Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles The Process of Constructing Absolute Value Function Knowledge for High School Students
Yasemin KATRANCI, Murat ALTUN pp. 1 - 13 Abstract In recent years, there have been important changes in the construction of learning environment due to the scientific developments regarding cognitive process. This study aims to analyze high school students’ processes regarding construction of the knowledge in the absolute value function in a learning environment prepared according to the recent developments. Using a case study method with a volunteer high school student regarding the teaching part of the project, this study has proposed two problems which expected to give student an opportunity to use his/her pre-experience and knowledge in a maximum level, and these two problems have been used respectively. The study has found out that, in solving the later problem, the student used the knowledge that s/he had acquired from the first two problems and that s/he would be able to conceptualize the absolute value function correctly in a certain level. The study has also found out a certain contribution of using environmental incidents and problems to teaching functions.
Keywords: Abstraction process, Absolute value function, Construction theory | |
Original Articles The Impact of Constructive Feedback-Based Journal Writing on Teachers’ Professional Identity Development
Gholamreza ABBASIAN, Delaram POURMANDNIA pp. 14 - 30 Abstract Providing feedback has been considered to greatly improve language learners’ overall competence in a wide variety of contexts. However, one area that has been least studied is providing feedback to language teachers and investigating the probable positive contributions to improving their professional prospects. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the impact of constructive feedback-based journal writing on teachers’ professional identity development. To this end, twenty-two EFL teachers participated in this study. A standard questionnaire was administered as both the pretest and posttest after the treatment. The analysis of the collected data was carried out through one paired-samples t-test. The results indicated that in spite of revealing slight improvement for the posttest over the pretest, constructive feedback-based journal writing did not significantly developed teachers’ professional identity. Although, the reported results were not statistically significant, more investigation is merited to further shed light on the implications of this less-searched sphere of language teaching.
Keywords: Constructive Feedback, Journal Writing, Reflective Teaching, Professional Identity | |
Original Articles A Conceptual Framework Examining the Antecedents of Career Decisiveness Using Motivation Systems Theory
Srabasti CHATTERJEE pp. 31 - 41 Abstract An extensive body of vocational research has been dedicated to the topic of career-decision making behaviour. Work is integral to human functioning, and all psychologists need to understand the role of work in people’s lives. Understanding factors influencing work choices and helping individuals effectively make career decisions is the focus of vocational psychologists. The external changes, such as shifts in the economy and labour force, as well as initiatives within the field are challenging the assumptions within vocational psychology. Under such circumstances, it becomes more important to study career decisiveness and more importantly examine the process of career planning which eventually leads to career decisiveness. So there is a need to assess attitudes, expectations, and emotions about one’s career in the form of Career Future Inventory to measure career choice or career decisiveness. Career decisiveness (CD) has been an instrumental tool for vocational psychologists and a phenomenon of interest to parents, faculty, school counsellors, and others who advise young adults on their career choices. The current study shall investigate the antecedents and consequences of career decisiveness using the Motivational Systems Theory (MST). The major rational of applying MST is to understand career choice has its impetus both on the individual and contextual factors.
Keywords: Career decisiveness, motivation systems theory, career planning attitude | |
Original Articles Effect of Cooperative Learning Model on Science and Technology Laboratory Practices Lesson
Yasemin KOC, Seda OKUMUS, Bilge OZTURK pp. 42 - 57 Abstract Laboratories are the settings which provide facilities enabling students and teachers to gain unique experiences that are hard to get in other ways. Science lessons learned through experiments improve students’ motivation and enable them to learn science persistently. What is important in science learning is that students face a wide variety of materials in conducting science laboratory processes. Using these materials in laboratories requires a high degree of readiness. At this point, it is very important to determine which method we will apply to students and with which approach we can improve their success. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the effect of learning together model which is used in implementation of cooperative learning model on academic success, attitudes towards the lesson of students who attend the science and technology laboratory lesson. Sample of the study consists of a total 43 students from two classes in second – grade in the department of primary school teaching who attended the science and technology lesson during 2010 – 2011 academic year. With the method of cluster sampling, one class was determined as experiment group and the other as control group. Learning together method used in the implementation of cooperative learning model was applied to experiment group and proof based method used in traditional laboratory applications was used for control group. Data were gathered with data collecting instruments called Prior Knowledge Test (PKT), Experiment Achievement Test (EAT). Experiment Retention Test (ERT) and Science and Technology Lesson Attitude Scale (STLAS). Data analyze showed a significant difference favor of experiment group between control and experiment groups in view of academic success, retention of knowledge and attitudes towards science.
Keywords: Cooperative Learning Model, Learning Together Method, Proof Based Method, Retention of Knowledge, Science and Technology Laboratory | |
Original Articles Reducing Depression among Iranian Girl Pupils: Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (Cbt)
Abbas Madandar ARANI, Lida KAKIA pp. 58 - 62 Abstract Depression is one of the most common psychological disorders. In recent years, cognitive-behavioral group therapy has received more attention for treating depression. The main purpose of present study is to examine the effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on reducing depression among girl pupils of Junior high schools of Tehran city. The method of research is quasi-experimental. Multiple Cluster Sampling technique was employed to select 16 pupils and then they were randomly divided to each of control and case groups. After participation of experimental group at CBT meetings, all of the participants took pre-test and post- test. Data were analyzed using dependent t- student test. The findings revealed that there is significant difference between two groups at pre- post test results regarding Back Depression Inventory. The findings of present study provide empirical supports for the effects of CBT on girl pupils' depression reduction at junior high schools.
Keywords: Group counseling, cognitive-behavioral approach, depression | |
Original Articles Language Learners’ Attitudes and Beliefs: Brief Review of the Related Literature and Frameworks
Seyyed Behrooz HOSSEINI, Delaram POURMANDNIA pp. 63 - 74 Abstract Learning a language is influenced by a variety of factors. Two of the most important of which are the learner’s attitude and perception toward the target language. These are the concepts which have been the focal points of sociolinguists as far as learner behavior is concerned. Therefore, this study was conducted in an attempt to provide an account of the previous studies conducted on attitude and perception and their impacts on learners’ learning abilities. Motivation, as a determining factor in learning, in relation to language performance is going to be discussed as well. Additionally, different frameworks for the classification of learners’ belief will be discussed and relevant conclusions will be drawn.
Keywords: Attitude, Perception, Belief, Motivation, Integrativeness | |
Original Articles An Exploration of Undergraduate Engineering, Education, Art's and Sciences Students’ Chemistry Laboratory Anxiety Levels
Dilek KARISAN, Ozgul YILMAZ TUZUN pp. 75 - 87 Abstract This study examined the difference among undergraduate engineering, education, and arts and sciences students’ chemistry laboratory anxiety levels and aimed to describe the causes of these differences. Chemistry Laboratory Anxiety Instrument (CLAI), developed by Bowen (1999) and adapted into Turkish by Azizoğlu and Uzuntiryaki (2006), was used as the data source. There are four dimensions of the scale which are: using equipment and working with chemicals, working with other students, collecting data, having adequate time. 295 college students were participated in the study. Participants consist of three different faculty students (engineering, art-science, and education faculty). SPSS and AMOS statistics programs were used to analyze students’ anxiety levels. MANOVA was performed to explore the relation between gender, faculty and chemistry anxieties (i.e using chemicals, peer work, data collection, and time management) of undergraduate students. Results of the study have shown that gender has no significant effect on students’ chemistry laboratory anxiety levels. However, there is a significant difference among different faculty students’ anxiety levels. These variations were tried to be explained by conducting semi-structured interviews with lowest and highest anxious students.
Keywords: Anxiety, Chemistry laboratory anxiety, Undergraduate students | |
Original Articles Prospective Pre-School Teachers’ Perceptions of “Child”: a Study of Metaphors
Busra ERGIN, Mehmet SAHIN, Yavuz ERISEN pp. 88 - 101 Abstract The aim of the study is to find out, using the metaphor technique, the images of prospective preschool teachers about “child”. To do this, the study group consists of 123 prospective preschool teachers studying at the Preschool Teaching Department of Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Education, Necmettin Erbakan University. The data obtained were analyzed. The participants made out 66 metaphors and these metaphors were categorized under 10 different headings according to their common features. The results indicate that the prospective teachers regard “child” mainly as an entity that can be shaped, in need of love and care.
Keywords: Metaphor, child, preschool, prospective teachers | |
Original Articles Music Teachers’ Personal Tendencies Regarding Administrative Leadership
Cansevil TEBİS, H. Hakan OKAY pp. 102 - 110 Abstract Education environments in our days which are changing/transforming/developing are effected not only with teachers’s contributions but also by management leadership tasks in positive or negative ways. The management leaders of education environments are selected by education system’s implementations. So teachers are natural sources of such group because of active classroom management applications in their profession. In this research, it is aimed to determine personal trends of music teachers related to management leadership tasks. It is being thought that music teachers are highly prone to establish a democratic working climate because of their abilities to manage group music works, social activities. This study is important for creating awareness about management leadership tasks among the group of music teaching profession. To gather data, a questionnare has been used which is structured in Aksu’s (2004) “Yönetici Eğilim Ölçeği” (Management Trend Scale). The scale’s factor related to personal trends has been applied to 174 music teacher. The data has been tabled and given in the findings and interpretation part. Suggestions which are thought to create solutions have been presented, taking into consideration music teachers and relevant people in institutions which train music teachers, in accordance with the results of such questionnaire.
Keywords: Music teacher, management leadership, personal trend | |
Original Articles Methods of Curbing Learner Misconduct in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools
Madzviti Jacob MUGABE, Angela Dorcas MAPOSA pp. 111 - 122 Abstract This study explored the methods used in curbing misconduct in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools. Our focus on the methods used for curbing student misconduct was on: the challenges teachers and school authorities experience in implementing those methods, the relationship between learner misconduct and school effectiveness and the psychological and physical damage that results from inappropriate methods to curb misconduct. The study used a descriptive survey design in which 150 teachers completed questionnaires and 10 school heads were interviewed in Harare Province. An analysis of the causes of misconduct was imperative because methods used to curb misconduct can only be appropriate if causes are taken into consideration. The methods used to curb misconduct comprised: codes of conduct and rules, the prefect system, parental involvement, counselling and disciplinary committees. Punishments to ward off misconduct included: manual work, detention and as a last resort, corporal punishment, exclusion and expulsion in accordance with procedures stated in Circular P.35. There were some controversial findings which prompt further research and debate. For example teachers felt that they should apply corporal punishment without seeking authority from school heads first while the policy requires them to do so. Another one is where human rights organizations feel that corporal punishment should be discontinued as it dehumanizes learners while teachers argue that it is a necessary form of punishment. There is also debate on whether school girls who fall pregnant should be re-admitted after their maternity leave. However, most participants agreed that the methods under use serve their purpose well.
Keywords: Discipline, misconduct, school climate, school effectiveness, punishment | |
Original Articles The Issue of Trainee Teachers’ Guaranteed Placement Abolishment in Malaysia
Mohd Aliff MOHD NAWI, Zanizam ZAIDI pp. 123 - 133 Abstract In the Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP), the government has announced to abolish the guaranteed placement for trainee teachers who were pursuing their studies in Teacher Education Institute of Malaysia (TEIM), Public Higher Educational Institutions (PuIEI) and the Private Higher Educational Institutions (PrHEI). As such, this study discusses the latest issues in education in Malaysia related to the abolishment of guaranteed placement for trainees which will be implemented starting 2011 to 2015. This study used qualitative methods, through literature review and document analysis. The research finding shows that there are six major rationales that lead the government in deciding to abolish guaranteed placement for trainee teachers which are, to dignify the teaching profession, to produce a world-class human capital, transition to open systems in teacher training, to create an excellent-teacher environment, to eradicate the community’s perception regarding the marketability of students of teaching field, and emulate the example of developed countries. In conclusion, the government decided to abolish the guaranteed placement in order to improve the quality of teachers and improve the teaching profession in producing students who are competitive and high achieving thus can compete globally.
Keywords: Trainee teachers, abolishment of placement, guaranteed placement | |
Original Articles Integrating Technology into Classroom:the Learner- Centered Instructional Design
Baris SEZER, Fatma Gizem Karaoglan YILMAZ, Ramazan YILMAZ pp. 134 - 144 Abstract In this study, to present an instructional model by considering the existing models of instructional design (ARCS, ADDIE, ASSURE, Dick and Carey, Seels and Glasgow, Smith and Ragan etc.) with the nature of technology-based education and to reveal analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation, and to revise levels with lower levels of the instructional design model were aimed. The ASSURE model is extremely learner centered. Unlike many design models, it was created using cognitive theories of learning as its foundation. The directions of Assure Model are characteristic features of learners, getting stated objectives and selecting the best media and materials for the instruction program. In this study, document analysis method were used. As a result, two example lesson plans given can be updated according to all grades and lessons. With the use of these example plans are expected to perform more effective learning.
Keywords: Technology, integration, instructional design | |
Original Articles The Relationship between Prospective Primary Mathematics Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Problem-Based Learning and Their Studying Tendencies
Gulsah BATDAL KARADUMAN pp. 145 - 151 Abstract Problem-based learning (PBL), aims students to gain autonomous learning, independent study, inquisition and problem-solving skills, and it is an approach in which individuals are confronted with simulated situations like the ones they are probable to face in their daily lives and encouraged to learn individually through self-study and research. This method being used in mathematics classes has an importance for the permanent storage of knowledge. One other factor which affects the students’ learning is their efficient and proper way of study. This study, which aimed to investigate the relationship between prospective primary mathematics teachers’ attitudes towards problem-based learning and their studying tendencies, was conducted with 100 students who study at mathematics teaching discipline of primary education department of Hasan Ali Yücel Faculty of Education, Istanbul University. The Scale of Problem-Based Learning Attitude which was developed by Turan & Demirel (2008) and the Scale of Study Process which was adapted to Turkish language by Yılmaz & Orhan (2011) has been applied in this study. In this study a parallel relationship is determined between the prospective primary mathematics teachers' attitudes towards problem-based learning and approaches to the lesson study.
Keywords: Problem-based learning, approaches to studying, mathematics education | |
Original Articles Concept Maps as a Tool for Meaningful Learning and Teaching in Chemistry Education
Mustafa KILIC, Murset CAKMAK pp. 152 - 164 Abstract In the present situation, only qualified people can overcome the problems of education system. Today all coutries aims to reach modernized education system. Above all, chemistry education is one of the pioneers of our educational system. Therefore, chemistry concepts must be conveyed to the receiver (student) accurately and well-arranged. For the successful learning, teaching strategies, methods, techniques and tools should transform knowledge from short-term memory to long-term memory. Ausubels’ theory of meaningful learning is one of the most important expository theories which explain how to transform information from short-term memory to long-term memory. According to this theory Meaningful learning occurs when complex ideas and information are combined with students’ own experiences and prior knowledge to form personal and unique understandings. In this process, it can be said that concept maps are one of the most important teaching and learning tool that promote meaningful learning. This study was designed as the study of the compilation. The purpose of the study is to introduce concept maps as a tool for meaningful learning, student centered, active, new learning and teaching strategy in chemistry education. According to the University of Illinois, there are seven kinds of concept map. The most commonly used five kinds of concept maps in chemistry were mentioned in this study.
Keywords: Concept map, teaching strategy, meaningful learning, chemistry education | |
Original Articles Underachievement in Gifted Students
Gulsah BATDAL KARADUMAN pp. 165 - 172 Abstract One of the risks that the gifted students are confronted with is underachievement. This is a surprising fact for those with higher abilities. Underachievers can be found in every grade in school, from kindergarten to graduate school, in both sexes, across ethnic and socioeconomic groups, and in every occupation. What is underachievement? Underachievement is a discrepancy between ability and performance that persists over time. Many researches on the gifted education show the main reasons for the underachievement of the gifted are as follow: emotional problems of the gifted, their peer groups, lack of proper education satisfying their needs, learning disabilities of the gifted, and lack of differentiated and individualized curriculum. This is a literature review on the possible causes of underachievement and ways to eliminate underachievement of gifted children.
Keywords: Underachievement, gifted students, education for gifted students | |
Original Articles Extended Worksheet Developed According to 5E Model Based on Constructivist Learning Approach
Ufuk TOMAN, Ali Riza AKDENIZ, Sabiha ODABASI CIMER, Fatih GURBUZ pp. 173 - 183 Abstract In order to achieve the targeted objectives desired level of education and modern learning theories for learnercentered methods are recommended. In this context the use of worksheets developed and that student participation is considered to be one of the methods. This research is one of the ethyl alcohol fermentation biology issues and prepare working papers related to the effective education environment was conducted to determine the effect of learning the use of worksheets. Worksheets development process to experts in the field of material in order to developed, four teachers from working in the province of Trabzon. Curriculum subject and the subject determined by considering the behavior of the target sample selected as an achievement test was developed and Bayburt Education Faculty of Bayburt University science education to about 28students that 2 grade. Later, the interviews with teachers, and achievement test results utilizing "ethyl alcohol fermentation" A study on the leaf has been drafted. At the same teachers which prepared the necessary corrections were made in the drafts discussed the applicability of learning environments. The worksheet is applied on the sample above the spring semester of 2012. Pre-prepared students for success by developing a test applied to test parallel and compared with previous results. Student achievement is rising and the course is very relevant to the act have been identified.
Keywords: Contemporary Learning Theories, Worksheets, Ethyl alcohol fermentation, Student Success | |
Original Articles 1A Study on the Perception of Iranian Candidates Towards the General Ielts Test
Seyyed Behrooz HOSSEINI pp. 184 - 196 Abstract IELTS, International English Language Testing System, is nowadays widely used as a certificating device and is claimed to be a reliable and strongly accountable measure of language proficiency by the organizations and educational centers that utilize it. Irrespective of the importance IELTS has gained in the present world, the beliefs and perceptions of those who take the test have rarely been explored. Therefore, the present study aimed at investigating the Iranian IELTS candidates’ perceptions towards the IELTS test. Accordingly, a standardized perception questionnaire was administered to 40 homogeneous participants before and after taking the IELTS test. The collected data were then analyzed through a paired samples t-test to find out whether there was any significant difference between the candidates’ perception before and after taking the test. The findings indicated that the participants had significantly higher perceptions after the test. Implications can also be drawn for all the stakeholders including candidates intending to sit the test, institutes running IELTS preparation programs, teachers wishing to teach such programs, and finally, IELTS test administrators.
Keywords: IELTS, Perception, Belief, Attitude, Higher education | |
Original Articles Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Views About Teaching Theories and Methods
Fatih GURBUZ. Ufuk TOMAN, Gokhan AKSOY, Sabiha ODABASI CIMER pp. 197 - 207 Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the secondary school pre-service science teachers’ views about teaching theories and methods. Qualitative research method and purposeful sampling were used in the study. The participants of the study were the five students in the final year of their studies in Science Teaching Department of Bayburt Education Faculty at Bayburt University. The interviews were carried out face to face with the participants by one of the researchers and they were recorded with a recorder after they gave their consent. After the interviews, the data recorded was transcribed. Then the texts were given to the participants so that they could verify the accuracy and completeness of the data. Therefore, the reliability of the data was obtained. Content analysis was used for data analysis. When the data obtained as a result of data analysis was examined, it was found that pre-service science teachers attributed conceptually similar meanings to teaching theories and methods. Moreover, it was discovered that pre-service teachers expressed opinions mainly about behaviourism and constructivism as teaching theories and recitation and discussion as teaching methods.
Keywords: Pre-Service Science Teachers, Teaching Theories, Teaching Methods | |
Original Articles Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Elective English Course
Ismail CAKIR, Aslihan CELIK pp. 208 - 215 Abstract There are some changes which are being done by the Ministry of Education (MoNE) in Turkey in terms of English language learning and teaching. One of the recent changes in foreign language teaching system is the elective English course offered for the 5th and 6th grade learners at elementary schools. As it is an elective course for learners, teachers often have difficulties in treating the problems occurring during the implementation. In this respect, the aim of this study is to find out the teachers’ attitudes towards elective English course conducted in some secondary schools for fifth grade secondary school learners. Seven teachers participated in the study, and they were required to response to the questionnaire created by the authors. The results indicated that the elective course of English needs to be redesigned to clarify its syllabus, assessment and participation of learners. Furthermore, the participants suggest that there should be more seminars and workshops for teachers to form a more positive attitude towards this course.
Keywords: Attitude, elective English course, young learners, syllabus design | |
Original Articles Industrial Provision of Practice Skills of Students Training Gastronomy Education (Case of Turkey)
Mehmet SARIOGLAN pp. 216 - 220 Abstract Purpose of this study is to determine to what extent practice skills of students, training gastronomy education, meet the expectations of food and beverage industry. In the study, 197 students training intership in 27 different firms of total 1540 students training gastronomy education at higher education level in Turkey werere ached by using purposive sampling method. Data were collected by using a structured questionnaire with directors of food and beverage firms. Data obtained from interview form were collected under the categories of ability and frequencies were calculated for these categories. As a result of this study it was concluded that level of practice skills of student straining gastronomy education at higher level in Turkey is far short of the expectations of food and beverage industry.
Keywords: Gastronomy Education, Food and Beverage Industry, Turkey |