbers, female hairdressers, interpersonal communication, similarities, differences, gender | |
Original Articles Technological Sufficiency on Communication: Modern Conditions
Sedat CERECI pp. 21 - 28 Abstract The biggest problem in the world recently is migration and one of the most problematic groups is immigrants. While immigrants experience the trauma of migration, they also try to adapt to the new settlement. They need a lot of information and attention. Immigrants must first learn the local language and then adapt to the urban culture. Immigrants who have gone through a difficult process need a serious therapy and integration course. This means a comprehensive training process. Immigrants experiencing psychological trauma, need professional trainers to adapt to the new settlement and change their behavior. Immigrants migrate sometimes for economic reasons, sometimes for political reasons, and sometimes for other reasons. But in any case, all immigrants need serious therapy, language, adaptation and behavioral training. Education ensures the recovery of immigrants and facilitates their adaptation process. A convenient environment and an education with professional educators make it easier for immigrants to adapt to the city in a short time and to quickly grasp the culture of the city. A successful immigration education requires a detailed infrastructure and intensive preparation. In immigrant education, first of all, it is necessary to understand and empathize with the immigrant psychology. It should not be forgotten that the immigrant has a confused, helpless, timid psychology that feels lonely and defenseless. It is the most appropriate way for immigrant education to be carried out by individuals who have special education, knowledge of psychology and who have a wide range of subjects from sociology to urban planning.
Keywords: Education, migration, immigrants, immigrant psychology, urban | |
Original Articles Analyzing the Relationship between School Readiness and Peer Relations of Five-Year-Old Children
Ozgul POLAT, Nevra ATIS AKYOL pp. 29 - 39 Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between school readiness and peer relations of five-year-old children’s. The sample group of research consisted of 300 preschoolers. The data of this study were collected with the help of Personal Information Form, “Marmara Primary School Readiness Test” and “The Child Behavior Scale”. As a result of statistical analyses, positive relationships were found between the children's peer relations social behavior subscale scores and school readiness math skills, science skills, sound skills, drawing skills, labyrinth skills, cognitive and language development, social-emotional development, physical development and self-care skills subscales. In other words, children who show more frequent prosocial behaviors had higher levels of school readiness in the sample group. Furthermore, negative relationships were observed between some subscales of school readiness and children's peer relationships aggression, asocial behaviors, anxiety-fear behaviors, exclusion and hyperactivity sub dimensions. So children who show more frequent negative behaviors in peer relations had lower levels in some subscales.
Keywords: Preschool education, peer relations, school readiness, five-year-old children | |
Original Articles Nursing Students’ Level of Knowledge on Family Centered Care
Ayla KAYA, Serife TUTAR GUVEN, Aysegul ISLER DALGIC pp. 40 - 49 Abstract The aim of the study was investigate the nursing students' level of knowledge on family centered care. The study included 172 third year nursing students who were enrolled in pediatric nursing course in Akdeniz University Faculty of Nursing. The data were collected with a Personal Informatin Form and the Family Centered Care Knowledge Form and they were analyzed with number, percentage, and chi-square tests. A majority of students agreed that it is of utmost importance to seek an assent in writing from parents and encourage them to participate in the decision-making processes and care practice. The students expressed their concerns about informing the parents and inviting them to share their anxieties and questions with the nurse. It is suggested to prioritize family centered care to enhance the well-being of the children and their parent and to standardize the care quality in collaboration with the health professionals and the family.
Keywords: Family-centered care, hospitalized children, nursing students | |
Original Articles Pediatric Nursing Students’ Status of Liking of Children and Affecting Factors
Serife TUTAR GUVEN, Ayla KAYA, Aysegul ISLER DALGIC pp. 50 - 56 Abstract The study was a quasi-experimental design with the objective to determine the status of liking of children of pediatric nursing students. 172 students who were attending the 2015-2016 school year and taking pediatric nursing course in Akdeniz University, Faculty of Nursing participated in the research. Data were collected by the “Personal Information Form” and the “Barnett Status of Liking of Children Scale”. It was determined that the average age of the students were 20.93±0.90, 73.3% of them were women. It was seen that there is increase between the pretest points (min=27, max=98, av=74.77±14.17) and the posttest points (min=40, max=98, av=80.40±13.01) which the students took from the status of liking of children scale, but this increase was not statistically meaningful (p<0.05). It is highly important for pediatric nurses to understand the physical, intellectual, emotional and social developmental differences of children and to exhibit the necessary love and attention to them.
Keywords: Pediatric nursing, nursing student, status of liking of children | |
Original Articles Developmentally Appropriate Behaviour Management: Turkish Preschool Teachers’ Practices
Ikbal Tuba SAHIN SAK, Ramazan SAK pp. 57 - 64 Abstract Behaviour management is vital to the establishment and maintenance of a positive classroom environment and to children’s development of self-control. In the classroom-management literature, there have been numerous studies of sub-topics such as rules, classroom-management strategies, and reward-and-punishment systems. This study looked at the actual practices of Turkish preschool teachers related to developmentally appropriate behaviour management, considered as a dimension of classroom management. Twenty teachers working in public schools were observed for 10 hours each on various days of the week, guided by the Developmentally Appropriate Classroom Management Observation Form (Şahin, 2013). Many of these teachers’ developmentally inappropriate practices were related to rules: e.g., establishing too many, not presenting them in the classroom, and not creating opportunities to discuss them. Developmentally appropriate practices mostly related to empowering children, focusing on positive behaviour and showing consistent reactions to children’s behaviour. However, teachers usually exhibited developmentally inappropriate practices when it came to coaching children to solve their conflicts and exemplifying pro-social behaviours.
Keywords: developmentally appropriate practice, classroom management, behaviour management, actual practices | |
Original Articles An Integration of Social Paradigms into the Analysis of Social Development Theories
Sath SORM, Ilhan GUNBAYI pp. 65 - 83 Abstract Of all social paradigms, the four paradigms provide alternative outlooks on the social nature by seeing in different views. In terms of rational approach, they’ve been deployed subjective-objective standpoint to discover the reality through debating two poles of analysis, the sociology of radical change and regulation dimension. The objective of this article aims at integrating the social paradigms into the analysis of the social development theories and to suggest an approach to apply the four paradigms as the analytical tool to interpret the social development theories. The basic method which was deployed to explain the theories was originated from the model of social theory analysis Burrell and Morgan (1979). In application, the process of analysis was carried out in four steps. It is conclude that the integration is compatible and some of them are able to be employed with only one paradigm while others are able to be sequentially applied with two paradigms.
Keywords: Development, Paradigm, Radical change, Society, Status quo | |
Original Articles Investigation of 60-72 Months Children Communication Skills by Age, Gender, Parent’s Education Level and Parenting Styles Variables
Alev ÖNDER, Asude BALABAN DAĞAL, Duygu ŞALLI pp. 84 - 93 Abstract Child needs support in order to be evolved socialization process. In this process the child receives support from the family members, especially father and mother (Andı, F, 2014). The family affection, attention towards child and creating confident environment for child are building blocks for child’s success and child’s compatible participation in society (Durmuş, R, 1996). Generally the parents are the first teacher of child. In fact some of the parents’ reactions reinforce certain behaviors and some others have discouraging effect in determining the goals and values. In imitating process while children imitate most of their parents’ personality traits, moral, cultural values and standards are also adopted (Durmuş, R,2006). Also children learn the way of expressing and governing themselves from their parents. The parent’s treatment and imposed discipline shape the child's personality and other individual characteristics (Zeteroğlu, E, 2014). The parents’personality traits, values, attitudes, behaviors towards children, and social experiences opportunities in which provided in the first year of child life are effective in acquiring social skills (Andı, F, 2014). The common social skill with the purpose of acquiring is communication skill (Hinde, 1974, akt: Dökmen, 2006). All shares between people, revulsion, emotions, and the effect of revulsion on the people and transferring of all referred items from person to person or preceding them will be performed by means of communication. According to the Demiray (2010) it is the sharing and acquiring process that makes it possible to share certain kinds of information (Kaşgarlı,2014). The sample of the study, which was randomly selected from Istanbul province were 162 60-72 months state preschool kindergarten children and their parents. The “communication skills scale of 5-6 years children” which was filled out by their teachers (Önder.A, Dağal.A, Şallı.D, 2015) and “the parent’s style scale” (Önder. A, Gülay. H, 2009) were considered in the common study. Can parent’s child’s rearing style affect 60-72 month old children communication skills? Will be the main question of this study. The demographic information form and the scale of communication skills were applied to children at their preschools kindergarten. The scale of child rearing styles was handed International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications October 2016 Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Article: 09 ISSN 1309-6249 Copyright © International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications / 85 to parents at their home, all parents were from middle socio-economic level. The research design was shaped by the descriptive analysis of the quantitative analysis model. This research evaluates the specific independent variables effects on dependent variables, so, as it is possible to do onedimensional comparison, and the dependent variables effect can be tested on multiple independent variables. The analysis of data was done with relying on independent t-test, one way ANOVA and univariate ANOVA. The results indicated that the parents’ with higher education level increase effectively the communication skill of children. The parents’ child rearing styles, children’s age and gender had no effect on children’s communication skill development. The results were discussed in terms of related researches in this issue.
Keywords: 60-72 months children, communication styles, parenting styles, gender, parent’s education level | |
Original Articles The Opinions of the Disabled Participants and Educators on Erasmus+ Ka2 Project: a Case Study
Ivan HROMATKO, Rabia VEZNE, İlhan GÜNBAYI pp. 94 - 107 Abstract The aim of this research is to classify the opinions of the disabled and non-disabled participants and educators on Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project as the reasons of joining this Project, the preparations before the Project and the benefits of the Project. The research is a qualitative study with a multiple holistic case study design. Data were collected via interviews by using semi-structured interview form. At the end of the research, conclusions emerged under three themes. The first one was that the main reason for joining the project was improving their skills and learning how to work with disabled people in a theatre setting. The second one was that preparations of participants before the Project were searching about training subject and hosting country. The final benefit of the Project was improving their key competences and learning how to use theatre in educational and therapeutic work with and for disabled people.
Keywords: Erasmus+ Project, Disabled People, Educational Theatre |