Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Opinions of Teachers on Erasmus+ Key Action 1: a Case Study
Ilhan GUNBAYI, Rabia VEZNE pp. 1 - 12 Abstract The aim of this research was to classify the opinions of principals and teachers working in High Schools on the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Project regarding their reasons for joining this Project, the preparations made before joining the Project, and the benefits derived from participating in the Project. The research is a qualitative study with a multiple holistic case study design. Data were collected from interviews using semi-structured interview forms. At the end of the research, conclusions were classified under three themes. The first theme was that the main reason for joining the project was professional development. The second theme was that the preparations made by high school principals and teachers before participating in the Project consisted of language education, research on the subject of training, as well as collecting information about transport and the host country. The final theme indicated that the benefit of the Project was the opportunity to learn the use of technology in lessons.
Keywords: Erasmus+ Project, Teachers, Principals | |
Original Articles Pre-Service Primary Mathematic Teachers’ Skills of Using the Language of Mathematics in the Context of Quadrilaterals
Pinar GUNER, Dilek C. GULTEN pp. 13 - 27 Abstract Mathematics is defined as a discipline which has a specific language that emcompasses a variety of symbols, figures, and terms and which depends on the relationship among these properties. Effective learning and teaching of mathematics considerably depends on the accurate use of language. In line with these, this study aims to explore pre-service primary mathematics teachers’ skills of defining and expressing a variety of concepts and properties in the context of quadrilaterals using the language of mathematics. Another objective is to determine pre-service mathematics teachers’ opinions on using language in mathematics teaching and explore the relationship between their opinions and their skills of using the language of mathematics. For this aim, data collection tools include the “Language in Mathematics Teaching Scale” and a test which involves six open-ended questions that cover the sub-dimensions of defining a concept, expressing conceptual properties with a verbal and a symbolic language, and using symbols to represent the properties of shapes. A variety of categories were created in line with the fourth grade pre-service primary teachers’ responses to the openended questions. Percentage and frequency values were therefore determined and the data obtained from the scale were interpreted with the help of the SPSS programme. The findings were discussed in line with the literature and some suggestions were presented.
Keywords: Language of mathematics, quadrilaterals, pre-service teacher | |
Original Articles Comparison of Instructor and Self-Assessments on Prospective Teachers' Concept Mapping Performances Through Generalizability Theory
Goksu GOZEN, Kaan Zulfikar DENIZ pp. 28 - 40 Abstract The purpose of the research is to examine, according to generalizability theory, a) the consistency between instructor assessments and self-assessments on concept mapping performance of 100 secondary school prospective teachers who attended Pedagogical Formation Certificate Program at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in 2014-2015 academic year, b) their severity-leniency behaviors in these assessments, and c) the difficulty levels of the performance criteria used in these assessments. Generalizability study was carried out by creating a p x c x r (p: person, c: criterion, r: rater) pattern obtained through scoring of the designed concept maps by the prospective teachers and instructor on the same assessment form. The following were found out based on the findings, - instructors and prospective teachers exhibited equal severity-leniency in scoring both throughout the assessment criteria and by comparison, - performance criteria were distributed across the different difficulty levels, - there was no consistency between prospective teachers’ self-assessments and the instructor assessments, and – self-assessments of prospective teachers were more positive compared to the instructor assessments.
Keywords: Instructional material design, concept map, performance assessment, self-assessment, generalizability theory | |
Original Articles Gamification and Effects on Students’ Science Lesson Achievement
Mehmet Can SAHIN, Nihan ARSLAN NAMLI pp. 41 - 47 Abstract This study aims to reveal students’ achievement based on gamification use. The study is a study of quantitative type and single-group pretest-posttest experimental design has been used. The study has been conducted in the spring semester of 2014/2015 academic year, candidates who are studying in 6. Grade of students. In the experimental group of this study while dramatized science teaching software is applied to control group, a lesson is carried out based on the curriculum and the program prepared by MEB, research is carried on for 8 weeks in total. In the research, as data collection devices “Multiple Choice Science Test” carried out in both groups and “Educational software” were applied to the experimental group and “Plain text” were applied to control group. After 8 weeks, Multiple Choice Science Test” carried out in both groups again. As a result of this research, gamification in a science lesson, it is found that there is a meaningful improvement in students’ problem solving skills.
Keywords: Gamification, Game-based learning, Computer-based learning | |
Original Articles The Evaluation of Learning Environment Designed for Using Thre Dimensional Dynamic Geometry Software: Teacher Views
Hilal KALAY, Temel KOSA pp. 48 - 57 Abstract It is an expected situation that education is influenced by the advancement of technology rapidly and we feel it at every stage of life. Thanks to the advancement of technology, three-dimensional dynamic geometry software has emerged and it is thought that they will provide great convenience to math education. Some features of three-dimensional dynamic geometry software like being dynamic, allowing for constructing geometrical structures and looking at them from every aspect, dragging, measuring are very useful. However, some researchers find that teachers have some problems with using this software in spite of all these advantages. The purpose of this study is to find out teachers’ views about learning environment which designed with a three-dimensional dynamic geometry software called Cabri 3D. This study was carried out with case study. The sample of the study consisted of two mathematics teachers. One of the teachers works in town center and the other one works in the village. Descriptive analysis was used to investigate the data obtained from the research. Research results show that the teachers have different viewpoints about the computeraided learning environment although they have similar competence. Based on the results obtained from this study, it can be suggested that more specific in-service training should be organized for the teachers in order to adapt the computer-aided instruction in mathematics education.
Keywords: Three Dimensional Dynamic Geometry Software, Learning Environment, Teachers’ Views | |
Original Articles Using Ice-Breakers in Improving Every Factor Which Considered in Testing Learners Speaking Ability
Parisa YEGANEHPOUR, Mehmet TAKKAC pp. 58 - 68 Abstract The objective of this paper is to demonstrate a suitable integration of ice-breaker activities into upperintermediate EFL learners to test their speaking ability. Ice-breaking activities require students to practice speaking English as a foreign language in more enjoyable ways and get positive result. However four factors of grammar, pronunciation, fluency and vocabulary are considered simultaneously. The actual classroom research was performed while teaching speaking through ice-breakers to 20-27 year-old-students of the American culture Institution of Erzurum Branch in Turkey in upper-intermediate level. According to the result of factor analysis and information gained from a descriptive analysis of each factor in pre-test and post-test, using icebreaker activities has a positive effect in improving all four factors, but this effect for pronunciation and fluency is more than the effect for vocabulary and grammar. According to the results the most improved factor is pronunciation and the least improved factor is grammar.
Keywords: Speaking skill, Ice-breakers, Testing speaking, factors, English as a Foreign Language | |
Original Articles A Model Proposal for the Improvement of Internship Activity in Offering Gastronomy Education Programs at the Higher Education Institutions
Mehmet SARIOGLAN pp. 69 - 73 Abstract Recently, gastronomy education has begun to take its place in international literature within educational sciences and as a major type of education notably has been living a development process. Even in the case that the most important reason for the failure to gain Professional training as gastronomy, absolutely the acquisition of basic gastronomy education attainment is factoran indispensable for an effective and quality of life. But, gastronomy education qualitative and quantitative of qualificationon the increase is designed different researchareas. One of thet his research is gastronomic Professional training internship phenomenon. In this study, the effectiveness of internship phenomen on which is an important part of offering gastronomy education programs at higher education institutions in Turkey, has been measured by a quantitative study. As a result of study, different problem shave been identified during the internship. Also in consequence of literature survey, obtained data showed paralellisim with previous study. The result of the study, a model proposal is improved for solving the problems and gearing up effectiveness of internship.
Keywords: Gastronomy Education, Internship in Gastronomy Education | |
Original Articles The Impact of Charter Schools on Student Achievement in the United Staates
Sajid Ali Yousuf ZAI pp. 74 - 80 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss charter schools in the United States and how it is different from the traditional public schools in terms of student performance in math and reading subjects. Several empirical studies have been discussed in this paper to provide support for charter schools in the United States. There are currently more than 6000 charter schools that represents about six percent of the U.S. public school system. Charter schools focus on personalized approach including smaller class sizes, more individual attention to and strong parental involvement. Out of 41 areas from 22 states, 26 areas’ post learning gains for charter schools is more than traditional public schools. In reading, 23 regions have larger learning gains than traditional public schools. Charter school students outperform traditional public school students in state standardized tests. The charter schools produce 40 percent better results in both math and reading scores per dollar spent.
Keywords: Charter schools, traditional public schools, United States, student performance | |
Original Articles Technology Education in Preschool: an Applied Sample Lesson
Gökben TURGUT, Yeliz TUNGA, Tarik KISLA pp. 81 - 92 Abstract Science and technology is rapidly changing and developing in our ages. Human knowledge is being renewed and changed every day. This situation makes technology integration which accelerates accessing information into educational systems inevitable. Developing ICT skills of children starting from early ages gains importance considering the fact that those skills support the ability and attitude to use electronic media their future lives. For this reason, European Union gave a significant place to education of information technologies as naming “Technical Skills” in 111th European Youth Program in order to meet changing trends in both education and labor market in 1993(TEİAŞ, 2010). In the same manner, State Planning Organization of Turkey declared goal as “information and communication technologies will be one of main tools of education process and it will be provided that both teachers and students use those technologies effectively” in the Strategy of Information Society (2006 -2010). Then, Movement of Enhancing Opportunities and Improving Technology”, known as FATIH project was started(MEB, 2012). Researches related to FATIH project shows that teachers complain the most the lack of suitable e-content for interactive boards and tablets (Özkan and Deniz, 2014, Gürol, Donmuş and Arslan, 2012, Ayvacı, Bakırcı and Başak, 2014). In this study, it is aimed to present suggestions and experiences for researchers and early childhood educators by showing a sample lesson with various instructional materials based on those gaps in the literature. For this reason, a sample technology education lesson was developed for preschool students. First of all, an e-content which is compatible with interactive boards is developed by using Adobe Flash software considering preschool children’s needs and characteristics. Furthermore, various instructional materials is prepared to gain objectives of the lesson. Then, the lesson was applied in a private school with 16 preschool students. At the end of study, suggestions and experiences is reported for future researches.
Keywords: Preschool, Information Technologies, Smart Board, E- Content, Technology Education | |
Original Articles The Relationship between 7Th and 8Th Grade Students' Conceptual Learning and Mathematics Self-Efficacy Levels of Subject of “Algebraic Expressions and Equations”
Sare SENGUL, Yasemin KABA, Yusuf AYDIN pp. 93 - 102 Abstract The aim of this research is to determine the correlation between 7th and 8th grade students’ conceptual learning and mathematics self-efficacy in ‘Algebraic Expressions and Equations’ subject. The study was carried out in a public school on the Anatolian side of the city of Istanbul in 2011-2012 academic years. The study was conducted with 97 students in total and 47 of them are 8th grade and 50 of them are 7th grade students. The research model of the study is screening model. The data of the study was collected through ‘Conceptual Understanding Test regarding Algebraic Expressions and Equations [CUTAEE]’ and ‘Self-efficacy Perceptions towards Mathematics Scale [SPMS]’. The data of the study was analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative methods. Frequency (f) and percentages (%) were used for quantitative methods. The data obtained through CUTAEE was evaluated with content analysis. According to the obtained findings, it was determined that there was a significant and positive correlation between the mathematics self-efficacy levels of the students and the concepts regarding ‘Algebraic Expressions and Equations’ subject of the 7th and 8th grade students. Besides, while a significant difference was found in favor of 8th grade students in terms of students’ conceptual understanding, there was not a significant difference between the mathematics self-efficacy levels of the 8th students. In terms of genders, it was determined that there was a positive and significant correlation in favor of male students between both mathematics self-efficacy and conceptual understanding levels of 7th and 8th grade students. The suggestions were made in accordance with the obtained findings.
Keywords: Conceptual learning, mathematics self-efficacy, algebraic expressions, equations |