Volume 8 Issue 4 (October 2017)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles Effect of Integrated Feedback on Teacher Morale of Secondary School Teachers

Nilesh Kumar Patel

pp. 1 - 12


Integrated feedback based on student evaluation of teachers and teachers' self evaluation was taken as treatment in the present study. Teacher morale of secondary school teachers was dependent variable in the study. The present study was Experimental in nature and Non Equivalent Control Group Design suggested by Campbell and Stanley (1963) was adopted for study. Sample of the study comprised of 77 secondary school teachers and 220 students of 4 English medium and CBSE affiliated schools of Indore city. It was sampled purposively. Null hypotheses were formulated and ANCOVA was used for testing of the null hypotheses. Pre- teacher morale and Intelligence were taken as covariates. Interactional effect of treatment with Intelligence, Gender, Job satisfaction and Experience of teachers were also studied. The treatment was found effective on Teacher Morale of secondary school teachers. The study has great uses for teachers, students and school administrators.

Keywords: Student Evaluation of teachers, Teachers’ self evaluation, Teacher morale, Integrated feedback, Evaluation of teachers

Original Articles Explicit and Implicit Written Corrective Feedback and the Correct Use of Prepositions

Seyed Behrooz Hosseini

pp. 13 - 27


This study investigates the effectiveness of explicit and implicit written corrective feedback on increasing the correct use of prepositions. To this end, sixty Iranian pre-intermediate EFL learners were randomly assigned to two experimental groups, receiving explicit and implicit feedback, respectively, and one control group receiving no feedback. Each group included twenty participants. The homogeneity test of KET preceded the treatment. Prior to the treatment, a pre-test was administered to gain insight into the participants’ current command of English prepositions. After the treatment, the same set of tests was administered as post-test to assess the probable increase in the correct use of prepositions for the experimental groups compared to the control group. Analysis of the results through a one-way ANOVA revealed that the experimental groups who received explicit and implicit corrective feedback significantly outperformed the control group in terms of the correct use of prepositions. The comparison of the experimental groups reported no statistically significant relationship. The results of this study indicate that language learners benefit from teacher-provided feedback in improving their grammatical accuracy in writing. Furthermore, more research is merited as there is a lot to investigate in this field.

Keywords: Corrective feedback, explicit, implicit, Noticing Hypothesis

Original Articles The Students’ Difficulties in Completing Geometry Items of National Examination

Heri Retnawati, Janu Arlinwibowo, Eny Sulistyaningsih

pp. 28 - 41


The study aims to describe the students’ difficulties in completing the geometry test items of national examinations. The study was case study case using qualitative approach. The data were gathered utilizing the documentation of students’ responses toward the mathematics items of junior high school national examination and focus group discussion that involved 15 mathematics teachers from 12 provinces in Indonesia. The data were analyzed by performing the Cresswell steps. The results of the study showed that the students’ difficulties in completing geometry test items were the students’ lack of geometry concept mastery, the students’ problems in associating geometrical concept to others, the students’ problems in solving problems by means of computation technique and the students’ limitations in performing mathematical visualization and representation.

Keywords: Students’ difficulties, geometry test item, national examination