Volume 1 Issue 4 (December 2010)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles Some Socsome Sociological Aspects of the Role of Education in Rebuilding Slovene Society, Family Life and Living Conditions:two Decades After


pp. 1 - 12


The article briefly presents the differences of life and living in Slovenia (almost) two decades after and focuses on achieved results in political, economical and social life. The comparison shows that not all survived processes were reasonable, required and efficient. Some today are overstrained and demand consideration by many involved. The author in her article after the short historical introduction argues with political, economic and especially social changes in Slovenia “Two decades After”. She points out, that economic, cultural, social and political change go together in coherent patterns that have and still are changing the Slovene society in unpredictable ways what on trajectories has been attractive but controversial. Globalization and transition processes also have a negative side, many Slovenes have been hurt by it without being supported by a social safety net and many of them have been marginalized by labour market. She critically establishes that even (mostly in coalition) the governments tried to establish a liberal political culture by passing numerous fundamental laws and to carry out a social and economic transition into a social market economy with private initiative. But they did not manage to prevent excessive social stratification, and consequently, social differentiation. Yet it cannot be denied that the increasing unemployment is debilitating the social state, which is mostly cooperative but powerless with weapons against it. For the author one is clear: Slovenes were placing too much trust in “new democratic politics” at the beginning of the ’90 ies. There is a set of expectations not been realized by far: better living standard and living conditions for all, preventing social exclusion, economic and tax reforms, intense foreign investments, greater role of small and medium sized companies, equal availability and free choice for all those entitled and especially, the unreliable situation of the young, etc. Especially the gradual increase in age at which young people leave school, enter the labour market, find a steady job, leave the home of their parents, establish a stable, affectionate relationship and establish their own home, has triggered a whole series of interdependent mechanisms underlying life courses.

Keywords: Post-modern Slovene society, educational system, transition, globalization

Original Articles An Analyze of Teachers’ Value Preferences in Classroom Management on the Basis of Length of Service Variable


pp. 13 - 20


Educational leadership has moral meanings and requires leaders to be aware of their values that are reflected by their behaviors. Values, as the guides of personal preferences, are penetrated into all academic processes, especially into classrooms where the greatest face-to-face interactions are lived. The goal of this study is to determine the most and the least preferred values by teachers in their classroom management on the basis of length of service variable. The research group comprises 68 classroom teachers working in Regional Public Boarding Schools. Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) composed of 36 values was used to receive teachers’ views. Participants were asked to choose the most preferred ten values from RVS and rank them from 1 to 10 according to their personal preferences in their classroom management. The analysis of data revealed that the most preferred ten values are generally common and the least preferred ten values had more differences between groups.

Keywords: Values, classroom management, length of service

Original Articles Analysis of Distance Learning Marketing at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)


pp. 21 - 29


The paper presents the education system in Lithuania. The special emphasis paid on distance education. The paper analyses the possible ways of advertising and management of distance education in Lithuania. The possible ways of marketing and management are described. The means, which also could be used in management of distance education are analyzed and the emphasis made on those, which are not used, like banners and etc. The case of Distance Learning Management and Advertisement at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, at the Department of Construction Economics and Property Management is described.

Keywords: Distance education, marketing, questionnaire

Original Articles Some Legal Aspects of Fatherh’s Role in Education in Slovenia


pp. 30 - 39


The author deals with the legal aspects of the most common consequences of father's role changed in the event of a divorce and the separation of unmarried parents' community. After a brief against the legal aspects of paternity, termination of marriage in certain European countries, the author presents the legal aspects of paternity in the Slovenian legal system and particularly stresses the importance of the compromise agreement on the allocation of the parents of the child after the divorce, which is governed by 64.člen ZZZDR-UPB1, child's right to receive payment of duty and his father (or agreed. specified) maintenance, and the right child to both parents - even to his father, and the right child to personal contact with both parents and thus also with his father, who has a great importance upon his educational achievements.

Keywords: Father, child, family, education, parents, government, divorce, separation, socialization, family law

Original Articles The Effects of Perceived Instrumentality and Future Time Perspective on Students’ Graded Performance and Attitudes Regarding English Class

Nursen OZCETIN, Altay EREN

pp. 40 - 47


This study aimed to explore the effects of vocational high school students’ future time perspective and perceived instrumentality on their graded performance and attitudes regarding English class. A total of 1061 students from different vocational high schools in Bolu voluntarily participated in the study. The Future Time Perspective Scale and the Perceived Instrumentality Scale were used to assess the students’ future time perspective and perceived instrumentality regarding English class. The hierarchical cluster analysis and univariate analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. Overall, results revealed that the students’ future time perspective significantly affected their graded performance, but not their attitudes. Results also showed that the students’ perceived instrumentality regarding English class significantly affected their graded performance and attitudes.

Keywords: Future Time Perspective, Perceived Instrumentality, English, Student, Graded Performance

Original Articles About One Model of Teaching Electrodynamics


pp. 48 - 55


We propose the integrated course of learning of some theories of physics, mathematics and computer science, combining the well known and hot problems of electrodynamics. Each task selected is constructed of several modules: theory and methods of decision, specifics of problem, visualization of numerical results and analysis. We consider the electromagnetic waves diffraction on a circular cylinder of infinite length. Modifying the electric properties of system and grouping the tasks based on the skills and experience of participants gives possibility to work in team. To learn the physical systems by modeling and learn to modeling by means of physical systems is the approach applied in work.

Keywords: Electrodynamics, electromagnetic diffraction, dielectric bodies, modeling

Original Articles Can Technical Vocabulary Knowledge Be a Predictor of Success: a Case in Pharmacology

H. Gülru YUKSEL,  Güldem Olguner MERCANOGLU

pp. 56 - 62


Given the cost and difficulty of running medical education programs instructed in a second language, the selection of students who are likely to perform well becomes an important consideration. Previous studies have focused on different predictors such as aptitude, personality and English language proficiency. The purpose of the present study was to examine the potential offered by technical vocabulary recognition levels of the students as predictors of their success. To this end, a frequency based corpus of 162 technical words was established from their textbook. Taking Nation’s Levels Test as a model, a receptive technical vocabulary test was constructed and administered to 88 students at the end of the semester. The scores were correlated with the grades they were awarded in pharmacology. The findings of the study reveal that the students’ technical vocabulary test results correlated significantly with their grades.

Keywords: Pharmacology, technical vocabulary, academic success, concordance

Original Articles Opinions of English Language Prospective Teachers on the Use of Learning and Study Strategies


pp. 63 - 78


The aim of this study is to determine the learning and study strategies that prospective English teachers’ use. The participants of the study consisted of 155 students participating “Hacettepe University English Teaching Certificate Program” in the 2009-2010 education year. In the study, “Learning and Study Strategies Inventory” developed by Weinstein, Palmer and Schulte (1987) was used as an instrument. LASSI is a likert-type instrument designed to ascertain the learning and study strategies of college students. LASSI consisted of 10 subscales and 77 items. These are, information processing, selecting main ideas, test strategies, anxiety, attitude, motivation, concentration, self testing, study aids, and time management. Each of these sub-scales is primarily related to one of three of the components of strategic learning: skill, will and self-regulation. Having analyzed the research findings, it may be said that the prospective English language teachers employ learning and study strategies moderately.

Keywords: Learning strategies, study skills, prospective teacher, learning and study strategies inventory

Original Articles Psychology Behind Success


pp. 79 - 89


Despite the oversimplified assumption that psychology focuses its interest on topics pertaining to individuals’ feelings (emotional) and driving forces for behavior (motivational), the truth is that it is quite broad in scope. For years, psychology exercised a profound impact on our everyday activities attempting, among others to provide the best methods of educating people. Since education is admittedly the most important investment it is necessary that e-learning is supported to provide opportunities for well-designed, learner-centered, interactive and successful learning environments. This study meaning to investigate teachers’ perception about anxiety and resistance in education sought answers to questions like: “Which are the stresses faced by students?”, “How can you reduce your students stress?’, “Which are some unhealthy ways of students dealing with stress?” As a result of the interviews the common stressors included conflicts with parents, exams participation, limited budgets, bodily image issues, time management and romantic relationship conflicts.

Keywords: E-learning, education, Psychology, anxiety, resistance