Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Technology Information and Communication Education
Sedat Cereci pp. 1 - 7 Abstract The earth changes rapidly via technology. Modern strategists designed a style based on technology and technology became the main component of modern era. Technology is the indispensable component of modern age and it is used almost in all areas of the world from daily life to ducation recently. Some people are not aware of the importance of technology in education but they also can not to avoid to use technology. Technology is the necessity of contemporary works and it is the way of modern methods especially in education. Technology eases life and also all business and provides people many different facilities and also extra time. Technology is the most essential element in that education due to the future face. The future is exactly based on technology and information and communication technologies determine the way of future. Therefore many developed countries use technology in information and communication education.
Keywords: Technology, information, communication, education, modern age | |
Original Articles Virtual Laboratory Based on Inquiry in Chemical Equilibrium as Learning Innovations
Dinda Nadia Mutiara Ifthinan, Sri Atun pp. 8 - 18 Abstract This study aims to develop and determine the feasibility of inquiry-based virtual laboratory media on chemical equilibrium. The development model used in the research was R&D which adopted the phase from Borg and Gall. Phase Borg and Gall used until 5, research and information collecting, planning, developing a preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, and main product revision. The instruments in this study were questionnaires used to obtain input data for products, and quantitative scores as the value of media feasibility. The results of this study are inquiry-based virtual chemistry laboratory media on chemical equilibrium. Ideality presentations from the results of media assessments by chemistry teachers were 82.50%, peer reviewers were 87.50%, and students ratings were 82.50%. Overall the value of the feasibility of this media presentation was 83% with a very good category. Therefore, the inquiry-based virtual laboratory is worthy of being used as a learning media for high school students.
Keywords: Virtual laboratory, inquiry, chemical-equilibrium, media development | |
Original Articles Students’ Perceived Effectiveness of an Online Course Delivered Through Moodle
Neşe Sevim Çırak, Hasan Karaaslan pp. 19 - 26 Abstract This study analyzed students’ perceived effectiveness of an online course delivered through one of the open source course content management system, Moodle. Students’ expectations, perception, comments and suggestions about Moodle were investigated in this study. This is a case study carried out 49 students who attended to “Foundation of Distance Education” course in a summer school and 29 students who attended to the same course in the following fall semester at Computer Education and Instructional Technology at Middle East Technical University. Blended learning that combines face-to-face interaction and online learning was used in the course. In this study, both qualitative and quantitative data were gathered from the students attended to the study through questionnaire and interview. The results of the study indicated that the majority of the students had positive attitudes towards Moodle and its application.
Keywords: Moodle, Blended course, Web-based instruction, Collaborative learning |