Volume 1 Issue 1 (April 2010)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles E-Portfolios, Convergence, and Open Resources: Three New Trends in Education


pp. 1 - 6


This paper shows the interconnection between the new trend in education of e-portfolios for learning communities, and the two recent trends of convergence and open education resources. e-Portfolios are particularly effective to promote the professional self-development of pre-service or in-service teachers. Preservice teachers have not only used e-portfolios to develop their abilities in reflecting on given teaching principles in certain contexts, but have remarkably demonstrated their applying these skills to new contexts outside of the course. All the in-service teachers participating in a pilot study investigating the efficacy of eportfolios showed significant benefit with 30% of them showing excellent development. One additional benefit not covered in their study was that the e-portfolio was carry-away.

Keywords: E-portfolios, learning communities, individualized e-portfolios

Original Articles Quintessential Competencies of a Teacher: a Research Review

Anupama BHARGAVA, Minaketan PATY

pp. 7 - 18


True education when imparted to dynamic human resource leads the nation towards attaining greatness. True education implies to a state when economic prosperity is gained through value based social system and baton of glorious cultural heritage is passed to younger generation with honour and confidence. This dream can not be cherished in absence of professionally qualified and competent teachers. Expectations from teachers are high. In view of this, pressing need of the hour is to acknowledge and develop such competencies in teachers which help them in achieving this endeavour. What standards should be displayed by practitioners of this job? To probe this, many researchers have studied various aspects of teaching as a profession and as a process. Objective of this paper is to review opinions/findings expressed by educationists and researchers and make a list of competencies considered salient for this committed profession.

Keywords: Competency, Teaching, Decision Making, Team Leader, Action Researcher, Communication

Original Articles Physical Education Course and Physical Activities in Village Institutes: a Case of Cifteler Village Institute

Veli Onur CELIK,  Coskun BAYRAK

pp. 19 - 32


When the first Turkish Government was founded during The War of Independence (1919-1922), education was one of the primary issues to receive attention. The renovation and modernization of Turkey’s educational system was planned to be carried out by considering our own social and cultural features. The problems about education were not neglected even in most critical periods of the war. After the victory the founders of the new country were naturally able to make more energetic effects to improve Turkey’s much neglected educational system. One of these enormous effects is exactly the experience of “Köy Enstitüleri” (The Village Institutes). This project has reflected the revolutionary character of the Republican Reforms. The teaching philosophy of these institutes has been described on the basis of “learning by doing”. It is understood that Village Institution System was the most genuine and successful education project as a result of the effects continuing throughout the generations and graduates and system data. Education system and philosophy of institutions haven’t lost their validity today too, which is the evidence of their successes. The Model of Village Institution has been accepted as a great gift not only for this nation but also for the world education. UNESCO has proudly stated that Village Institution is an education system that should function as an example for all developing countries. In this research the content, objects and applied dimension of Physical Education and Folk Dances Course, which is one of the courses in the Village Institution Curriculum and the effects of this course on students in that period, will be analyzed with the relationship of one another. For this purpose, an interview form was prepared and Village Institution graduates who still live in Eskişehir were interviewed.

Keywords: Turkey’s educational system, The Village Institutes, Physical Education

Original Articles Predicting Factors Affecting University Students’ Attitudes to Adopt E-Learning in India Using Technology Acceptance Model

Vandana MEHRA, Faranak  OMIDIAN

pp. 33 - 43


In today’s global and competitive environment which is marked by the coming of information society, using the technologies of e-learning becomes a widely accepted way of training because of the flexibility and the standardization of the overall educational process they offer. This paper examines factors that predict university students' attitudes to adopt e-learning at Panjab University in India . Understanding the nature of these factors may assist these universities in promoting the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning. The main focus of the paper is on the university students, whose decision supports effective implementation of e-learning. Data was collected through a survey of 400 post graduate students at the Panjab University. The technology acceptance model is used as the baseline model in this study. Three more independent variables are added to the original model, namely, technological and pedagogical support , pressure to use and e-learning stressors. The results demonstrate that the most useful subset of variables that can be used in predicting students’ attitude to adopt e-learning includes perceived usefulness, Intention to use, Ease of Use, pressure to use, E-learning stressors and Technical and pedagogical support ( F=135.645, df=6 , R square =.674, P < 0.01 ).

Keywords: E-learning, perceived usefulness, intention to use, ease of use, pressure to use, e-learning stress, technical and pedagogical support

Original Articles Evaluating the Effectiveness of Distance Education Through Modified Summative Evaluation: a Case Study

Sabina YEASMIN,  Nasirul ISLAM

pp. 44 - 49


Assessment techniques are important tools for assessing the learner competence. In distance education system, the summative assessment gives us more message than that of other assessment techniques. Although evaluation sometimes breaks down in the field of assessment situation yet we can take some rearrangement on the same. However theoretically sound approaches to the exist for determine the effectiveness of learning system, along with the many different methods or modified summative assessment techniques for obtaining answers to the relevant questions.

Keywords: Distance Education, Summative, Effectiveness, modified, evaluation

Original Articles A Proposed Sketch of a Distance Education Model for the Enrichment of Adult Literacy in Pakistan

Mumtaz AHMAD

pp. 50 - 63


Various efforts have been made to overcome the problem of illiteracy throughout the world, particularly in the developing countries. But, none of these had valuable results. Therefore, in most of the developing countries like Pakistan governments are concerned about handling the literacy problem effectively. The present research paper “A Proposed Feasible Sketch of a Distance Education Model for the Enrichment of Adult Literacy in Pakistan” was conducted in view of the poor literacy condition in Pakistan. The study revealed that there was no use of broadcast media or the motivational techniques to attract the illiterate people to the literacy centers. Above all there was no consistency in the literacy programmes due to political factors. The main objectives of the study included analyzing the past literacy programmes in Pakistan and creating a distance education literacy model for Pakistan. Some modern ways for imparting literacy should be used rather than following the conventional methods. For this purpose a distance education model for enhancing literacy is proposed to be used in Pakistan.

Keywords: Adult Literacy, distance education, Model, Enrichment

Original Articles Spherical Video Recording and Possible Interactive Educational Uses

Emrah Emre OZKESKIN, Tuncay TUNC

pp. 64 - 74


Although videos are common instructional materials, traditional videos don’t let users to view the environment from different angles and there is no interaction. On the other hand, creating virtual interactive environments are expensive, time consuming and also it's difficult to create environments which reflects the real world. Spherical videos have the advantage of reflecting the environment as it is. It takes less time and effort to record. There is no need for an extra player or software other than Adobe Flash based players to display interactive spherical videos. Video files can be streamed over the internet or can be transferred using flash disc, CD etc. Recorded spherical videos can also be used in 3D applications as background. Interactive Flash Panoramic video, by the help of approximately 360° view, lets user to focus any point on the screen he/she wishes by using his/her mouse while video is playing or stopped. Learning can be strengthened by watching the video multiple times from different angles. As an addition to these, embedding objects (sound, picture, text, graphic, movie, and links) makes panoramic videos interactive. Learner has unique learning experience by interacting with the objects during the film. In this paper, interactive video was created using a spherical video camera discussed employing the example of educational uses. For this aim, the videos which were shot by using spherical video camera were made interactive using Ladybug PRO, Lucid Viewer and XML. This study shows how spherical videos can be prepared as an instructional material.

Keywords: Spherical video camera, education, panorama, interaction