Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles The Mediated Learning Experience (Mle) Theory in Meaningful Language Instruction
Ahsen Mutlu, Mehmet Şahin pp. 1 - 10 Abstract According to Feuerstein Method, people can improve their learning, thinking and analyzing skills. In addition, meaningful instruction for all children is the mediated relationship. It is a fact that everyone has the immeasurable ability to enhance their learning aptitude and heighten their intelligence. In this context, thinking, analyzing and thinking works together for a full learning experience. This study aims to investigate the importance and productive influence of the Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) theory within the context of meaningful foreign language instruction. Fundamentally, the study discusses in what manner the enriched learning environment suggested in MLE affects both disadvantaged learners and the language instructor. The study group comprises of the participants selected randomly among the students ranging from 2nd to 8th grades at a secondary school located in a village, Akören, in Konya, Turkey. The data is obtained with the help of the observation forms and semi-structured interview forms developed for this purpose. The findings indicate that MLE has significant impact on and contributions to the meaningful foreign language learning supporting thinking and analyzing skills.
Keywords: Meaningful instruction, mediated relationship, learning experience, MLE | |
Original Articles Higher Education’s Cyber Security: Leadership Issues, Challenges and the Future
G. David Gearhart, Michael D. Abbiatti, Michael T. Miller pp. 11 - 17 Abstract Cyber security is a major concern in all industries, but is particularly of concern to leaders in higher education. The academy’s housing of major biographical and financial data, in addition to data related to research and development of new technologies, makes colleges and universities susceptible to cyber attacks. The coordination, implementation, and direction of cyber security has subeequently grown to be a major concern on college campuses, with the campus leader or president typically having ultimate authority over cyber security strategy. Using a research-team developed survey instrument that was administered to 150 college presidents, the current study sought to determine the extent of senior college leaders involvement in cyber security. Study findings revealed that the authority for cyber security strategy was predominantly distributed to the senior information or business officer, that there are major concerns about the safety of data related to financial, student, faculty, and donor affairs, and that about half of college leaders talk about cyber security related issues 2-6 times per week. Further research that explores how decisions are made about cyber security priorities, as well as how to best provide training for better cyber security decision-making were recommended.
Keywords: Higher Education, Cyber Security, College Presidents, Technology in Higher Education, Decision- Making | |
Original Articles Development of Android Based Chemical Learning Media for High School Students
Arina Diana Fatma, Crys Fajar Partana pp. 18 - 27 Abstract The aim of this research is to design and create chemical learning media on smartphones with an android application for high school students. The development model used in the research was research and development which adopted the phase from ADDIE. The research sample consisted of XI grade students of high school Yogyakarta. The instrument used in this study is the media quality assessment sheet. This study resulted in (a) averages for feasibility of the media on all indicators are 76% from media experts, 93% from material experts, 92% from teachers and 87% from students, and (b) android application in the form of chemistry on android can be used as a chemical learning media. With the increasingly rapid development of technology, this Android smartphone can be used as an alternative to the development of chemical learning media in schools.
Keywords: Android application, learning media, smartphone | |
Original Articles Students’ Learning Outcome in Chemistry Learning Using Android Application
Tika Rahmawati, Crys Fajar Partana pp. 28 - 38 Abstract The use of technology-based media on android devices has begun to be used in learning widely. The use of technology-based media on android devices has begun to be used in learning widely. This research aimed to develop an android-based learning media and to find out the effect of learning media to improve learning outcome. This research is Research & Development (R&D) which used the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The instruments of data collection consisted of media validation sheet and learning outcome test. The result obtained in this research was that learning media on the subject matter of acid and base. Students’ learning outcome data were analyzed by ANOVA. The result showed that the media feasibility assessment were categorized as good by material experts, media experts, peer reviewers and chemistry teachers and students in small-scale trials. ANOVA test showed that the use of android learning media in chemistry learning can affect students' learning outcome.
Keywords: Android application, learning media, learning outcome, chemistry learning | |
Original Articles Paradigms in Guiding Management Approaches and Theories: Classical, Neoclassical, Modern and Postmodern Theories
Ilhan Günbayi, Sath Sorm pp. 39 - 55 Abstract Dynamic human cultural evolution along with social, economic, political and technological development have required organization scientists’ constant effort to formulate various approaches and theories in purpose of satisfying the demand of management realm. So does this article, its objective is to clarify the ways in which social paradigms, namely functionalist, interpretivist, radical structuralist and radical humanist paradigms, to guide the formulation of the management approaches and theories through influencing the assumptions of man in management, consequentially, under the umbrella of the four paradigms’ ideologies, those assumptions generate the approaches and theories respectively. Rationally, the concept of man possesses the logical explanation on the natural motive as driving force behind human behaviour. Finally, it was observed that these paradigms guided the management approaches or theories very logically with scientific systematic procedures. Finally, as implication, these paradigms can be applied to set up the theories or approaches directly by excluding the concept of man. Broadly, these paradigms can play active philosophical roles effectively in directing in several aspects of social theories, not only management ones.
Keywords: Approach, man, management, paradigm, theory |