Volume 5 Issue 3 (July 2014)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles Psychological Wellbeing in the Context of Inclusive Education


pp. 1 - 12


The scope of this study is to reveal the interconnection between psychological wellbeing and inclusive education. It is important to note that psychological wellbeing is a very complicated phenomenon and as such we need to describe the boundaries of its content. We suggest that the core of wellbeing is the subjective experience of social sufficiency of individual existence. On the other hand, the practice of the inclusive education is loaded with many social expectations, one of the main being to support psychological development and social consistency of the person. In the basis of exclusion stands the social diversity of the person. Negative feelings in the excluded individual provoke a decrease of psychological wellbeing. Thus, if we were to increase the effectiveness of the inclusive education, we would need to improve the psychological wellbeing of the individual. The improving could be realized through systematic social and psychological support, mainly in school and in the family.

Keywords: Psychological wellbeing, inclusive education, social support, personality, family

Original Articles The Development and Implementation of a Guidance Counselingprogram Aiming to Support 54-66 Months Old Children's Development Level and Readiness for Primary School


pp. 13 - 25


The aim of this study is to develop and implement a guidance-counseling program in line with the objectives of the pre-school education program developed by the National Ministry of Education in order to support 54-66 months old children's development areas and readiness for primary school. Prior to the implementation of the guidance counseling program, specific development areas of the children were investigated through the "Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory", their personal social development was explored using the "School Social Behavior Scales", their visual perception levels were revealed by means of the "Frostig Visual Perception Test" and their school readiness level were investigated through the “Marmara Primary School Readiness Scale”. As a result of the data collection, the guidance counseling program supported by some educational materials aiming to improve their fine and gross motor skills as well as their visual perception development was implemented by the children's classroom teachers and student teachers teaching 54-66- month-old children. At the end of the study, it was found that the guidance counseling program developed for the study improved the children's overall development and accelerated the primary school readiness level of the children starting school when they were 66 months old in line with the 4+4+4 education system.

Keywords: Guidance and counseling program, pre-school, school readiness

Original Articles Serbian Language Teachers in Northern Kosovo on General Primary School Education

Vesna Lj. MINIC, Marija M. JOVANOVIC

pp. 26 - 38


The importance of general primary school education is reflected in the fact that it is necessary to every person regardless of what they do and what their main occupation is. A wide range of knowledge which is obtained by general education enables man to follow social changes influence them, change their course and adjust to them, and therefore live well in a certain social community. The research conducted in the schools of the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica was aimed at analyzing opinion of Serbian language teachers on important matters of general education in the primary school (presence of the content of general education in the curriculum, its compliance with the development of science and technology, the impact on the selection of students’ profession, compliance with the evolving capacities of the students and the importance for modern education).

Keywords: Serbian language, teachers, primary school, general education, north Kosovo

Original Articles Integration of Young Students with Outstanding Mathematical Abilities to Creative Teamwork

Dimitrina Petrova KAPITANOVA

pp. 39 - 48


In order to respond to the dynamics in the development of economic, social and public life, school education should very quickly and flexibly offer new educational policies and put into practice new technological solutions. In the context of inclusive education, the development aims to present an idea to include the outstanding students in mathematics to additional creative work in a team, which will best satisfy their needs of: expression of their personal potential and opportunities, communication in a creative environment of likeminded people, development of their mathematical abilities and acquisition of key competencies.

Keywords: Inclusive education, creativity, mathematics

Original Articles The Validity and Reliability of Turkish Version of the Theistic Faith Scale

Ahmet AKIN, Fatih USTA,  Umran AKIN

pp. 49 - 53


The aim of this study is to examine validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Theistic Faith Scale (Francis, Brockett, & Village, 2013). The sample of this study consisted of 266 undergraduate students. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the 7 items and uni-dimensional theistic faith model was well fit (x²= 18.05, df= 11, RMSEA= .050, GFI= .98, CFI= .99, AGFI= .95, IFI= .99, and SRMR= .025). The internal consistency reliability coefficient of the scale was .83. The corrected item-total correlations ranged from .33 to .67. Overall findings demonstrated that this scale had high validity and reliability scores.

Keywords: Theistic faith, validity, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis

Original Articles Implementation of Creativity in Science Teacher Training


pp. 54 - 63


Creativity of students and teachers plays a very important role in education. The importance of creativity for education is evident from the interest of the OECD. According to experts a creative teacher is necessary to develop students' creativity. Students must feel that they are expected to be creative. Based on our designbased research, inquiry-based science education seems to be the appropriate approach for the development of creativity amongst students and teachers. The core principles of inquiry-based science education such as student activities, meaningful contents, developing critical thinking and motivating towards science correspond to the basic components of creativity. Inquiry-based science education involves basic processes that give rise to creativity. We present the research outcomes of the implementation of creativity development methods in science education and especially in science teacher training. Our research is carried out within the European project “Professional Reflection-Oriented Focus on Inquiry-based Learning and Education through Science” (7FP).

Keywords: Creativity, science education, science teacher training

Original Articles Fusion Cuisine Education and Its Relation with Molecular Gastronomy Education (Comparative Course Content Analysis)


pp. 64 - 70


The development of gastronomy science caused an increase in the diversification and amount of food-beverage production. Increased and diversified food-beverage production provided commercial value to gastronomy. The greatest factor that provided this commercial value is the spendable income of individuals which increased with the industrial revolution and being able to eat outside their homes, due to their free time. The occurrence of this fact triggered food-beverage businesses to operate as commercial enterprises and made the element of gastronomy an important industry. The development of the industry caused new tendencies to occur with the aim of product diversification. Today, the most important movement developed by businesses is described as molecular gastronomy and fusion cuisine practices. The conceptual relation between fusion cuisine education and molecular gastronomy course contents, the interaction between course contents and course philosophy and course contents in three different programmes of gastronomy education are examined in this study. Within this scope, it is determined that there is a conceptual confusion in defining the courses, and thus there are differences between course content and the basic philosophy of the course. This result revealed the problem of efficiently performing fusion cuisine practices and molecular gastronomy courses. Following the study, recommendations are developed in order to resolve this problem.

Keywords: Gastronomy Education, Fusion Cuisine, Molecular Gastronomy

Original Articles Career Management Determined by Flexible Model of Employment: Educational and Professional Implications


pp. 71 - 79


Flexibility of employment promotes maintaining motivation to continuous learning, especially when it comes to increasing interdisciplinary knowledge and, the so called, key abilities. However, employees often bear high costs of extra training, performance improvement and retraining. It is so, because employers are rather unlikely to invest in people who have less chance of being employed, part-time employed or employed temporarily. Paradoxically, the flexible model of employment favours people with better qualifications and professional competencies, innovative and knowledgeable people, who provide economy with know-how. It is them, who receive support in the process of career planning and professional development. The conclusions of theoretical analysis, supported by own experience and the ongoing research demonstrate that the approach of Polish people towards the problem of flexible employment is evolving. It is resulting from many changes occurring in the labour market, technology, organization of work and increased awareness, mobility and resourcefulness among workers.

Keywords: Flexibility of employment, professional career, continuing education

Original Articles Thoughts of Pre-Service Classroom Teachers on Teaching Profession


pp. 80 - 89


The purpose of this research is to identify the thoughts of pre-service teachers studying at the Department of Classroom Teaching, of the Faculty of Education at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University on the teaching profession, as well as their reasons for selecting it. The data from the research patterned in line with the survey model were collected by means of opinion forms developed by the researchers. The data collection tool was administered to a total of 119 students, 73 of whom were in their 1st year and 46 in their 4th year of their study at the Department of Classroom Teaching, of the Faculty of Education at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University. Based on the findings of the study, it was found out that more than half of the pre-service classroom teachers attending to the above programme did not select it because they loved the teaching profession, and they would be ready to quit the profession if/when appropriate conditions existed. The findings also showed that almost all pre-service teachers were concerned about their appointment as classroom teachers.

Keywords: Teaching profession, classroom teaching, pre-service teachers, teacher training

Original Articles A Blended Learning Approach to Motivation of Medical Students Taking Anatomy Class


pp. 90 - 103


The present study aims to put forward environment oriented views, levels of satisfaction and perceptions of the students taking the anatomy class in the Faculty of Medicine in a blended learning environment where they can ask questions to the tutor together with cadaver dissection shootings and related 3-D images that they can use during the hours of independent study so that they can further benefit from the cadaver training. The participants of the present study is comprised of a randomized group out of 213 students of Semester II, who were selected from the students registered for the 2012-2013 Academic Year in Faculty of Medicine, Kocaeli University and divided into four groups for the anatomy laboratory class. The research method used is a quasiexperimental design, in which control and experimental groups were involved and pretest-posttest measurements were performed. The results of the study, based on the instructional materials motivation scale, show that a statistically significant difference in favor of the blended learning group was found. The results of the study also indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between the motivation levels of the students involved in the traditional environment, while there is a significant difference between the pretestposttest results of the motivation scale of those involved in the blended learning environment. As a result, the motivation of the students was increased by ensuring the student-material and student-student interactions through the videos and animations, student-student and student-tutor interactions through the case study discussions.

Keywords: Blended learning, anatomy education, motivation, medical students

Original Articles Aspects of Teaching Mathematics to Gifted Students in the Context of Inclusive Education

Vladimira ANGELOVA

pp. 104 - 116


The purpose of this article is to point out some aspects of working with talented students of primary school age in the teaching of mathematics in the context of Inclusive Education. Based on the objective we assigned ourselves the task of creating a system of exercises for studying the topic of “Counting Possibilities” which will contribute to the development of the students’ logical-mathematical thinking, allowing them to practice skills and knowledge of combinatorial nature. The system components, requirements for the content selection and structure, and teaching methods are presented herein. Technological interpretation of the system of exercises in the study of the topic Problems of Counting Possibilities offers methodology for solving problems and demonstrating the ability for it to be integrated in the curriculum of mathematics at the primary stage of education.

Keywords: Inclusive Education, logical-mathematical thinking

Original Articles The Perceptions of Primary School Teachers and Teacher Candidates Towards the Use of Mass Media in Teaching Turkish Language


pp. 117 - 127


The aim of the study is to explore the perceptions of primary school teachers and teacher candidates of the use of mass media in teaching Turkish in primary education. The data for this descriptive study is collected via semistructured interviews –one of the qualitative data analysis methods and the collected data is analyzed by employing descriptive analysis techniques. The participants of the study consist of 20 primary school teachers and 20 teacher candidates. The results of the study reveal that the majority of the primary school teachers and teacher candidates feel incompetent in using mass media. One of the important findings of the study is that teacher candidates find the practices regarding the use of mass media in teacher education insufficient.

Keywords: Mass media, primary school education, primary school teacher education

Original Articles The Process of Doctoral Dissertation: from the Advisor’s Perspectives


pp. 128 - 143


This study is hold with the aim of putting forward the self experiences of faculty members advising doctoral students among graduate students registered The Educational Sciences Institute about writing doctoral dissertation together with their expectations from the doctoral students in the process of writing dissertation, identifying the problems encountered and providing solutions to these problems. This research was organized as a descriptive study based on qualitative method. In the research, criteria sampling method that is one of the purposive sampling methods, is used. In the research, the criteria as giving lectures at Anadolu University, Educational Science Institution, to have been completed at least one Ph.D thesis of his/her students, and being an advisor of doctoral thesis right now are required. 21 faculty members were determined in accordance with being appropriate to these criteria. Semi-structured interviews were made with volunteers from faculty members. The data were analyzed descriptively. As a result of the data analysis most of the advisors stated that they had difficulty in defining the topic and problem during the process of defining research problem and doctoral students had problem in identifying and writing the results. Most of the advisors stated that they worked together with their advisees to solve problems. Advisors answered the question about which academic competences an academic member should have to consult. In these competences, they stated methodological proficiency and field knowledge proficiency as important. Some advisors recommended following the innovations in their field publishing and having a scientific attitude in the academic competences. Advisors answered the question about which academic competences an academic member should have to consult. In these competences, they stated methodological proficiency and field knowledge proficiency as important. Some advisors recommended following the innovations in their field publishing and having a scientific attitude in the academic competences.

Keywords: Doctoral Dissertation Process, Advising Education, Doctoral Advisor

Original Articles Development and Validation of Mathetics Style Programme in Mathematics for Grade Ix Students


pp. 144 - 150


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Mathetics style Programme in Mathematics. This research included 30 students of grade IX of DAV Public School Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh).For this research students were supplied with the copy of programmed material having instructions in the beginning and the confirmatory responses were printed on the last page of the booklet. Immediately after the programme, a criterion test (CT) was conducted, in order to measure their learning outcomes in terms of scores obtained by them in CT. Descriptive survey method is applied to collect the data. The data collected shows that the Mathetics style Programme in Mathematics is very effective for the attainment of the calculative skills by the learners at their own pace. This method increases the academic achievements of the learners and very helpful in independent learning.

Keywords: Programmed learning, mathetics style programme, self learning, error rate, Mathematics teaching

Original Articles Predictors of C# Programming Language Self Efficacy among Vocational College Students


pp. 151 - 159


The purpose of this descriptive-correlational study is to examine the relationship between C# programming self-efficacy and students’ age, type of graduated high school, experience of computer usage, frequency of computer use, and programming courses experience. A scale with twenty-eight items assessing C# programming self-efficacy was adapted from Ramalingam and Wiedenbeck’s the computer programming selfefficacy scale. The scale was utilized at the end of the Visual Programming (C#) course via learning management system with a questionnaire about demographics and computer experiences. One hundred and sixteen college students from Computer Technologies Department and Electronic Communication Technologies Department participated in the study. Pearson product correlation, regression analysis and t-tests were utilized to analyze the resulting data. Results indicates that C# Programming self-efficacy has no significant relationship with each of the students’ age, type of graduated high school, departments and frequency of computer use. It was additionally obtained that the prior programming course experience and computer use experience in years are predictors of C# programming self-efficacy. C# programming self-efficacy of students who has taken computer programming course before is significantly stronger than students who haven’t taken any computer programming course previously. Understanding students’ self-efficacy beliefs about computers programming is useful to design effective programming courses.

Keywords: Programming course, C# programming language, vocational college, self-efficacy

Original Articles Low Achievers at Elementary Stages of Efl Learning: the Problems and Possible Way-Outs


pp. 160 - 165


In the domain of second language learning the target language learners are a challenging reality. In every learning situation, the teachers encounter multiple types of learners who, on the basis of their receptivity, creativity, and I.Q. possess capability to assimilate learning experiences at varying degrees. But the most crucial and experimental segment is the low-achievers who face difficulty to gather and master both the receptive and the productive skills in terms of second language acquisition. This low achieving criterion may spring from numerous factors, some of them are internal, and others are extrinsic in nature. The present paper happens to explore the multi-faceted nature of the problems of low-achievement and also tends to prescribe some strategic dimensions to get rid of those problems.

Keywords: Elementary Learners, English as a foreign language (EFL), Low Achievers, Target Language Learning

Original Articles Early Strategic Guidance for Higher Vocational School Students Using Support Vector Machines


pp. 166 - 175


Academic guidance and orientation is important for vocational schools. In this study, data set of vocational school students are obtained from student affairs central database. The data is filtered and gender, age, geographical region student came from, high-school type, a special high school score of vocational high school student that is used for entering vocational school without exam, and school registration type are taken as six inputs. Academic success and graduation length are the two outputs that are aimed to be predicted. Based on these chosen input and output information, a model is aimed to be developed in order to help advisors in improving academic success and shortening graduation length of their students. Support vector machines based artificial intelligence technique is used. Input sensitivity analyses are also conducted. It is seen from the analyses that academic success and graduation length are both highly affected by gender. Also, academic background has also effect on two outputs in different manners. From the analyses, it can be concluded that the advisors can orient or guide students based on the SVM outputs.

Keywords: Vocational schools, academic guidance, academic success, graduation length, support vector machines, input sensitivity

Original Articles Bilingual Immigrant Children and Literacy Development: Inclusive Learning Issues and Challenges


pp. 176 - 188


The present study was concerned with eliciting information about the difficulties bilingual immigrant students of 5th and 6th primary school classrooms encounter and the strategies they employ while writing in a second language (Greek as L2). The reason for conducting the study stemmed from the growing number of bilingual students in Greek mainstream classes, since Greece has been an immigrant receiving country for the last two decades. A number of variables are associated with bilingual students’ literacy attainment, such as their personal characteristics, socio-economic factors, as well as parental interest and involvement in school activities. For this purpose, an attempt was also made to record immigrant parents’ views on their children’s literacy development and their attitudes to involvement in their children’s education. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis were employed: a) students’ think-aloud reports and retrospective interviews b) parents’ semistructured interviews were used as the basic instruments for collecting data. Although this study may be limited in scope, it is hoped that it will make a contribution to the promotion of inclusive practices for immigrant children as the findings provide signposts for practices to develop children’s literacy skills and strengthen full inclusion into school life.

Keywords: Literacy development, writing strategies, bilingual children, immigrant parents, inclusive learning

Original Articles Evaluation of Self-Management Skills Setting an Aim Sub-Area in Primary Life Science Program


pp. 189 - 204


One of the most crucial aims of educational institutions is to raise generations who have developed life skills and are aware of themselves. These individuals who acquire new life skills and become more aware of themselves with the help of learning experiences feel ready to cope with the problems of the real world. Primary Life Science Program was designed to prepare the individuals for the life from the beginning of their educational lives. In the revised Life Science Program in 2004-2005 academic year, a wide coverage was shared to the skills children were expected to have. In addition to such skills as critical thinking, creative thinking, inquiry, communication, problem solving, self-management skills, which affect the attainment of those skills considerably, were also included in this program. In this research, it was aimed to evaluate the program which was designed to attain the self management skills, setting an aim sub-area skills according to the views of teachers and program development specialists. This qualitative study explored the positive and negative attitudes and views with regard to the program and presented suggestions to contribute to the development of the program.

Keywords: Life Science, Self Management, Setting an Aim Skill

Original Articles Art Impact on Learning: Impulsion of Art


pp. 205 - 211


Human always need an impulsion factor to do something in his life. He sometimes uses his feelings and sometimes uses some believes and sometimes uses some objects and sometimes uses artistic approaches and artistic impacts. Art is a powerful impulsion to move and to do many business. Art is an indispensable component of human life for his spirit like breath for his body and it is a civilisation criterion for social life like economical improvements or like political dynamics. Art education has a special situation in offical education policies even in preschool process and involves special instruments to provide growing of a child. Artistic impacts can warn people on numerous matters and can inspire people many opinions and invite people to think different and to change life. Learning gets easy with art and developes via art because of impulsion of art.

Keywords: Art, learning, impulsion, artistic approach