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pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Impact of Accreditation Process on Quality Improvement in Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Kosovo
Zenun Halili, Anita Rukovci pp. 1 - 12 Abstract This research work outlines a brief overview of vocational education, at the level of upper secondary education and vocational training, with particular focus on the impact of the accreditation process on quality assurance in Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Kosovo. Accreditation of programs, courses and qualifications/certifications provided to students is very important for quality assurance. Over the last decade, minimum standards for Vocational Education and Training Institutions have become the basis for accreditation of programs in most countries around the world. Program accreditation is defined as a process in which a regulatory body conducts a systematic evaluation of curricula to determine whether they meet or are not in accordance with established standards. Kosovo as a country with a young population, since its independence in 2008, has experienced sustainable economic growth, however, it continues to be one of the poorest countries in Europe. While responsibility for such a situation can be divided into many dimensions, the results of this research work have suggested that the right address to look for solutions to the problem is vocational education and training. Vocational Education and Training Institutions in Kosovo constantly strive to prepare labor market candidates by equipping them with the appropriate skills and treating the quality assurance process as their primary responsibility.
Keywords: VETI, accreditation, quality assurance, validation | |
Original Articles The Main Need for Migration: Education of Immigrants
Sedat Cereci pp. 22 - 27 Abstract The biggest problem in the world recently is migration and one of the most problematic groups is immigrants. While immigrants experience the trauma of migration, they also try to adapt to the new settlement. They need a lot of information and attention. Immigrants must first learn the local language and then adapt to the urban culture. Immigrants who have gone through a difficult process need a serious therapy and integration course. This means a comprehensive training process. Immigrants experiencing psychological trauma, need professional trainers to adapt to the new settlement and change their behavior. Immigrants migrate sometimes for economic reasons, sometimes for political reasons, and sometimes for other reasons. But in any case, all immigrants need serious therapy, language, adaptation and behavioral training. Education ensures the recovery of immigrants and facilitates their adaptation process. A convenient environment and an education with professional educators make it easier for immigrants to adapt to the city in a short time and to quickly grasp the culture of the city. A successful immigration education requires a detailed infrastructure and intensive preparation. In immigrant education, first of all, it is necessary to understand and empathize with the immigrant psychology. It should not be forgotten that the immigrant has a confused, helpless, timid psychology that feels lonely and defenseless. It is the most appropriate way for immigrant education to be carried out by individuals who have special education, knowledge of psychology and who have a wide range of subjects from sociology to urban planning.
Keywords: Education, migration, immigrants, immigrant psychology, urban | |
Original Articles Correlation between Work Life Balance, Job Satisfaction and Mental Health: a Study on Female Bankers of Karachi- Pakistan
Tooba Atif, Shameel Ahmed Zubairi pp. 28 - 34 Abstract Women need to struggle to maintain individuality as well as skilled professionally. This study attempts to highlight the relationship of work life balance and job satisfaction with mental health. Work life balance and job satisfaction plays a significant role in the fast moving banking environment as they immensely affect social wellbeing and psychological factors of personnel working in banking sector. 135 female bankers were randomly selected from private sector banks of Karachi (Pakistan) ranging age of 22 to 45 years. The hypothesis stated in the research belong to the relationship of work life balance with mental health, and job satisfaction with mental health. To test the hypothesis correlations and regression were applied. The tools that were used for the study are center of epidemiological studies depression CESD-R-20 scale, burns anxiety inventory and job satisfaction scale developed be Scott MacDonald & Peter MacIntyre (1997), Work life balance scale by Jeremy Hayman (2005). Findings reveal the potential association of work life balance and job satisfaction with depression and anxiety.
Keywords: Work Life Balance, Job Satisfaction and Mental Health | |
Original Articles The Teachers' Roles, Mission, and Qualifications in a Knowledge 21St Century Society
Hakan Uşaklı pp. 35 - 43 Abstract A teacher, often known as a specialist, is someone who assists pupils in gaining knowledge, competence, or virtue. Anyone can take on the job of teacher informally. In certain countries, rather than in a formal environment such as a school or college, young people of school age may be taught in an informal setting such as inside the family. Other jobs may need a substantial quantity of teaching. In most nations, paid professional instructors are in charge of the formal education of students. This article focuses on persons whose primary job function is to educate others in a formal education setting, such as a school or other facility of first-level formal education or training. The socieety wonders what kind of visions and missions will the teachers of today and the future impose on information technologies, internet, space exploration, wars, hunger, expensiveness, and globalization? This study is about the vision, mission, roles, and qualifications of future teachers. Many governments have created big-scale programs and paid out substantial sums of money only to train better teachers. Personal credentials and experiences are critical to being a competent teacher since training is an art form. However, this art form may be taught and improved to some extent. The purpose of this research is to summarize the fundamental characteristics required of a successful teacher in a concise manner. An excellent teacher should be able to properly impart his or her expertise and experience to the pupils, in addition to being selfless and easily available. Similarly, inservice training, corporate commitments, and remuneration appear to be critical for an effective teacher and teaching process. The teachers of the future will be guides who do not give ready information to their students but motivate them in order to learn.
Keywords: Teacher, Teaching, Learning, Future, Role |