Volume 11 Issue 2 (April 2020)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles Policy Design for Work Based Learning in Vet Schools in Kosova

Ramë Likaj, Zenun Halili, Xhevahir Bajrami

pp. 1 - 12


The aim of this research is to understand more about the attendance of professional practice by students in companies and contribute in policy design for work based learning. That would lead to improvement in students’ professional practice in companies, development of competencies and training programme that suits with their need, for responsible persons for the cooperation between schools and businesses like Business Liaison Officers ate school level or In-Company trainers and Work Place Instructors at company level, including their Continuous Professional Development. The following aspects were analysed: attendance of students’ professional practice in the VET system in Kosova, types of professional practice, students’ assessment, roles and responsibilities of all parties involved, and satisfaction of schools and businesses in this regard. Based on this research a key and general Competence for Business Liaison Officer and training programme have been developed and key policy aspects for legislation framework is proposed.

Keywords: Professional practice, Work Based Learning, WBC, VET, School, Company

Original Articles Examining the Self-Efficacy Levels of Pedagogical Formation Students Towards Teaching Principles and Methods Course

Alptürk Akçöltekin

pp. 13 - 21


The present study aims to determine the self-efficacy levels of university students who receive pedagogical formation training towards the Teaching Principles and Methods Course. Accordingly, a scale consisting of 34 items and 5 factors was used. The study group of the research consists of 221 university students who receive pedagogical formation training in the academic year of 2019-2020. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the self-efficacy levels of students were low in explaining the difference between education and teaching, explaining the basic concepts included in the regulation of education status in the process of developing education programs, explaining the relationship between teaching models, strategies, methods, and techniques, explaining the factors that affect method selection along with the basic principles of discussion methods, and finally, explaining the education plans, however, students possessed high self-efficacy levels in explaining the basic concepts about education, classifying the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aims of education, writing appropriate acquisitions about their fields, explaining the benefits of using methods in teaching, using discussion techniques in the teaching process, and finally, designing a plan that is suitable to their fields by paying attention to the steps of the planning process.

Keywords: Pedagogical formation, Self-efficacy, Teaching principles and methods course, Curriculum development

Original Articles Bibliometric Analysis of the EURopean Early Childhood Education Research Journal

Özgün Uyanik Aktulun

pp. 22 - 37


This study aimed to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the European Early Childhood Education Research Journal and determine the journal’s scientific development, intellectual development and scientific focus. For this purpose, by including all publications since the journal started to be indexed on Web of Science (2007-2018) in the scope of the analysis, bibliometric analyses were carried out on 494 scientific articles published on the database of WoS. The studies were examined with the Citespace II software based on country collaborations, co-citation analysis and co-word analysis, and citation bursts were observed for countries and works that had a critical significance in the journal in terms of citation numbers. According to the findings, it was understood that there were mostly articles with one or two authors in the journal. England, Australia and Norway were the countries of the authors who made the highest contribution to the journal in the scientific sense. In the journal, it was observed that studies carried out by authors from the England, Greece and New Zealand received high numbers of citations on certain occasions. The concepts that were mentioned the most frequently in the studies were “preschool”, “play”, “education” and “children”.

Keywords: European Early Childhood Educational Research Journal, bibliometric analysis, cocitation analysis, social network analysis

Original Articles Evaluation of Music in Elementary School

Ivan Lesnik

pp. 38 - 50


Acquiring knowledge and evaluating it in the form of evaluation, assessment and testing is one of the essential tasks of an organized educational system. Evaluation is a process that is related to the work of the teacher and the pupil. The article presents evaluation as a broader concept of assessment and testing which evaluates the learning process as well as the pupil's achievements. We emphasize the importance of the teacher's music evaluation system, which is to guarantee an objective evaluation of the student's work in the context of musical heterogeneity. A total of 186 teachers participated in the study, and a quantitative empirical descriptive causal nonexperimental method was used. The results confirmed the assumption that relevant professional didactic competences of teachers, as well as their experience and education, provide a more objective evaluation of the pupil's process-developmental and learning-oriented achievements in musical arts.

Keywords: evaluation system, musical arts, assessment and testing, competencies

Original Articles Ethics in Educational Administration

Bilgen KIRAL

pp. 51 - 59


A set of values are given to individuals through education. Schools deliberately convey various information to children to prepare for their social roles. With the knowledge they learned in school, individuals can question events in life, decide what is good and what is bad, associate their own values with social values and transfer existing ones to new generations. For this reason, many tasks fall on educational administrators in general, school administrators, and teachers in schools. This can only be achieved if the administrators attach importance to ethical values and standards as well as their professional knowledge and skills. Administrators should have ethical values such as being fair, behaving equally, being respectful, being impartial, not discriminating and acting in accordance with the legislation, and they should manage their institutions according to these determined ethical codes. In this study, firstly the concept of educational administration, secondly the concepts of ethics and ethical dilemmas in education administration are explained, and finally, the ethical codes that education administrators must comply within their organizations are examined depending on the literature.

Keywords: Educational administration, school administrator, ethics, ethical code, value