Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles The Relationship between Self-Efficiency Perceptions and Conscious Awareness Levels of Teachers Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language
Bekir TURAN, Namık Kemal ŞAHBAZ, pp. 1 - 17 Abstract This study was carried out to determine the relationship between self-efficacy perceptions and mindfulness levels of teachers teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Because the research is about detecting of the existing relationship relational survey model is used. In 2019-2020 academic year, 108 teachers working in Mersin were included in the study, which was carried out in a quantitative design. Mindfulness Scale and Self-Efficacy Perception Scale Based on Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language were used to collect data in the researsch. SPSS 24.0 statistical program was used for the analysis of the data. According to the findings obtained from the research, it was determined that there is a positive low-level relationship between the mindfulness levels of the teachers who teach Turkish as a foreign language and their self-efficacy.
Keywords: Turkish Teaching, Mindfulness, Self-efficacy | |
Original Articles Reading Difficulties Encountered by Classroom Teachers
İbrahim Türkmen pp. 18 - 31 Abstract In this study, it is aimed to reveal the opinions and practices of classroom teachers based on reading and reading comprehension difficulties that they encounter in their classrooms. The research is a qualitative study and was carried out with the special case study method. The data were obtained by semi-structured interview technique with 10 classroom teachers working in the Türkoğlu district of Kahramanmaraş. The results obtained as a result of the research were examined with the actual level and content analysis. As a result of the examinations, it was determined that classroom teachers faced different types of reading difficulties for students at all levels and they exhibited different practices to eliminate these difficulties. However, it has been observed that despite the fact that the studies performed are effective, they are not fully sufficient. In order to eliminate reading and reading comprehension difficulties, practical training should be provided for students, teachers and parents in every field. In the face of this situation, various suggestions have been made, such as creating suitable environments where teachers can set models and examples for their students. The reading difficulties faced by the teachers were investigated and the practices made to overcome these difficulties were mentioned.
Keywords: Reading, reading difficulties, reading comprehension, primary school | |
Original Articles The Diamond of the Excellent Life: Virtue
Erkan Kıral pp. 32 - 42 Abstract The concept of virtue is a word that contains many good values. All values such as wisdom, dignity, justice, temperance, truthfulness, honesty, being respectful, and being responsible describe virtue. Virtue means that a person becomes a good person by reaching mental and spiritual maturity. Therefore, virtue consists of two types. These are virtues of thought and character. A good person and a good citizen are from a combination of both. From the past, philosophical beliefs and religions point to the characteristics of virtuous people. The virtuous person who knows the bad and away from it, and chooses the way to be good, s/he is the type of person that societies want. In this study, first of all, the concept of virtue, its types, and excellence in virtue are explained, then how the concept of virtue is handled according to various philosophical beliefs and monotheistic religions is examined in general terms depending on the literature.
Keywords: Virtue, excellence, life, value | |
Original Articles Secondary School Principals' Opinions on Leadership Competencies
Neşet Koç, Mehmet Ulutaş pp. 43 - 59 Abstract In today's changing and developing conditions, the role of school principals in education has increased significantly. Managers must also use their own leadership qualities while fulfilling these roles. In the research, managers' qualifications related to leadership and their opinions were tried to be examined. The purpose of the research in this context is to determine the opinions of secondary school principals on leadership competencies. Phenomenology, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. In this direction, data were tried to be obtained with the help of interview questions at the point of determining the leadership competencies of secondary school principals. As a result of the research, leading and guiding, decision-maker and practitioner, having fair and communicative skills, participatory and effective in relation to the environment, strong legislative power, and persuasiveness. In addition, middle school administrators say that managers do not develop themselves enough, managerial duties are not carried out by competent persons, and managerial appointments must be made with a written examination. Secondary school principals also think that to contribute to the development of leadership competencies of managers, the in-service training activities should be organized, and the school principals should participate in the planning stages of these activities.
Keywords: Leadership, secondary school principals, competencies | |
Original Articles Female School Administrators’ Opinions on the Problems They Face
Adem Bayar, Osman Özsalih pp. 60 - 68 Abstract The number of female teachers in the Ministry of National Education is higher than the number of male teachers. When looking at the number of men and women in school administration, the situation is exactly the opposite. The aim of this research is to determine the problems faced by female school administrators working in the Ministry of National Education and to determine the views of female school administrators regarding these problems. This research was carried out using the phenomenology research design, one of the qualitative research designs. The participants of this research consist of 10 female school administrators selected according to the criterion sampling technique, one of the purposeful sampling methods. A semi-structured interview form was used to collect data. The researchers interviewed with the participants by phone due to pandemic conditions in 2020-2021 academic year. The obtained data was analyzed with descriptive analysis techniques. When the data obtained was examined, it was found that female school administrators saw school management as a coordinating process and gave importance to cooperation. According to the findings of this research, female school administrators cannot spare enough time for themselves and their families. In addition, it was determined that female school administrators had problems with teachers, parents, and students. Finally, based on the findings obtained, some suggestions were made by the researchers, such as training female school administrators on effective use of time, informing school personnel about gender discrimination, and arranging the working hours of female school administrators.
Keywords: school administration, female school administrator, problem, opinion | |
Original Articles Coronavirus (Covid-19) Fear of Parents and Education at Home During the Pandemia in Mugla
Göksel Ergül, Saadet Kuru Çetin pp. 69 - 75 Abstract The coronavirus epidemic has had a significant impact on education systems around the world. In this context, distance education has been seen as the most appropriate method to continue the education of students without interruption. Therefore, parents have important duties. In this research, the fear experienced by parents during the pandemic period and the obstacles they experience in distance education were examined. Scanning model was adopted in the study. The data of the research was collected in the Mentese district of Mugla in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. 154 parents, including 24 men, 130 women, 41 primary school graduates, 51 high school graduates, 48 undergraduate and 12 postgraduate parents, participated in the research. The data of the study were collected with the COVID-19 Fear Scale developed by Ahorsu et al. (2020). According to the findings of the research, the item that the participants agreed with the most was “I am most afraid of coronavirus-19” (3.98), and the item they agreed with the least was “I cannot sleep because I am worried about catching the coronavirus-19” (2,17). Most of the participating parents stated that when the distance education process started, they looked at internet-based education sites and bought extracurricular activity books for their children, but they did not give their children private lessons.
Keywords: Pandemic, COVID-19, parents, education |