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Original Articles Considerations on the Use of Mobile Phones in Educational Context
Silvia Cristina Freitas BATISTA, Gilmara Teixeira BARCELOS pp. 1 - 10 Abstract Technological advancements have allowed mobiles phones to perform various functions with increasingly better performance. However, the use of these devices in educational contexts divides opinions, especially when used in the classroom. Mobile phones can support different pedagogical tasks, but may also be responsible for problems such as distractions during classes. Therefore, such use is still facing resistance in formal education. Considering the scenario described, this paper aims at discussing the use of mobile phones in education with support of data obtained in a survey with undergraduate students and teachers of Mathematics Education at a federal institution. Data showed that the participants' opinions are consistent with the literature, signaling difficulties and benefits of using the mobile phones in education.
Keywords: Mobile Phones, Educational Contexts, Mathematics Education | |
Original Articles The Effects of Minimalist Movement on Painting Arts and Music
Sukriye INAN, Izzet YUCETOKER pp. 11 - 25 Abstract The word minimalism which is derived from the word minimum in French means the least or the smallest amount needed for something. Minimalism in arts was founded at the end of 1960s in New York and it’s called in the technical literature as Minimalist Art, ABC Art or Reductive Art. The most important particularity of this movement in arts is extreme simplicity and an objective approach. Painters and musicians gave particular importance to simplicity in their works. The minimalist movement which flourished during the last phase of paintings of Kazimir Malevich in 1913 has been a source of inspiration for the painters in the following decades. Minimalism has also been used in music where melody and harmony are simplified to minimize the emotional impressions. The literature review has been used in this study. From the beginning of the minimalist movement, musicians and painters in this movement were studied in chronological order and particularities in their works were put under the scope. From among minimalist artist Ellsworth Kelly and Michael Nyman were chosen for sample surveys and their works were examined in terms of minimal particularities. In addition differences and similarities between the art styles of both artists were manifested. Consequences have been drawn from these particularities and suggestions were made in terms of interdisciplinary minimal studies.
Keywords: Minimalism, minimalism in painting, minimalism in music | |
Original Articles Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Information Literacy in Terms of Demographical Data
Dilek CAGIRGAN GULTEN, Yasemin DERINGOL KARATAS pp. 26 - 37 Abstract In today’s world, where information is produced, diversified, disseminated and shared, pre-service teachers are known to be in a never-ending learning process. In this context, it is important to study pre-service teachers’ skills of identifying information needs, obtaining, structuring and using information and taking into consideration ethical and legal values in this process. Teachers play an important role in accessing information and bringing up well-qualified generations. Therefore, this research aims to investigate pre-service teachers’ information literacy. The research was carried out with survey model, and the research sampling consisted of pre-service elementary and mathematics teachers enrolled in the education faculty of a state university in İstanbul. A survey form that consists of demographical features and “Information Literacy Scale” developed by Adıgüzel (2011) were used as data collection tools. SPSS 19.0 Statistical Package was used for the statistical analysis of the data. The findings of the research are expected to contribute not only to the literature but also to training of mathematics and elementary teachers. In addition to this, they are anticipated to pave the way for further research.
Keywords: Pre-service mathematics teachers, pre-service elementary teachers, information literacy and information | |
Original Articles Exploratory Factor Analysis Study for the Scale of High School Students’ Attitudes Towards Chemistry
Gokhan DEMIRCIOGLU, Aysegul ASLAN, Mustafa YADIGAROGLU pp. 38 - 45 Abstract It is important to develop students' positive attitudes chemistry lessons in school because research has suggested that attitudes are linked with academic achievement. Therefore, how to evaluate the attitudes is an important topic in education. The purpose of this study was to develop a Likert-type scale that could measure high school students’ attitudes toward chemistry. In order to develop this scale, it was benefited from some studies in the literature and expert ideas. After adjustments based on expert recommendations, a scale which is consisted of 25 items was developed and applied to 200 high school students. In order to determine the construct validity, exploratory factor analysis was performed. In this way, a final scale consists of 20 items. The factor analysis results indicated that the scale has two factors explaining 45.9% of the total variance. In addition, the scale’ reliability coefficient (Cronbach’ alpha) was found as 0.89. Obtained results showed that the scale which is reliable and valid measurement tool can be used to determine the attitudes of secondary school students to chemistry.
Keywords: Chemistry education, attitude scale, validity, reliability | |
Original Articles Learning for a Sustainable Future: Geographical School Practice in Slovenia
Karmen KOLNIK pp. 46 - 52 Abstract We analyse some aspects of the integration of sustainable education in school practice in Slovenia with special reference on geography. The results of analyses (since 2007) have shown that the objectives, which should contribute to the achievement of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) are not all realized. So far the legal bases that support ESD, as well as the revised national curricula for primary and secondary schools have been provided, although they should be upgraded as we notice on school geography example. Less activity was observed in the area of accelerating teaching research and strengthening cooperation between the various stakeholders in the field of ESD at all levels. At this point, it is our opinion that the greatest attention should be, at this moment, put on training of professionals, especially teachers and educators, because they still have not internalized the principles of ESD to such an extent that it exercised decisive influence on their theaching philosophy. We strongly believe that education for a sustainable future must be based on the level of personal beliefs and to become a part of life of educators too.
Keywords: Sustainability, education, curriculum, teacher, geography | |
Original Articles An E-Democracy Application: Do Not Let My Dreams of an Ideal University Stay Only in My Dreams
Serkan SENDAG pp. 53 - 63 Abstract The aim of this study is to describe and discuss data gathered from a project titled “Do not let my dreams of an ideal university stay only in my dreams”, which is an e-democracy application developed and implemented in light of the current e-democracy literature using Facebook and Twitter. The aim of the application is to develop ideas that would contribute to establishment of future higher education institutions bringing together relevant stakeholders. The project has four phases: (a) Launching, (b) Online interaction, (c) Evaluation (d) Sharing/Implementing the results. Current paper describes the structure and implementation of the application developed, and evaluates experiences on facilitating participation and interaction throughout the process with data gathered from the researcher’s dairy, meeting notes, online social networking sharing, and interviews. Data showed that there are some barriers to implement e-democracy applications at higher education level in Turkey. Results highlight that developing and implementing e-democracy applications is critical to improve participatory democracy for higher education institutions in Turkey.
Keywords: E-democracy, digital culture, higher education | |
Original Articles A Learning by Doing Approach in Teaching the Fundamentals of the Structural Design of Trusses
Gokhan YAZICI, Edip SECKIN pp. 64 - 70 Abstract This paper reports the findings of a study, conducted with second year students of civil engineering enrolled in the course of Engineering Mechanics at the Civil Engineering Department of Istanbul Kultur University, to improve the understanding of fundamental concepts related to the structural design of trusses. Students were asked to build truss systems from Balsa wood loaded with small weights, analize the truss member forces and indicate whether the members are under tension or compression. At the final stage of the workshop, a group discussion was held on the factors effecting the design of trusses with references to the structural models prepared by the students. In addition to supplementing the theoretical concepts related to the analysis and design of truss systems, preparation of the physical models and experimentation with the educational analysis software have also increased the motivation of the students towards the course of Engineering Mechanics.
Keywords: Civil Engineering Education, Trusses, Learning by Doing | |
Original Articles Learning Object for Linear Systems: Scratch in Mathematics
Silvia Cristina Freitas BATISTA, Carlos Bruno Freitas BAPTISTA pp. 71 - 81 Abstract The Scratch programming language was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and allows the creation of games, animated stories and other interactive programs, through a simple and handy user interface. The use of this language for the Mathematics learning has been analyzed by educators in various contexts. In this scenario, this paper aims to present the learning object (LO) 2x2 Linear.S, for the study of linear systems, developed using Scratch. Initially, the Scratch language is characterized and its use in Mathematics is discussed. Next, the LO 2x2 Linear.S is presented. Finally, quality evaluation data of the LO, conducted with students of Information Systems, Bachelor’s Degree, are analyzed.
Keywords: Scratch, learning object, linear systems, Mathematics | |
Original Articles Views of Turkish Efl Students with Regard to Learning Grammar with Games
Onur KOKSAL, Ahmet CEKIC, Omer BEYHAN pp. 82 - 92 Abstract This study aims to determine the views of elementary level Turkish EFL learners with regard to learning Grammar with games. Three dimensions were discussed in the study: students’ assessment of learning grammar with games, their views about the challenges in the application process and their suggestions with regard to the application. This case study was conducted on 49 students at the Faculty of Education, Cumhuriyet University. The data was collected via semi-structured interviews to get profound insight about the students’ opinions. Descriptive analysis method was used for the analysis of the data obtained. As a result of the study, it was concluded that learning grammar with games was effective in learning English in that it increased students’ motivation, changed their attitudes to English classes positively, increased their selfconfidence and thus led to better and more retainable learning in grammar as perceived by the students themselves and the researchers.
Keywords: English grammar, learning English with games | |
Original Articles Integration of Visualization Techniques and Active Learning Strategy in Learning Computer Programming: a Proposed Framework
Siti RosminahMD DERUS, Ahmad Zamzuri MOHAMAD ALI pp. 93 - 103 Abstract This paper reviews the issues and problems faced by students in learning programming, thus recommend a conceptual framework to overcome the problem. Computer programming courses are said to be complex and difficult, particularly to novice students. Among the causes of students’ failure in developing programming skills is their inability to visually illustrate the flow of the program code during the program execution. To overcome this problem, a Program Visualization (PV) is recognized as one of the available learning support tools that can help novice students in enhancing their understanding of the programming execution. Nevertheless, using the PV alone without the active engagement with the tools will not produce the optimal learning outcome on students' programming performance. Previous studies indicated that, active learning strategies are among the most effective strategies in learning programming. Apart from learning strategies, there is a requirement of active involvement of students in the learning process, the ability to think logically which affect their ability to solve problems, thus lead them to develop a program. In addition, using PV as learning aids is expected to increase the students’ self-efficacy in learning assignment activity and overcome the challenges of learning. Consequently, it is also important that these aspects are viewed in studies related to the effectiveness of any instructional materials such as PV to enhance programming performance, particularly in finding approaches that can improve novices’ self-efficacy.
Keywords: Programming, program visualization, active learning, logical ability, self-efficacy | |
Original Articles Determining Prospective Science Teachers’association Levels of Electricity Concepts
Ozgul KAYA, Seyhan ERYILMAZ, Ali Riza AKDENIZ pp. 104 - 115 Abstract Science teachers should know basic science concepts and associations between them in terms of successful concept instruction. It is also important for prospective science teachers to know these basic concepts and associate them properly. In this research, it is aimed to determine associations of electricity concepts taking part in science and technology curriculums by prospective science teachers, teachers in a near future. Basic concepts partaking in the unit of ‘Electricity in Our Life’ were designated and it was asked for 3rd class students (n=55) studied in Science Teaching Program at Karadeniz Technical University to prepare a concept map by using these concepts. Associations were written as a text and classified by researchers as false, partly true and meaningless. It is seen that participants have difficulties in association of electricity concepts, use some alternative concepts, do not associate all of the given concepts and add associations about some concepts that were not given. It is suggested that teachers and lecturers should use these concepts carefully, direct students to accurate sources, develop concept association oriented materials and implement them.
Keywords: Prospective science teachers, electricity concepts, association | |
Original Articles Augmented Reality Applied to Natural Sciences
Bárbara Maria Lemos FERREIRA, Thaís Nogueira FERNANDES, Suzana da Hora MACEDO pp. 116 - 124 Abstract This research presents Augmented Reality applied to Natural Sciences, specifically wind energy. A Learning Object showing the generation of wind energy was used in an experiment with high school students. In this Learning Object, the student can see the energy generation in an Augmented Reality environment. In the environment created in Augmented Reality there is the simultaneous presence of real and virtual objects. In this environment, the students could interact with the Learning Object. This work was based on the theory of Meaningful Learning, which, according to Ausubel, occurs when a concept is related in a substantive way and not arbitrary concepts with pre-existing in the cognitive structure of the individual. Reviews and evaluations were done to complete the work, highlighting its advantages in the learning process.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Meaningful Learning, Natural Sciences | |
Original Articles Meaningful Learning and Concept Maps to Teach Electrical Machines for Adults
Evanildo dos Santos LEITE pp. 125 - 132 Abstract This paper presents the use of concept maps as a tool for teaching and learning Electrical Machines for adults. This experience is based on the Theory of Meaningful Learning. An experiment was conducted in a classroom where adult students could produce concept maps according to the subjects studied. Reviews and evaluations were done to complete the work, highlighting its advantages in the learning process.
Keywords: Meaningful Learning, concept maps, teaching adults, electrical machines | |
Original Articles Contemporary Children’s Literature: Teachers’ Feedback on Support, Resources, Training and Time Allocation
Siti Salina MUSTAKIM, Othman LEBAR, Abdul Aziz MOHAMED, Hasniza BASRI, Nerlizam MAHAD pp. 133 - 144 Abstract Support from the administrators, resources provided, training for the teachers and allocation of time for effective classroom learning are amongst the important components provided by schools. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of Contemporary Children’s Literature Program based on the feedback by upper primary school teachers. Using survey questionnaire of four Likert scale as research instrument, this study seeks to identify the quality of support from administrators, availability and utilization of resources, scope of training, and appropriateness of time allocation in the implementation of the program. A total of 45 respondents were asked to complete the survey. Data were analyzed using SPSS 19. Results of the study indicated that 75.6% teachers agree that the administrators give opportunity to try out new ideas in their teaching, 53.3% strongly agree on the provision of appropriate textbook to be used as teaching materials in the classroom, 17.8% disagree that the training provided is sufficient as a preparation to teach literature in the classroom, and 62.2% agree that the allocation of time is sufficient for the teaching of literature in the classroom. This study proposed the importance of cascade training provided by the Ministry of Education to be conducted yearly to ensure the effectiveness of transfer of training, the availability of resources to ensure the success of the program, and consideration of time allocated in the timetable of teaching and learning.
Keywords: Contemporary, Literature, Children’s Literature | |
Original Articles Teaching the Magnetic Field of a Bar-Shaped Magnet Using Augmented Reality
Suzana da Hora MACEDO, Evanildo dos Santos LEITE, Filipe Arantes FERNANDES pp. 145 - 156 Abstract It is proposed in this paper the use of an Augmented Reality environment developed to support the teaching of the magnetic field of a bar-shaped magnet. It was created a prototype with software based on Augmented Reality that has been tested with students of engineering. In this environment the student can see in 3D and interact with the magnetic field of a bar-shaped magnet. In a screen of Augmented Reality there is the simultaneous presence of real and virtual objects. In this work the magnetic fields are displayed, in the virtual world, which will be around a magnet, in the real world. From the results, analysis and evaluations were done to complete the work.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Magnetic field, Teaching | |
Original Articles The Impact of Language Learning Experience on Language Learner Strategy Use in Turkish Efl Context
Mehmet Sercan UZTOSUN pp. 157 - 168 Abstract This study aims at investigating language learner strategies deployed by 275 Turkish university students at English Language Teaching Department and seeks for possible differences in strategy uses of learners with different educational backgrounds. The theoretical framework of the study was informed by Oxford’s taxonomy (1990) and SILL was implemented as a data collection tool. The findings of the study parallel previous studies conducted in Turkey, in that Turkish university students mostly employ compensation and metacognitive strategies. The present study goes beyond this and reveals that educational background is a factor influencing the strategy choice: more experienced learners have wider range of strategy repertoire and use compensation and cognitive strategies significantly greater than less experienced learners. This article introduces the educational backgrounds of experienced learners as a sample of English language learning that promotes the use of language learner strategies.
Keywords: Language learner strategies, language learning experience, language educational background, English as a foreign language, English language teaching in Turkey | |
Original Articles The Comparision of 54-66 Months Old Children’s Readiness for Primary School During Preschool Period and Their Adaptation to Primary School
Ozgul POLAT, Elif KURTULUS KUCUKOGLU, Sennur SOHTORIKOGLU NIRAN, Fatma Ozge UNSAL, Tuba OZKABAK YILDIZ pp. 169 - 182 Abstract The preparation process of children for primary school can only be effective by means qualified education in which necessary pre skills in every zone of development are supported. This preparation process also makes children’s social adaptation to primary school environment easier. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to compare children’s social adaptation when they start primary school by identifying their readiness for primary school. The participants of the study are 54-66 months old 22 students who attended Prof. Dr. Ayla Oktay’s Preschool Education Application Unit during 2012-2013 academic year. Children’s readiness level for primary school in 2012-2013 academic year was assessed by Marmara Scale of Readiness for Primary School. At the beginning of 2013-2014 academic year, the same students’ adaptation levels to the school they attended was measured by School Social Behavior Scale. The data obtained were interpreted by comparison.
Keywords: Preschool education, readiness for primary school, adaptation to primary school, social adaptation | |
Original Articles Motivation, Learner Identity and Language Learning
Hakan TARHAN, Sena BALBAN pp. 183 - 197 Abstract This case study was conducted at a state university in Turkey. The participants were 9 students from the same classroom consisting of 24, registered in the English Preparatory Program at Ankara University. The main methods of the of data collection were a survey adapted from Gardner’s (2004) Attitude/ Motivation Battery Test and the interviews conducted based on the results of the survey. In this study, we aimed to explore the context-based relationship among motivation, learner identity and second language acquisition in the given context. The findings indicated that learners possessing integrative and instrumental motivation in line with their ideal self and ought-to self invested into the target language more, compared to the learners having only instrumental motivation towards the target language.
Keywords: Motivation, identity, learner investment | |
Original Articles Geographical Information Systems’ Place and Importance in Social Studies Lessons
Asli AYTAC pp. 198 - 208 Abstract In the general objectives of the social studies curriculum, in the seventh item “information is used , organized and improved in appropriate formats and various forms(by map, graphic, table, sphere, diagram, time band etc.)” and in the eleventh item “information and communication technologies are used and the process of development of science and technology and its effects on social life are understood” are included. Based on these statements, technologies and modern applications should be used in social studies lessons. Teacher provides the information. Teacher candidates and teachers have to know the new applications to facilitate the understanding of the lesson. They have to follow constantly renewed technology and should use it on their area of expertise. In this study, geographical information systems will be introduced and some of the topics of units’ visual applications in primary education at the sixth and seventh grades will be explained by means of ArcGIS 9.2 software program. Thus, the importance of geographical information systems about the geography applications in social studies lessons will be emphasized.
Keywords: Geographical information systems, social studies, technology usage, to do visual, ArcGIS 9.2 | |
Original Articles My Own Past: an Example of Family Involvement Project Applied to Improve 48 – 54 Months Old Children’s Perception of the Past
Rengin ZEMBAT, Fatma Ozge UNSAL, Fatih YAZICI, Elif KURTULUS KUCUKOGLU, Tuba OZKABAK YILDIZ, Hilal Ilknur TUNCELI pp. 209 - 218 Abstract Preschool period is highly important in the sense that children generate their individual identity and perceptions related to their own past. In addition, based on the principle that learning experiences start from children’s close environment to far, considering “proofs” such as daily objects, clothes, photo album and verbal witnessing students have an opportunity to create their own past and constitute a historical narration. Built upon this theoretical framework, the study makes use of pretest – posttest without control group model. Teacher Observation Form was adopted as a pretest in order to determine 48 – 54 months old thirteen children’s the perception of the past, who constituted the research group of Prof. Dr. Ayla Oktay’s Application Unit at Atatürk Education Faculty at Marmara University during 2012 – 2013 Academic Year. As for the application of the study, within an hour allocated for them in the company of their families, students made presentations in front of their friends regarding their own past using things, clothes, photos, etc. from their International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications January 2014 Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Article: 20 ISSN 1309-6249 Copyright © International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications / 210 infancy. Posttest which was based on Teacher Observation Form showed that consisting family involvement and project based application process resulted in significant changes in terms of students’ perception of the past.
Keywords: Preschool, Perception of the Past, Historian Skills, Project Based Learning, Family Involvement |