Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2016, Vol. 7(1) 69-73

A Model Proposal for the Improvement of Internship Activity in Offering Gastronomy Education Programs at the Higher Education Institutions


pp. 69 - 73

Publish Date: January 31, 2016  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


Recently, gastronomy education has begun to take its place in international literature within educational sciences and as a major type of education notably has been living a development process. Even in the case that the most important reason for the failure to gain Professional training as gastronomy, absolutely the acquisition of basic gastronomy education attainment is factoran indispensable for an effective and quality of life. But, gastronomy education qualitative and quantitative of qualificationon the increase is designed different researchareas. One of thet his research is gastronomic Professional training internship phenomenon. In this study, the effectiveness of internship phenomen on which is an important part of offering gastronomy education programs at higher education institutions in Turkey, has been measured by a quantitative study. As a result of study, different problem shave been identified during the internship. Also in consequence of literature survey, obtained data showed paralellisim with previous study. The result of the study, a model proposal is improved for solving the problems and gearing up effectiveness of internship.

Keywords: Gastronomy Education, Internship in Gastronomy Education

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
SARIOGLAN, M. (2016). A Model Proposal for the Improvement of Internship Activity in Offering Gastronomy Education Programs at the Higher Education Institutions. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 7(1), 69-73.

SARIOGLAN, M. (2016). A Model Proposal for the Improvement of Internship Activity in Offering Gastronomy Education Programs at the Higher Education Institutions. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 7(1), pp. 69-73.

Chicago 16th edition
SARIOGLAN, Mehmet (2016). "A Model Proposal for the Improvement of Internship Activity in Offering Gastronomy Education Programs at the Higher Education Institutions". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 7 (1):69-73.