Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Mobile Learning and Moocs
Eda KAYPAK, Nil GOKSEL CANBEK, Harun BOZNA, Chih- Hsiung TU pp. 1 - 8 Abstract Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) designed upon the idea of free, open and world-wide knowledge sharing, have been an out-spread response to global educational needs of distant learners since 2008. In this connection, MOOCs have a pivotal importance for not only providing educational equality for millions, but being a unique opportunity for supporting students at a distance as well. Also within the ascent of mobile learning in education field in the last decade, MOOCs have got a new dimension, that is learning any time at any place. Keeping these views in mind, the focal aim of this paper is to provide a general overview on the emergence of MOOCs, the different types of MOOCs, the dimensions of these MOOC types, their typologies as well as to provide a specific examination on e/m learning integration in the context of formal, non-formal and informal learning.
Keywords: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), MOOC types, MOOC typologies, mobile learning, MobiMOOCs | |
Original Articles Comparison of Student Engagement from Two Different Universities in Turkey in Terms of Technology Integration and Campus Climate
Emrullah YIGIT, Selim GUNUC pp. 9 - 18 Abstract Student engagement was defined as “quality and quantity of students’ psychological, cognitive, emotional and behavioural reactions to the learning process as well as to in-class/out-of-class academic and social activities to achieve successful learning outcomes”. In this study, the purpose was to compare the engagement levels of students from two universities which had different campus structures, climates and cultures with respect to campus, level of technology integration and campus climates. The research data were collected from students attending Yüzüncü Yıl University and Hakkâri University in the Spring Term of the academic year of 2016-2017. As the quantitative data collection tools, “Demographic Information Form”, “Student Engagement Scale”, “Student Perception Scale Regarding Faculty Member’s Competency in Technology Integration” and “Campus Climate Checklist” were used. The findings obtained in the study revealed that Çölemerik Vocational School students at Hakkâri University had higher scores of sense of belonging and campus engagement that the education faculty students at Hakkâri University. The education faculty students at Hakkâri University had higher scores of cognitive engagement, emotional engagement and class engagement when compared the education faculty students at Yüzüncü Yıl University. The education faculty students at Yüzüncü Yıl University had higher levels of sense of belonging and higher scores regarding campus engagement and campus climate when compared to the education faculty students at Hakkâri University.
Keywords: Engagement, student, university, campus, class, technology integration | |
Original Articles The Effect of Two Approaches to Developing Reasoning Skills of Preservice Science Teachers
Ibrahim YUKSEL, Salih ATES pp. 19 - 35 Abstract The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the Prediction Observation Explanation (POE) Method and the Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education (CASE) Project based activities on reasoning skills of preservice science teachers. A pretest-posttest quasi-experimental research, without a control group, design was used. The study group consisted of 93 students studying in their 2nd year of a Science Education program in the fall semester (2014-2015) at Gazi University. A "Scientific Reasoning Skills Test" (SRST) was implemented as the pretest to determine pre-scientific reasoning skills. Then, the students in the two classes were randomly divided into four groups and two of them were selected as the Implementation Group 1 (IG1)(n1 = 47)tocomplete 12 POE Method based activities. The other two groups labelled Implementation Group 2 (IG2), (n2= 46) completed 12 activities developed for the CASE Project. SRST was implemented to all groups as the posttest. A statistically significant difference was observed in the scientific reasoning skills as a result of different activities that the IG1 and IG2 groups completed. It was seen that POE Method based activities were more effective than CASE Project based activities in developing scientific reasoning skills. In addition, scientific reasoning skills of males were more developed than females.
Keywords: Cognitive acceleration through science education, prediction observation explanation method, scientific reasoning |