Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Effects of the Teaching Profession Law on the Teaching Profession: a Case Study
Abdullah BALIKÇI, Mehmet MENTEŞE, Selman ÜZÜM, Mükerrem YAKARŞİMŞEK pp. 9 - 21 Abstract This study aimed to examine the effect of the teaching profession law on the teaching profession. In this study, the qualitative research method and case study design were used. Participants of the research were 10 school administrators and 19 teachers working in public schools in Konya, Türkiye, during the spring term of the 2021-2022 academic year. Sampling method of research is maximum variety. Acording to this study, the law is criticized for limiting the teaching profession to exams and the economic return of the exam. The law is also seen as inadequate as the problems and expectations of the teaching profession are enacted without adequately taking the opinions of the teachers. The career steps examination has a limited contribution to the teaching profession. The teaching profession requires the interaction of various elements such as training, examination, activities. Based on the findings, the teaching profession law can be revised through the opinions of the stakeholders. Issues related to the profession, especially the prestige of the teaching profession, can be included in the law.
Keywords: Teaching profession, Teaching Profession Law, Qualitative Research | |
Original Articles Role of Crosslinguistic Influence in L3 Learning Process Through Information Processing Insights
Erxiao WANG, Jace HARGIS pp. 22 - 35 Abstract Potential ways in which previous language knowledge could influence language learning and teaching is attracting increasing attention of researchers due to the developing multilingual phenomenon. However, a conversation between crosslinguistic influence in language education and information processing theories is still a rising topic. This study assesses the crosslinguistic influence of classroom third language learning and teaching from the scope of psychotypology and possible learning strategy from L3 romance language learners (n=90, L2 English L1 Chinese). Qualitative methods were utilized to extract insights from students' reflective elaboration. Findings show the diverse and dynamic nature of crosslinguistic influence in early language learners' perception. While psychotypology perception is most likely to be related to L2's facilitative role of declarative knowledge, the transfer of procedural knowledge from L2 to L3 seems not to be influenced by a psychotypological perception. Results were then discussed within the context of information processing and provided possible implications for instructors. Finally, this study hopes to draw further attention to the cognitive aspect of crosslinguistic influence and its application in education.
Keywords: Crosslinguistic Influence, Psychotypology, Modal Model of Memory, Control Process, Learner Strategy | |
Original Articles Views of Teachers Working in Public Schools Regarding Organizational Commitment
İsmail ÇEKİN, Ali Rıza ERDEM pp. 36 - 54 Abstract In this study, the opinions of teachers working in public schools on organizational commitment were discussed. The study population of this research is 3796 teachers who work in public primary, elementary, secondary and high schools in the central district of Efeler in Aydın province. Since it was not possible to reach the entire population in terms of time, effort and financially, a sample was taken. The sample was taken by proportional stratified sampling method, 266 of which were women and 134 were men, a total of 400 teachers. In the research, screening model was used from quantitative research patterns. The data were collected with the Organizational Commitment Scale, developed by Allen and Meyer (1990) and adapted to Turkish by Wasti (2000). The data were collected online via Google Forms due to the effective coronavirus pandemic in the World. The opinions of teachers working in public schools on organizational loyalty (x̄ = 4.23) are at an "average" level according to the arithmetic mean. There is a significant difference in the opinions of teachers working in public schools on organizational commitment according to the variables of age, education status, professional seniority and school type.
Keywords: Organizational commitment, emotional commitment, continuance commutment, normative commitment, teacher | |
Original Articles Examination of Hourly-Paid Teachers' Participation in Decisions Made in School Management
Fatih Oğuz ÇELİK, Niyazi CAN pp. 55 - 68 Abstract The general purpose of this research is to examine the participation of hourly-paid teachers working in primary and secondary schools in the decisions taken in school management. The case study model was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of 21 hourly-paid teachers working in public primary and secondary schools in the Türkoğlu district of Kahramanmaraş province in the 2021-2022 academic year. In the determination of the research participants, the easily accessible sampling method, one of the sample selection methods, was used. In the research, a personal information form for teachers and a semi-structured interview form consisting of six questions were used. Content analysis was used in the analysis of the data of the research, based on the findings obtained. As a result of the research, In general, it was concluded that hourly-paid teachers could not be included in the decision-making processes due to their temporary situation at school. These teachers made suggestions about the abolition of hourly-paid teaching or the need for school administrators to receive training in order to improve their perspective on hourly-paid teaching in order for the decision-making mechanism to work effectively.
Keywords: Hourly-paid teacher, participation, decision making, school management processes | |
Original Articles The Effect of Value Driven Activities on Students’ Value Perceptions, Problem Solving Skills and Attitudes Toward Mathematics
Berrak AYTAÇLI, Kerim GÜNDOĞDU pp. 69 - 87 Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of value driven activities on mathematics achievement, value perceptions, problem-solving skills, attitudes towards mathematics, and retention in the 6th grade Mathematics Practices Lesson (MPL). The study was informed by principles of a values education and employed a quasi-experimental design that included a pre-test/post-test control group. The study group consisted of the 6th graders in a public school registered to an elective MLP. Data collection tools were The Value Perceptions Scale (VPS) and Academic Achievement Test (AAT), Attitude towards Mathematics Scale (AtMS), and Problem Solving Inventory (PSI). According to the results, there was a significant difference between the experimental group's VPS pre-test, post-test, and retention total scores in favor of the post-test scores. In addition, there was a statistically significant difference between the post-test total score of the experimental group and the post-test total score of the control group in favor of the experimental group. This indicates the MPL incorporated values instructional activities that significantly affected the students' value perceptions in the experimental group. There was no significant difference between the post-test PSI total scores of the students in both groups. No statistically significant difference was observed between the post-test total score of the control group and the post-test total scores related to AtMS. There was no significant difference between the AAT post-test total scores of the students in the experimental group and the post-test total scores of the students in the control group who did not receive the experimental activities.
Keywords: Mathematics practices lesson, problem solving, values education, value perceptions | |
Original Articles Investigation of Measurement Invariance of Pisa Science Literacy Self-Efficacy Scale in Different Achievement Groups
Yusuf KASAP, Ömer Cem KARACAOĞLU pp. 88 - 98 Abstract The aim of the study is to examine the measurement invariance of the science literacy self-efficacy items in the PISA 2015 student questionnaire in different science literacy achievement groups. In this context, the sample of the study consists of 5556 students from Korea representing the high achievement group, 6648 students from Spain representing the medium achievement group, and 5862 students from Turkey representing the low achievement group who responded to the Science self-efficacy questionnaire in PISA 2015. The self-efficacy model for science literacy, which was created by exploratory factor analysis in the first step with 18066 student data from three countries within the scope of the research, was confirmed with 8 items and a single factor. In the second step, it was examined whether the model provided measurement invariance in different success groups. In the process of examining the invariance, multi-group confirmatory factor analysis was performed, and the invariance of the model was examined gradually. The results of the research show that the self-efficacy model for science literacy provides shape invariance, metric invariance and scale invariance in different achievement groups. Since the model provides partial invariance between countries in different achievement groups, comparing the scores of individuals in the countries from the observed variables included in the model will give accurate results.
Keywords: PISA data, Science Literacy, Self-efficacy Scale, Measurement Invariance | |
Original Articles Children's Identity Development and Pre-School Education Program in the Context of Social Identity
İrem NAMLI ALTINTAŞ, Nisa BAŞARA BAYDİLEK pp. 99 - 112 Abstract This study aimed to investigate the effect of social identity context on the identity development of preschool children. The study conducted qualitative interviews with 10 female teachers working in private and public institutions in Turkey. The interviews took around 50-80 minutes. Interviews with all teachers were completed in approximately 30 days. Interviews were analyzed with the MAXQDA 2020 plus program. Teachers' view, identity reflections, and identity development factors. After the analyses, the context of social identity was sought in the preschool education program to strengthen the available data. Although teachers have focused on educational institutions and their professional responsibilities, it has been revealed that the context of social identity is not included in detail in the preschool education program applied throughout the country and to which educational institutions and teachers are subject. Considering that teachers do not deal with identity types separately and express their opinions on the concept of identity in general, more clear information about identity development has not been accessed. Research on the subject has revealed that the social identity theory is valid in preschool.
Keywords: identity development, preschool education, teacher views | |
Original Articles Views of the Social Study Teachers on Multicultural Education and Its Potential Application
Elif ALKAR pp. 113 - 135 Abstract The present study was designed on the views of social studies teachers on multicultural education and its potential applications. The participant group of the study consisted of 46 (27 Female-19 Male) social studies teachers teaching in 9 different provinces of Turkey. The criterion sampling method was utilized in the selection of the participants. The study was methodically designed in accordance with the case pattern, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The data obtained with the "Personal Information Form" and the "Teacher Interview Form" were interpreted by content analysis. The MAXQDA2022 program was used in the analysis of the data. As far as the results are concerned, it was clear that the social studies teachers' sentiments and views about multicultural education were positive, but they had a lack of relevant knowledge about the relevant concept. The teachers explicated their definitions mostly in terms of cultural and ethnic diversity. As far as the implementation of the study is concerned, the participant teachers offered a wide variety of views on the active teaching processes such as group work, collaborative learning, increasing intercultural communication and extracurricular activities.
Keywords: Multicultural education, Cultural diversity, Respect for differences, Social studies teachers | |
Original Articles The Antecedents of Teacher Leadership: an Experimental Approach
Özgür BOLAT pp. 126 - 135 Abstract Teacher leadership has been gaining more significance in recent years since there is evidence that it has positive impact on all school outcomes. Therefore, researchers are actively investigating the antecedents of teacher leadership to contribute to teacher leadership in educational settings. The current study aims to test the impact of school culture, openness-to-authority, teacher self-efficacy and teacher expertise on teacher leadership, using a within-subjects experimental design. 91 teachers from various state and private schools participated in the study. Participants were presented with four pairs of scenarios (8 scenarios in total). Each pair (2 scenarios) assessed one of the four concepts on teacher leadership. In each pair, the high and low value of the related concept (e.g., high self-efficacy vs low self-efficacy) was manipulated. Participants were asked to report the probability of the teacher described in the scenarios to exercise leadership. A paired t-test was conducted to compare participants' ratings of each pair. The results showed a significant difference between the first measurement and the second measurement of each concept. This result demonstrates that all four concepts have an impact on teacher leadership. School leaders can develop these four concepts to enable teachers to exercise leadership.
Keywords: Teacher Leadership, School Culture, Teacher Self-efficacy, Teacher Subject Expertise, Openness-to- authority, Experimental Design | |
Original Articles Educational Problems from the Point of View of Turkish and Foreign Students
Ayhan KANDEMİR, Şenay SEZGİN NARTGÜN pp. 136 - 150 Abstract This study aims to highlight the educational problems of Turkish and foreign students from their point of view Turkish and foreign students. The present study was conducted according to the pattern of phenomenology, which belongs to qualitative research methods. The study group of the study consists of 10 Turkish and 10 foreign students studying in public secondary schools in the central district of Bolu in the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023. Research findings show that both Turkish and foreign students mostly do not have problems with school administration and teachers. Although Turkish and foreign students generally report that they do not have problems with their friends or each other, they occasionally mention problems such as rude behavior, offensive language, and communication problems. Turkish students mostly see bei g in a class with foreign students as a disadvantage, while foreign students tend to see it as an advantage. In addition, both Turkish and foreign students made suggestions for the education of foreign students in Turkey, such as teaching “Turkish language and culture”.
Keywords: Education problems, foreign student, Turkish student | |
Original Articles Organizational Cynicism and School Administrators' Strategies to Cope with Teachers' Cynicism
Bilgen KIRAL pp. 151 - 158 Abstract The concept of cynicism and its theoretical foundations, the factors that reveal cynicism, the effects of cynicism, and the strategies that school administrators should implement against teachers who experience cynicism are discussed in this study. The study is a review. Cynicism is the insecure, dissatisfied negative feelings that individuals experience towards their job, organization and environment. It encompasses a pessimistic, cynical and indifferent attitude towards the organization. Among the organizational factors that cause employees in organizations to experience organizational cynicism, Political behaviors in organizations, perceptions of organizational injustice, and a sense of lacking support in the organization are the main ones. Among the effects of organizational cynicism, a decrease in organizational performance, an increase in absenteeism, burnout, reluctance to engage in proactive activities, reluctance, a lack of communication and respect with the environment, and decreased trust in the organization and management can be counted. There may also be teachers who experience cynicism in the school organization. It may be important for school administrators to identify teachers who experience cynicism and to use appropriate strategies for them in reducing cynicism. These strategies include creating a sense of belonging, acting ethically, and trying to increase organizational commitment.
Keywords: Cynicism, organizational cynicism, teacher, school administrator, strategy | |
Original Articles The Relationship of the Organizational Justice to the Organizational Commitment and the Organizational Citizenship
Belgin KORKMAZ, Mehmet ULUTAŞ pp. 159 - 173 Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational justice comprehension in schools on teachers' perceptions of organizational commitment and organizational citizenship. Meta - analysis method was used in the current research. During the review process of the research, 27 different studies contained in the scope of organizational commitment were analyzed. In the study, 6875 people related to the organizational commitment and 6316 people related to the organizational citizenship were included in the study. In relation to the findings of the research, it was seen that the perception of organizational justice had a positive and moderate effect on their organizational commitment of teachers and a positive and low effect on the perception of organizational citizenship. Suggestions, such as informing managers about organizational justice and conducting different studies on new samples with different scales, were added for the practitioners and researchers.
Keywords: Meta-Analysis, Organizational Justice, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship | |
Original Articles Classroom Teachers’ Motivation Resources, Concerns and Their Evaluation About Graduate Programs
Selma Çokparlamış, Meltem Çengel-Schoville pp. 174 - 186 Abstract Teachers, the key actors to actualize educational reforms, and their professional development gain more importance. One of the formal ways to support teachers’ professional development is graduate programs in Turkey. The aim of the research is to understand teachers’ motivation, concern, and the evaluation about graduate programs who continued their professional development via a master or certificate program. The sub-problems about the research are: 1. What are the sources of motivation for graduate/postgraduate classroom teachers? 2. What are the factors that concern graduate/postgraduate teachers? 3. What are graduate/postgraduate teachers’ reflections about their graduate experiences? This research is designed as integrated multi-case study. We conducted 12 semi-structured interviews from two different schools (one form city-center and the other from remote-to-city). Interviews were analyzed by content analysis. As a result, teachers who are serving at a remote school are motivated externally by service scoring system, however who are serving a city-center school usually motivated internally. During their education, they struggled about lack of technical knowledge, physical and mental tiredness, lack of time, and intensity of the homework. The most of the teachers do not want to do any further formal graduate study.
Keywords: classroom teachers, professional development, graduate education | |
Original Articles E-Learning System Usage Continuance Intention of Adult Learners: a Data Mining Approach
Taner ARABACIOĞLU pp. 187 - 201 Abstract The purpose of this study is to ascertain the variables that influence adult learners’ continuing use of online learning environments. The participants were 307 Turkish students of a non-thesis masters’ in a distance education program. The J48 algorithm in WEKA data mining software were used to analyse the data. As a result of the research, it was determined that variables such as perceived value, system quality, confirmation, and age did not have a significant effect on the intention to use the online learning system, while satisfaction, perceived usability, utilitarian value, information quality, outcome expectations, and service quality did. This finding indicates the importance of emotion generated by their interaction with the e-learning system, adult learners' self-development expectations, usability characteristics of the e-learning system, information and service quality, and outcome expectations. The TAM, ECM, Updated IS, model, SDT, SCT all of appear to be significant predictors of adult learners' continuance intentions. This result reveals that lifelong learners' personal development expectation, the emotion generated as a result of their interaction with the e-learning system and the user-oriented design of the e-learning system are important. In other words, it is concluded that the intersection of instructional design, information technologies and marketing disciplines is important in predicting lifelong learners' intention to use e-learning systems regardless of age or gender.
Keywords: e-learning system usage, continuance intention, adult learners, data mining |