Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles The Eefect of Lesson Study on Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Self Efficacy
Ketut Suma, I Wayan Sadia, Ni Made Pujani pp. 1 - 11 Abstract This study was aimed at investigating the effect of lesson study on science teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Self Efficacy. This study was conducted at three public junior high schools in Singaraja city. There were nine teachers who participated in this study. They had worked for more than 10 years. They did lesson study activites in three cycles, each cycle consisted of planning, action, and reflection. The data were collected by using pedagogical content knowledge test with the reliability index r= 0.71 and self efficacy questionnaire with the reliability index r= 0.92 .The data were analyzed descriptively using normalized gain score (g) formula. The results indicated that lesson study can improve science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and self efficacy. Through lesson study the teachers could get the opportunity to plan the instruction collaboratively, observing the instructional practice well, doing a reflection, and improving the instruction. The result of this study implies that schools need to provide opportunities for the teachers to do lesson study periodically.
Keywords: Lesson study, science education, science teacher, pedagogical content knowledge, and self efficacy | |
Original Articles Media Development: Virtual Laboratory Base on Structured Inquiry in Acid Base Titration
Nurmal Wanida, Sri Atun pp. 12 - 20 Abstract This study aimed to develop and determine the feasibility of virtual-based laboratory media containing acid-base titration materials. The development model used in this study is the research and development carried out by Borg and Gall. Consists of 7 stages of the R & D development model, including, research and information collecting, planning, develop preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, final product revision. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire used to obtain data input for products, and quantitative scores as the value of media feasibility. The results of the media expert's assessment were 100%, material experts 93.33%, and student responses were 84.87%. Therefore, laboratory media included in the category of feasibility, can be used as a medium of learning for middle school students.
Keywords: Development, Virtual Laboratory, Structured Inquiry, Acid-base titration |