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Original Articles Problems in Women’s Education in Turkey Implementations and Suggested Solutions
Emine DEMIRAY pp. 1 - 12 Abstract Women’s human rights mean preventing all kinds of violence and discrimination against women, gender equality, equal participation of women in decision making processes and mechanisms, safety and freedom rights of women as individuals, equal protection of women by the law, right to pursue a healthy life, equal and proper work conditions, the right to not expose to inhumane demeaning acts, and as a base for all these rights, equal and non-discriminatory education right. Education is crucial to improve the social circumstances of women and along with health and income level, it is one of the basic indicators in “Human Development Report”, the first of which was published in 1990 by “United Nations Development Programme”. However, in spite of the developments in education in all parts of the world, education of women is still a major problem in many parts of the world. Women still benefit less from education opportunities and gender inequalities still continue. This study discusses the level of women’s benefiting from education opportunities in Turkey, the implementations to increase women’s education level, and problems and suggested solutions.
Keywords: Education, education of women, problems in education, educational status | |
Original Articles Eleventh Grade Students’ Difficulties and Misconceptions About Energy and Momentum Concepts
Semih DALAKLIOGLU, Neset DEMIRCI, Ayse Gul SEKERCIOGLU pp. 13 - 21 Abstract Physics education researchers have revealed that students have some difficulties and misconceptions in basic physics concepts in mechanics including momentum and energy. The main aim of this study is to determine the 11th grade students’ difficulties and misconceptions about Energy and Momentum concepts. In order to fulfill this aim, 21 multiple-choice questions related to momentum and energy was administered to 284 eleventh grade high school students from seven High Schools in the city of Balıkesir during the academic year 2013-2014. Analysis of results showed that high school students have many misconceptions related to momentum and energy concepts. For example, students have many problems with applying or connecting relationship between the conservation of energy and momentum in any given situation.
Keywords: Energy, momentum, 11th grade students, misconceptions | |
Original Articles The Integration of Technology into Foreign Language Teaching
Mustafa ALTUN pp. 22 - 27 Abstract Technology-based foreign language teaching has provided many effective strategies in the learning process. The use of technology in teaching leads to a good command of the target language with ease. Learners stand a better chance of improving their foreign language skills if learning is strengthened with technology, therefore, technology-aided learning environment is a key factor that motivates the learners to accomplish better. This study puts forward how technology-based instruction helps learners achieve success in foreign language learning process.
Keywords: Technology, Foreign language learning, Achievement, Integration | |
Original Articles Practical Value of Efl Textbooks for Teaching Main Aspects of Communicative Competence (Sociolinguistic and Pragmatic Competences)
Elvira KORAN pp. 28 - 37 Abstract Two very important components of the concept of Communicative Competence are sociolinguistic and pragmatic competences. Since the advent of the Communicative Approach a lot of attention has been paid to the design and development of relevant teaching materials. This is especially important since in most of the language learning situations textbooks serve as one of the very few sources, in some cases as the only source of the target language. This article investigates two of the textbooks, from prominent publishing houses, in order to determine to what degree they focus on both competences. The findings are then summarized, analyzed and discussed.
Keywords: Communicative competence, sociolinguistic competence, pragmatic competence, textbook evaluation | |
Original Articles The Relationship between Professional Values, Student’s Satisfaction and Tendency to Leave the School
Filiz KANTEK, Ayla KAYA, Nurdan GEZER pp. 38 - 45 Abstract The aim of this study is to determine to the relationship between the students’ professional values, satisfaction and tendency to leave the school. The research was conducted at a nursing department of a health school with 211 nursing students. The study data were collected with Personal Information Form, the Nursing Professional Values Scale. The professional values score of the nursing students was found to be 3.64 (SS= .859), responsibility score to be 3.62 (SS=.775), prompt score to be 3.59 (SS=.771), human honor score to be 3.68 (SS=.757), autonomy score to be 3.68 (SS=.916) and total scale score to be 3.64 (SS=0.73). Professional values were positively correlated with students’ satisfaction, but students’ tendency to leave the school was not significant statistically. Consequently, it is determined that the students perceive important to professional values. Increasing of nursing students’ perception about professional values ensure to increase their satisfaction.
Keywords: Nursing students, professional values, values, student satisfaction, intention to leave school, Turkey | |
Original Articles University Students’ Difficulties and Misconceptions on Rolling, Rotational Motion and Torque
Ismail DUMAN, Neset DEMIRCI, Ayşe Gul SEKERCIOGLU pp. 46 - 54 Abstract Rolling, rotational motion and torque is one of the main subjects of physics that the students have difficulties to comprehend. The aim of this study is to determine university students’ difficulties and misconceptions about rolling, rotational motion and torque. The sample of the study consists of 100 students majoring mathematics education at Balıkesir University, Necatibey Faculty of Education, in the academic year of 2013-2014. The descriptive survey method was carried out in the study. There was one instrument, the Rolling, Rotational Motion and Torque Concept Test, consisted of 20 multiple-choice questions related to subject areas, in the study. The reliability coefficient of the test was found as r=0.66. After analyzing data obtained from the study, it was found out that university students have many difficulties understanding, applying and interpreting many fundamental concepts related to rolling, rotational motion and torque. It was also found that students’ achievement levels were very low and they have many misconceptions about the subjects.
Keywords: University students, difficulties and misconceptions on rolling, rotational motion, torque concepts | |
Original Articles Adolescents' Life Satisfaction: Risky Behaviors and Hopelessness
Firdevs SAVI CAKAR, Ozlem TAGAY, Zeynep KARATAS pp. 55 - 62 Abstract The aim of this study is to determine the contribution of risky behaviors and hopelessness in predicting adolescents' life satisfaction. Data of the study is obtained from a total of 290 students including 150 girls (51.7%) and 140 boys (48.3%) attending high school. In this study, Life Satisfaction Scale, Beck Hopelessness Scale and Risky behaviors Behaviour Scale are employed. As for data analysis, the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient and the Hierarchical Regression Analysis are employed. According to analyses, it was determined that adolescents' hopelessness and risky behaviors predicted their life satisfactions positively. This result reveals that adolescent' risk behaviors and hopelessness decrease as their life satisfaction increases. In this sense, it is possible to contribute to decrease adolescents' risky behaviors and hopelessness by means of school-based prevention programs that focus on increasing adolescents' life satisfaction.
Keywords: Adolescence, life satisfaction, risky behaviors, hopelessness | |
Original Articles Collaborative Learning in the Finnish Educational System: Brazilian Teachers’ Perspectives
Rodrigo SISLIAN, Maristella GABARDO, Suzana da Hora MACEDO, Giann Mendes RIBEIRO pp. 63 - 69 Abstract This paper focuses the model of social-constructivism employed in the finish education system and the learning methods, based on the social construction of knowledge. The aim of this work is to show the collaboration as a methodological strategy for learning and the main aspects of collaborative learning of the Finnish education system. The methodology used was based on the Brazilian teachers’ observations in different learning environments, based on semi-structured interviews in different educational levels. Based on the partial results, the collaboration is used as a teacher’s strategy, involving students’ autonomy and participation on the learning process. Collaborative learning in Finland is based on the process-perspective, since it works better when communication and verbal reflection between students happens, producing a better interaction, more social connection and creative engagement during activities.
Keywords: Collaborative Learning, Social-Constructivism, Finnish Education System | |
Original Articles The Role of Religous Sociocultural Context in Promoting Positive Attitude Towards Science among Malaysian Students
Azman YUSOF, Shafiah Abdul RASHID pp. 70 - 75 Abstract Education plays a vital role in ensuring the progress and development of a nation. A perfect education system should be able to transform an individual into a successful citizen, and at the same time receive the blessings of the Almighty. Malaysia’s National Education Philosophy had outlined the importance of implementing integrated principles to nurture individuals that are at peace with one’s physical, emotional, spiritual and intelectual aspects. For muslim students, what is meant by the implementation of integrated principles are the infused and fortified of school subjects with the teachings of the holy Quran and as-sunnah. This study attempts to determine students’ readiness to learn science within religous sociocultural context. A total of 74 Form Two muslim students responded to questionnaires on Perception Towards Science-Religion Interaction (PTSR) and Attitude Towards Science (ATS). The findings indicated that students hold positive PTSR. There is also exist an average correlation between PTSR and ATS (r= 0.334).
Keywords: Science, sociocultural context, religion, belief, integration | |
Original Articles Incorporating Epostl (European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages) into Methodology Course
Kubra OKUMUS, Suna AKALIN pp. 76 - 83 Abstract This study tries to determine the pre-service teachers’ views on the role of the EPOSTL (European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages) in increasing the effectiveness of Methodology course. Methodology course is crucial at English Language Teaching Departments as its main goal is to fill the gap between theory and practice. However, it is arguable that it is successful in filling this gap. Therefore, a way- the EPOSTL that could help improve the course was suggested by determining the views of the student teachers in this study. In order to determine these views, firstly a pilot study in which the EPOSTL was used was carried out in Methodology course for 16 weeks. After the pilot study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 8 student teachers. The qualitative data gathered from the interviews were analyzed by using content analysis. The results showed that student teachers had positive attitudes towards using the EPOSTL in the Methodology course. The student teachers believed that the EPOSTL increased the effectiveness of this course as it provided more feedback, selfassessment and reflection. And Methodology course with the EPOSTL was much closer to filling the gap between theory and practice.
Keywords: EPOSTL, Methodology courses, pre-service teacher education, English Language Teaching, student teachers | |
Original Articles Implementation the Project of Distance Learning in Faculty of Public Health
Nikolay A. POPOV, Natalia SHTEREVA-NIKOLOVA, Karolina LYUBOMIROVA pp. 84 - 88 Abstract This article pertains to a project realized in Faculty of Public Health (FPH) in the Medical University – Sofia. The project is financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) - European Commission. In this project was realized a distance educational course in Public Health with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The project includes over 1,000 students, 25 lecturers and five assistants in 22 different disciplines. Within the project was created a multimedia lab. The result shows that this new form of education is very well received by the students and the quantity of knowledge receives surpassed that of traditional methods. The project is for a period of two years. After the final of the project the FPH will accredit Master programs.
Keywords: Distance education, e-learning, ICT, public health | |
Original Articles Concept Map as a Tool in the Teaching-Learning Process Os Electrostatic
Suzana da Hora MACEDO, Marco Antônio Gomes Teixeira da SILVA, Evanildo dos Santos LEITE, Áurea Gonçalves MACABU pp. 89 - 97 Abstract This paper presents a proposal for the use of concept maps as a teaching and learning tool in the discipline of electrostatic in a Course of Technology. The experiment is based on the Theory of Meaningful Learning. A study was conducted in a classroom where students reviewed the subject in a concept map built specifically for a review of concepts, as seen in the classroom. The research uses concept map as a cognitive tool, supporting the computing and demonstrates by means of a comparison test, the initial knowledge and after presenting the conceptual map of electrostatics, the values obtained from the same test.
Keywords: Teaching-learning, Electrostatics, Concept map | |
Original Articles Role 0F E Learning in the Faculty of Public Health Sofia
Alexandrina VODENICHAROVA, Tihomira ZLATANOVA, Magdalena ALEXANDROVA, Ralitsa Z. ZLATANOVA VELIKOVA pp. 98 - 103 Abstract The prevailing opinion of the need to redefine the objectives of the Bulgarian education to the new requirements of the dynamic global economy. The article presents elements of the Share Point site. Described are the opportunities for implementing e-learning for students from the Faculty of Public Health – in master’s programs in Public Health and Health Management „and” Management of health care. It concluded that the application of new technologies and stimulate the generation of knowledge sharing, management of tasks and effective communication, which significantly enhances activity in the training of trainers.
Keywords: E Learning, Share Point, communications | |
Original Articles The Investigation of Problem Solving Skills of Mothers with and Without Disabled Children
Sukran SIMSEK, Figen GURSOY pp. 104 - 111 Abstract In this study, it was aimed at investigating the problem solving skills of mothers with and without disabled children. The participants of the study was composed of 258 volunteer mothers in Kırşehir. In the study, “General Information Form” which was prepared by the researchers and “Problem Solving Inventory” (PÇE) (Savaşır and Şahin, 1997) which was adopted into Turkish by Şahin and his colleagues in order to determine the problem solving skills of mothers were used. At the end of the study, it was found that the difference between the problem solving skills of mothers with and without disabled children was significant (p<.01). The problem solving skills of mothers with disabled children were found to be lower than the ones of mothers with children without disabilities.
Keywords: Disabled children, mother with disabled children and problem solving | |
Original Articles Continuing Medical Education in Bulgaria - Organization and Attitudes
Tihomira ZLATANOVA, Ralitsa Z. ZLATANOVA VELIKOVA, Alexandrina VODENICHAROVA pp. 112 - 119 Abstract Conducting continuing medical education is an important element in the implementation of national health policy and aims to increase and maintain the qualification of medical professionals performing diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of medical institutions. In the article are presented and analyzed legal documents and forms of continuing training of doctors in Bulgaria. Survey conducted by opinion was delivered by doctors on how to realize the training and change in quality of medical care provided by them after a continuing medical education. Data from the survey indicate that the majority of respondents practitioners / 81% / not have enough time to participate in various events in the conduct of continuing medical education. This leads us to search for new forms and ways of conducting the CME.
Keywords: Continuing medical education, quality, doctors | |
Original Articles Learning Object in Service of Mathematics Teachers: Mediation Strategies
Arilise Moraes de Almeida LOPES, Renata Nogueira CARDOSO pp. 120 - 130 Abstract Facing the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in society, the importance of researches to the pedagogical use of digital Learning Objects (LO) in Flash devoted to the teaching and learning of mathematical contents are highlighted. Making use of these LO is to try to promote a rapprochement between educational practices and the digital reality in which young people are included and require appropriate methodologies geared up for the processes of teaching and learning. This study aims to analyze the processes of building pedagogical practices developed by mathematics teacher in the classroom, with the use of LO, relating concepts of Exponential Function and Arithmetic Progression, applied on a high school students group. It promotes a discussion resulting from participant observation discoursing about the mediation strategies as they occurred, and the potential difficulties in interacting teacher-student-LO. It is concluded that the actions were developed not to allow any passive and unilateral discussions.
Keywords: Mediation strategies, learning objects, mathematics | |
Original Articles The Electronic Test in Continuous Medical Education
Ralitsa Z. ZLATANOVA VELIKOVA, Stefan K. VELIKOV, Alexandrina Tzecomirova VODENICHAROVA pp. 131 - 137 Abstract The continuous education is necessary for every practicing doctor in all levels of a health care system. Test and certification systems are an appropriate form lending doctors in continuous education. Technical training facilities are based on technical progress of education. The tests are the main tools in all forms of formal and informal education . The electronic test allows management of the learning process with precisely defined objectives that leads to operational activities.
Keywords: Test systems, continuing medical education | |
Original Articles Stem Schools Vs. Non-Stem Schools: Comparing Students’ Mathematics Growth Rate on High-Stakes Test Performance
Ali BICER, Bilgin NAVRUZ, Robert M. CAPRARO, Mary M. CAPRARO, Tugba ONER, Peter BOEDEKER pp. 138 - 150 Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine how students who attended T-STEM academies performed on the mathematics section of the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) compared to their corresponding peers who attended traditional public schools in Texas. The present study included 18 T-STEM academies and 18 matched non-STEM schools. The sample consisted of three years of TAKS mathematics data for 3026 students, of which 1506 attended 18 T-STEM academies and 1520 attended 18 non-STEM schools in Texas. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was used to construct a three-level model for analysis. Results revealed that at the end of grade 9, students who attended T-STEM academies performed higher in mathematics compared to their counterparts in comparison schools, but no difference was found in their mean mathematics score’s growth rate from 2009 to 2011. In terms of gender, the present study found that female students who attended T-STEM academies performed higher on TAKS mathematics than male students in comparison schools.
Keywords: STEM, T-STEM academies, Inclusive STEM schools, TAKS, TEA | |
Original Articles Legal Education of Court Interpreters and Sworn Translators upon the Directive 2010/64/Eu
Joanna OSIEJEWICZ pp. 151 - 162 Abstract The purpose of the paper is to expose current difficulties connected with education of legal translators and interpreters and to put forward a proposal for establishing an educational program to ensure the respective quality of service. It is pointed out that the translation is not only a linguistic activity and requires broad expertise in legal knowledge and legal language as well as awareness of ways in which legal knowledge is expressed in linguistic communication. The paper outlines the main assumptions of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2010/64/EU of 20 October 2010 on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings, including the requirement to ensure the respective quality of translation. The protection of rights of accused persons in criminal proceedings has been identified as a fundamental right within the European Union: everyone charged with a criminal offence has the right to the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court. The education policy directly affects many other policies and fundamental freedoms, hence the concept of leaving the responsibility for its formation with the Member States and to reduce the Union's competences only to encouraging, supporting and complementing them. The interdisciplinary character of the research allows to shed a new light on the issue of education of translators and interpreters acting for authorities and law enforcement bodies.
Keywords: law, translators, interpreters, European Union, legal education | |
Original Articles Computer-Mediated Communication: Pedagogical and Language Learning Implications
Seyed Behrooz HOSSEINI pp. 163 - 176 Abstract Computer has become an inseparable part of everyday life. Since the introduction of electronic media in general and the Internet in particular, more and more people have been using the Internet to communicate as a quick and reliable means of information transfer. Alongside the ever-increasing interest in electronic media, the Internet has been gaining ground to fulfill a variety of purposes not only as an intra- and inter-personal communication medium but also as a pedagogical tool facilitating language learning and teaching. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide an account of the benefits and positive contributions found in previous studies which text-based Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) has to offer in language learning and teaching. This study also provides an overview on CMC, its modes, and relevant definitions. The impact of CMC on language education and language development will be dealt with as well.
Keywords: Computer-Mediated Communication, Synchronous CMC, Asynchronous CMC, the Internet, E-mail |