Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Students’ Concept Understanding in Chemistry Learning Using Macromedia Flash Based Inquiry Learning
Retno Prapti Utami, Eli Rohaeti pp. 1 - 12 Abstract This research aimed at describing the effectiveness of the macromedia flash based inquiry learning in improving students’ concept understanding in chemistry learning. It was an experimental research with post-test only design. The population was the eleventh-grade science students of state high school 5 Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The sample in this research was taken by random sampling technique as many as two groups, namely the experimental group and control group. The students in the experimental group learned through the macromedia flash based inquiry learning, while students in the control group learned through the conventional learning. The data on the students’ concept understanding were collected through the concept understanding test. The data were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA with SPSS version 23.0. The results showed that students who used macromedia flash based inquiry learning in the assessment process have increased concept understanding better than those used conventional learning (value of significant < 0.05).
Keywords: concept understanding, guided inquiry, macromedia flash, chemistry learning | |
Original Articles Mindful Minutes in the Classroom
Jennifer M. Joy, Macey D. Kohls, Lauren A. Shepherd pp. 13 - 20 Abstract Mindfulness is being nonjudgmental, accepting, and in the present moment. Approaches based in mindfulness can benefit people of all ages socially, emotionally, and even physically. While mindfulness interventions are beginning to become more popular in the classroom for young children through adolescents, very little research has been conducted using mindfulness techniques in postsecondary classrooms, especially at the graduate level. Therefore, our study aimed to evaluate if a short, weekly mindfulness activity presented to a small group of graduate students could increase overall mindfulness. While statistically significant results were not found, qualitative information shows the group did believe this was a useful intervention. Therefore, several suggestions for future use are provided so more mindfulness activities can be used in classrooms at the graduate level. These techniques used by adults in the classroom can then be used to support the educational community and system-wide interactions.
Keywords: Mindfulness, Postsecondary/ Graduate-level education, Systems-intervention | |
Original Articles Macromedia Flash Based on Guided Inquiry in Critical Thinking Skills as Learning Innovations
Srireski Jainal, Dra. Isana Supiah Yosephine Louise pp. 21 - 29 Abstract The aim of this research was to examine the effect of students’ critical thinking skills using a guided inquiry model with macromedia flash and direct instruction in chemistry learning. The researchers used a quasi-experiment, with post-test only control group design. This research was conducted at SMAN 3 Kota Ternate. The research subjects were 50 experimental group students and 46 control group students. The data were collected through critical thinking test with seven description questions to see the student’s critical thinking skills that have been implemented. Then, the data were analyzed using ANOVA test statistics. The results of media validation were categorized into good and feasible, obtained from the validation test by media experts and material experts. The analysis of critical thinking skills test revealed that there is an increase in students’ critical thinking skills using a guided inquiry model with macromedia flash.
Keywords: Chemical learning, critical thinking, guided inquiry,macromedia flash | |
Original Articles School Subject Competitions as an Educational Form
Jacob Højgaard Christensen pp. 30 - 46 Abstract This article presents a study of school subject competitions, which are defined as special events where students in primary or upper secondary school have the opportunity to compete against peers in school subjects. The article analyse and discuss characteristics of this educational form across a variety of prominent competitions with a view to identifying types of competitions, and establish how their educational programmes are structured as regards educational themes and didactics. The methodological approach is divided into three phases: 1) a systematic mapping of prominent competitions, 2) a description and synthesis of the educational programmes of the competitions and 3) an analysis and discussion of the data. Systems theory, as presented by Niklas Luhmann, is applied to provide a theoretical framework with regard to the concepts of educational form, didactics, learning, contingency and structural coupling. The findings indicate that the competitions dominantly operate within the three following educational themes: 1) providing an alternative form of teaching subject matter and skills, 2) developing 21st century skills and 3) enhancing excellent students’ learning. The characteristics of the three themes and their didactic approaches are elaborated along with a discussion of the potentials and limitations of school subject competitions as an educational form.
Keywords: School, subject competition, teaching, didactics, systems theory | |
Original Articles The Utilization of Virtual Reality on Development of Three Dimensional Visualisation on Chemistry Subject
Ika Setiawati A. Bakar, K. H Sugiyarto, Jaslin Ikhsan pp. 47 - 54 Abstract The utilize of instructional media will assist the effectiveness of the learning process and the delivery of learning material. The development of 3D visualization media using virtual reality is done with the development model of Borg and Gall, namely from the stage of information gathering, the planning stage, the initial development stage, the initial trial phase, and the main product revision stage. Development of instructional media is validated by media experts, material experts, subject teachers, and tested it into the 25 students of State High School 2 of Ternate City. Validation results from experts and subject teachers receive eligibility in a positive category. 3D visualization media using virtual reality chemical equilibrium material is tested on students and the results obtained by appropriate learning media are in good category. The overall results of the validation of experts, subject teachers and trials for students gained an average percentage of 76%. So that it can be concluded that the development of 3D learning media using virtual reality is declared feasible as a learning media for chemistry learning of class XI activities on chemical equilibrium material.
Keywords: Media Development, Virtual Reality, Chemical Equilibrium |