Volume 13 Issue 1 (July 2022)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles A Big Loophole in Child Development in Xian China

Shi Li

pp. 8 - 17


The researcher reports on a grounded theory study of 13 Chinese ages 12-14 high school students, based on the qualitative interviews with them in Xi’an China. The study investigated 1) parent expectations from their child, 2) parenting focus, and 3) the moral quality of gratitude in children in the dimensions of gratification and guilt towards parental sacrifice. The results from this investigation reveal a big loophole in child development in China, which could take a heavy toll on the characterbuilding of a child as a person and the provision of family elder care.

Keywords: Parent expectations, parenting focus, gratitude, housework

Original Articles Development of Schools' Organizational Personality Inventory According to the Five Factor Theory

Mahmut SAGIR, Suleyman GOKSOY

pp. 18 - 28


In this study, it was aimed to develop an organizational personality inventory to determine the personalities of schools. For this purpose, firstly, theoretical sources on personality and its types were scanned and an item pool consisting of 87 items on organizational personality types was created. A pilot application was made to the teachers for the items in the prepared item pool. The inventory, which was finalized with the pilot application, was applied to teachers working at various school levels in the province of Kahramanmaras and determined by the "Simple Random Sampling Method" for validity and reliability analysis. As a result of statistical analyses, it was determined that the organizational personality inventory consisted of 51 items in 5 factors and the inventory took its final form. The factors of the inventory are within the framework of the five factor personality model, extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism-emotional stability, and openness to experience.

Keywords: School, personality, organizational personality

Original Articles Evaluation of the End-Of-Unit Evaluation Questions in 6Th Grade Science Lesson Book According to the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy


pp. 29 - 40


Aim of this study was to examine the end-of-unit evaluation questions in the 6th Grade Science book of primary education according to the knowledge and cognitive process dimensions of the Revised Bloom Taxonomy. For that purpose, 130 end-of-unit evaluation questions of 6th grade Science textbooks which were approved by the Board of Education and Discipline in Ministry of National Education of Republic of Turkey. The evaluation was performed with document analysis with considering knowledge and cognitive process dimensions of the Revised Bloom Taxonomy. Data of this study were obtained with documet analysis which classified as qualitatively research method. Accessing documents, checking authenticity, understanding documents, analyzing and using data steps were performed. Analyzed questions were categorized according to previously published studies of experts, and according to the criteria of "Taxonomy for learning, teaching and Assesing" book written by Anderson et al which is published in 2001 and translated into Turkish by Ozcelik in 2010. Ratio and frequencies were used to reach results. When the unit evaluation questions of the 6th Grade Science Textbook are evaluated according to the cognitive level of the Revised Bloom Taxonomy, it is observed that 60 of the 130 questions are belong to remembering level. When these questions are evaluated according to the knowledge dimension it is observed that 60 of 130 questions are belong to factual knowledge. When the 6th grade units are evaluated as a whole, it’s possible to observe that majority of the questions are belong to subcognitive knowledge level. These questions can be considered as factual knowledge level when evaluated according to Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. As a conclusion, it is suggested that the sub-cognitive and metacognitive questions according to the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy should be served equally at unit-end-up questions of the 6th grade of primary school Ministry of National Education approved book.

Keywords: Science, Curriculum, Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, 6th grade

Original Articles Examination of Theses Related to E-Twinning in Türkiye


pp. 41 - 50


The aim of this research is to examine the thesis studies on eTwinning in Turkey. In the research, document review, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The theses, which are the data source in the research, were obtained by using the National Thesis Center database on the website of YÖK (Higher Education Council). The study group of the research consists of 9 thesis studies selected by writing "eTwinning" in the scanning part of the YÖK National Thesis Center page on April 1, 2022. In the examination of thesis studies, theses, the year it was published, the university it was published in, the institute it was published in, the research method, the gender of the researchers, the title of the consultant, and the working group were taken as basis. According to the research findings, there were no thesis studies on eTwinning before 2018, the thesis studies were carried out in 2021 at the most, the theses were published by 9 different universities, the theses were published by the educational sciences institutes the most, the gender of the thesis researchers was the most female, the thesis studies were mostly associate professors. It has been determined that the study group of the theses is mostly English teachers. As a result, it can be said that although the number of teachers and projects interested in eTwinning is high in Turkey, the number of theses related to eTwinning is insufficient. In order to increase the number of academic studies related to eTwinning, it can be suggested that teachers who implement eTwinning projects should be supported and directed in this direction.

Keywords: Document review, E-learning, eTwinning

Original Articles Examination of Village School with Multigrade Class Students According to Nine Types of Temperament Models

Gülüzar BAYRAM, Adem DOĞAN

pp. 51 - 67


In this article, a detailed examination was made about the Nine Types of Temperament Model and it was examined how each of the Nine Types of Temperament emerged over the students studying in the village schools with combined classrooms, and which student type's characteristics match with which temperament type. The scope of this research on the students with combined classrooms, we worked with village school students. Multigrade classes are two or more classes learning together in a single group under the leadership of a teacher. Teaching in this way is called teaching in multigrade classes. The case study method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in research. Nine Types of Temperament Model reflection was searched 14 students in a multi-class primary school in a village in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Observations and interviews were made by the classroom teachers in the lessons and outside of class hours. Games and activities in which children could exhibit their behaviors comfortably were organized, and notes were taken for the examinations. In addition, in this article, the benefits of directing education with the Nine Types of Temperament Model for primary school children and the relationship of NTTM and education with their future educational lives are mentioned.

Keywords: Multigrade classes, Nine type temperament model (NTTM), Primary school

Original Articles Harmonizing Approaches in Turkish Folk Music Works

Murat Devrim BABACAN

pp. 68 - 78


Turkish Folk Music, one of our traditional music genres, differs from other traditional music types with its unique structure. Its maqam structure and musical attitude make this music have a special resonance. For this reason, these features make Turkish Folk Music suitable for polyphony and harmonic accompaniment. The researcher performed harmonization and accompaniment studies on some selected Turkish Folk Music works in this study to give the artworks a deeper variety of colors and different expressions. Although the researcher gives examples on the piano instrument, one can obtain similar results by transferring the chords of the study to other instruments. In this study, the researcher emphasized different approaches from simple chords to alternative harmonization in selected Turkish Folk Music works, and within the framework of this perspective, he tried to obtain deeper colors and a completely different depth on the tones (resonance) of the artworks.

Keywords: Turkish Folk Music, Harmonizing Approaches, Harmonization, Jazz Music

Original Articles Impact of Lockdowns and Home Confinement on Peer Relationships: Preschool Teacher’s Perspective


pp. 79 - 90


In this study, the preschool children’s peer relationships were examined according to the teachers’ views after lockdowns and home confinement. Qualitative descriptive research was adopted. Eighteen preschool teachers from different preschools participated in the study. The participants were selected to represent maximum diversity. All teachers were female. Individual interviews were conducted with the teachers. Teachers were asked questions about their observations of peer relationships after the lockdowns and home confinement. Interviews were conducted via a cloud-based video conferencing platform. The content analysis method was used to interpret the interview data. All the teachers said that lockdowns and home confinement had both positive and negative effects on peer relationships. Teachers emphasized that they observed negative effects, especially in the domains of social and emotional development. In terms of positive effects, teachers emphasized that children developed a positive attitude towards school, made progress in their self-care skills, and showed greater interest in playing with their peers. Participating teachers also said that they made different special arrangements to improve peer relationships. Especially in the beginning, they structured their activities to include less contact and allocated more time for outdoor activities. They focused more on encouraging children to share and teaching hygiene rules. They also received more parental support in improving peer relationships.

Keywords: Peer relationships, young children, preschool teacher, COVID-19, lockdown, home confinement

Original Articles Investigation of How Freshman Pre-Service Teachers Relate Chemistry Laboratory with Daily Life


pp. 91 - 103


Chemistry includes observable phenomena and materials related to daily life, but learners sometimes have difficulties in understanding the theoretical and abstract nature of chemistry as well as its applications and relating it to everyday experiences. In this manner, the aim of the study is to determine and assess whether pre-service science and pre-service chemistry teachers could relate the experiments conducted in the chemistry laboratory with daily life or not. The research is designed as a case study and the study group consists of pre-service science (n=18) and chemistry teachers (n=18) who are studying at a state university in Istanbul. Research data is collected with open-ended questions in accordance with the general chemistry laboratory I course content. The questions aimed to investigate the conceptual understanding and the views of pre-service teachers. The results showed that the participants could not adequately make the conceptual explanations, however, they were able to establish the connection with daily life. Also, the pre-service teachers stated that they did not have any difficulties in integrating chemistry with daily life in the interviews. In the light of the findings, some implications were drawn to establish a relationship between the content and laboratory courses and daily lives to make more a meaningful learning

Keywords: Chemistry Education, Chemistry Laboratory, Teacher Education, Daily Life Chemistry, Pre-service teachers

Original Articles Investigation of the Teachers’ Perceptional Organizational Support and Job Satisfactions in Terms of School Type Variable

Goksel ERGUL, Saadet Kuru CETİN

pp. 104 - 113


This study aims to investigate the teachers’ perceptional organizational support and job satisfactiions, working in official educational organizations in Mugla, in terms of school type variable. Official kindergarten, primary school, secondary school high school and vocational high school teachers that located in Mugla province Mentese district, formed this study’s universe. 310 teachers (193 female and 117 male teachers) appointed with primitive random sampling method, participated this study as a sample. To collect data, personal information form, “job satisfaction scale” which was adopted to Turkish by Aslı Baycan in 1985 and “perceived organizational support scale” which was developed by Funda Nayır, applied to the participant teachers. Relational survay of quantitive research method was used in the study. Descriptive statics, unrelated group t-test oneway variance analysis (Anova test) were used in the analysis of the collected data. The level of significance was accepted as p < 0.05 and the related results were indicated. According to the results of variance analysis, Tukey comparison tests were used to determine the source of significant differences. The multivariate regression analysis was used to determine whether or not perceived organizational support’s dimensions “organizational justice”, “organizational presents and job conditions” and “administrators’support” predicted teachers’ job satisfactions level. It has been concluded that there are significant differences in perceived organizational support and job satisfaction of teachers according to the types of schools they work.

Keywords: Perceived organizational support, job satisfaction, teacher

Original Articles 10. Planning Problems in Higher Education According to Administrators’ Opinions and Solution Advice


pp. 114 - 131


In the research, it is aimed to describe the planning problems that arise in higher education based on the views of the lecturers working at Aydın Adnan Menderes University and to put forward suggestions for the solution to these problems. The study group of the research consists of 17 faculty members who worked at Adnan Menderes University, 10 faculties, and 4 vocational schools in the 2017-2018 Academic Year, completed their doctorate, and are administrators. Participants were chosen among Dr. Instructor Member, Assoc. Prof, and Prof. titled members, using criterion sampling (being an administrator) and maximum diversity (title-faculty-gender), which is one of the purposive sampling methods. This research was designed with phenomenology and the interview technique was used in the research. In the interviews, a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher was used as a data collection tool by consulting the opinions of two experts. The obtained data were analysed with the content analysis technique. The findings of the research were discussed under four themes: "planning problems related to education supply", "planning problems related to education demand", "planning problems related to education financing" and "planning problems related to the structure and functioning of CoHE" and suggestions were presented.

Keywords: Planning, CoHE, academic freedom, university autonomy, financing

Original Articles Student Opinions on the Attitudes of Faculty Members and the Effect of the Exams They Applied on the Development of Critical Thinking Skills


pp. 132 - 146


Critical thinking skill, which is one of the sub-dimensions of thinking, is extremely important in terms of raising individuals who can question information. Undoubtedly, teachers and faculty members have a great responsibility in acquiring critical thinking. The aim of this study is to examine in depth the views of university students about the attitudes of faculty members and the effect of the exams they take on the development of critical thinking skills. Qualitative research method was used in the study. The study group of the research consists of 12 students studying at Amasya University. Data were collected with a semi-structured interview form. The analysis of the data was made with the descriptive analysis method. According to the data obtained, it has been seen that the lecturers mainly use the presentation method in the lessons, the exams are knowledge-oriented, based on memorization and cannot develop critical thinking. Students think that faculty members should be respectful, self-sacrificing and good listeners to all opinions. In addition, they stated that the exams should not be completely knowledge-oriented and that the exams should be prepared in an openended style with comments and thought-provoking questions. They think that critical thinking skills can be achieved in comfortable environments by reading a lot, asking questions, making philosophical conversations, creating the awareness that criticism is not a negative thing, and effective communication.

Keywords: Critical thinking skills, Attitudes of faculty members, Applied Exams

Original Articles Teachers' Views on the Use of Technology in Appraisal of the Students


pp. 147 - 153


Purpose of the Study: This study is to determine the thoughts of teachers about the use of technology in defining the individual. Getting to know the individual constitutes the first purpose of guidance services, and the main purpose of getting to know the individual should be to introduce himself to the individual. Method: Qualitative research method was used in this study. In this study, the use of individual recognition test techniques with technology was investigated. A two-hour workshop was organized for teachers on the use of individual recognition techniques such as who is it and sociometry in the computer environment. Thirty teachers who participated in the workshop answered the questions about the use of technology in getting to know the individual. Findings Conclusion: At the end of the interviews, the teachers reached the themes of getting to know students effectively, helping students, reaching more students, using the technique of getting to know more individuals, keeping, and confidentiality. Recommendations: It is important to benefit from technology for the widespread and effective use of individual recognition techniques in order for teachers to get closer to their students. Future studies may also be on the use of technology in non-test individual recognition techniques.

Keywords: Counseling, Appraisal of Student, Technology

Original Articles The Effectiveness of Taste as a Catalyst for Learning in Primary School

Jacob Højgaard Christensen, Mikkel Stovgaard, Karen Wistoft

pp. 154 - 167


This article presents the results of a survey study conducted among 409 students (2nd to 7th grade), who all participated in mathematics and language lessons based on a teaching material titled Subjects With Taste (SWT). The hypothesis behind developing the teaching material is that taste can be regarded as a fundamental sense that supports individual meaning making and learning processes. Hence, taste can be viewed as a catalyst for learning in a broad variety of schools subjects when incorporated appropriately. The purpose of this study is to investigate this hypothesis and to examine the effectiveness of SWT courses in primary school mathematics and language teaching. Cluster analysis is used to analyze the survey data and identify differences between groups of respondents. Overall, the results indicate that incorporating elements of taste into mathematics and language teaching can have positive effects on most students’ self-assessed learning outcome and learning prerequisites such as a high level of engagement and happiness and a low level of boredom. The group of students that is most challenged in relation to the randomly selected lessons is also the group of students that responds most positively to the SWT teaching. However, a quarter of the students who perform well in the randomly selected lessons respond negatively to the SWT teaching, especially compared to some of the other groups.

Keywords: Teaching, learning, taste, engagement, boredom, happiness

Original Articles The Impact of Cultural Capital on the Communication Skills of Teacher Candidates

Akan Deniz YAZGAN

pp. 168 - 185


In this study, the effect of cultural capital on teacher candidates' communication skills is examined. The study is a quantitative research and is in an ex-post facto model. The study group consists of 594 teacher candidates studying at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMÜ) Faculty of Education. Cultural Capital Scale developed by Avcı and Yaşar (2014) and Communication Skills Scale for Teaher Candidates developed by Akkuzu and Akkaya (2014) were used to collect data in the research. In the analysis of the data obtained in the study, descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation), t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) analysis were used. According to the findings of the research, the cultural capital and communication skill levels of teacher candidates are high. While the communication skill scores of the teacher candidates differed significantly according to the gender variable, no significant difference was found according to the class and department variables. In addition, it was understood that the communication skill levels of the teacher candidates differ significantly according to the cultural capital groups.

Keywords: Communication skills, cultural capital, teacher training, teacher candidates