Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Examination of the Relationship between Fear of Negative Evaluation, Gender Role Stress, and Gender Equality of Female University Students
Emin Kurtuluş pp. 1 - 15 Abstract The purpose of current study is to investigate the predictive effect of gender equality on gender role stress, and fear of negative evaluation of female university students. Thus, the participants of the study designed in line with the relational survey method consist of 598 female students. The findings of the study indicate that female university students’gender equalitiy, gender role stres, and fear of negative evaluation do not significantly vary depending on students’ age, grade level, and father’s education level. On the other hand, it was found that all three variablesvary significantly depending on mother’seducation level of the students. It was revealed that the increase in the gender equality of the female university students as the mother education level increases, female university students whose mothers are high school graduates have more gender roles than primary and secondary school graduates, female university students whose mothers are primary school graduates have more fear of negative evaluation than secondary school graduates. In addition, a negative significant relation was found between gender equaltiy and gender role stres, a low level positive significant relation was found between gender equality and fear of negative evaluation. At the end of the study, it was found that gender equality significantly predicted gender role stress and low degree fear of negative evaluation.
Keywords: Gender equality, feminine gender role stress, fear of negative evaluation | |
Original Articles Cases of Efl Teachers and Students Towards Educational Inspection in Turkey: a Qualitative Inquiry
Ferhat Karanfil pp. 16 - 33 Abstract The inspection program is a crucial element of the education system and has a significant role in improving education quality. In Turkey, there may be a need for reform in the education inspection program to upgrade an efficient inspection. The Ministry of Education (MoNE) does not employ inspectors anymore. The duties of inspectors are undertaken by school principals or vice-principals. Along with the fact, the school principals are not trained for inspection and may not have the proficiency/educational/operational background to perform these duties. The current study explored the role of education inspection currently performed by school principals. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and focus group interviews and field notes. The participants of the study were English teachers from different institutions and learners from a high school. The findings revealed that teachers and students have different suggestions regarding educational inspection. There are often inconsistencies in inspection, teachers are observed and may not receive post-observation feedback. Branch expertise of inspectors is needed to offer better insight into teaching. The student participants offered that the teachers should be observed by inspectors on their effective use of engaging teaching methods and trained accordingly. Besides, students described inequalities regarding education in Turkey and offered that inspection practices should bring equity in educational settings. This study offers some implications for MoNE and school principals.
Keywords: English Language teaching, social and school context, inspection, educational quality, learning conditions | |
Original Articles Linguistic Imperialism
Bahire Efe Özad, Nazan Doğruer, Ramadan Eyyam, İpek Meneviş pp. 34 - 40 Abstract As the 'world turns into a global village‘ as predicted by Marshall McLuhan in the mid-twentieth century, as a result of technological developments particularly in the Internet technology, English language reaches the status of international language, the language used worldwide. The present paper seeks to provide a short journey of the English language from colonization to penetration into all world languages as a result of developments in Internet technology.
Keywords: English language | |
Original Articles Education Unions Through the Eyes of Teachers
Mehmet GÖKÇEBEY, Neslişah ORAL TOYTOK, Muhammet KÖŞKER, Ayşe Hümeyra FIRAT pp. 41 - 54 Abstract The purpose of this research is to reveal the problems experienced by education union managers and to develop solutions for these problems according to the opinions of unionized and non-unionized education workers. The research was designed in the screening model and was carried out using the qualitative research method. The research was carried out with 40 participants, 20 of whom were union members and 20 were non-union members, working in 10 primary, secondary and high schools in Kahramanmaraş in the 2019-2020 academic year. In this research, a semi-structured interview form titled "Problems Experienced by Education Unions" was used as a data collection tool. The data were analyzed by using content analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative data analysis techniques. The results showed unionized teachers are the most important problems faced by education union in Turkey, They stated that economic difficulties, not finding enough members, not helping teachers enough, introducing themselves enough, not dealing with teachers' problems in real sense, not being taken seriously by the government, not being afraid of political pressure and not being against anyone.
Keywords: Union, organization, education union. | |
Original Articles The Impact of Erasmus + Projects in Teaching and Learning English Processes
Sedat GÜNGÖRMEZ, Arzu CERECİ pp. 55 - 62 Abstract Being able to speak more than one language is being paid enough attention to force individuals either to learn foreign languages during their formal education or to solve this problem within non-formal education. One of the restrictions to learning a second language is lacking an authentical environment where learners can practice their skills and test themselves. Erasmus+ programme is the largest strategy in which all programme countries of Europe are enrolling and getting their shares. Erasmus+ programme also enables schools to interact with each other by maintaining cross national collaboration. In addition to the priorities of the programme, language learning is also encouraged. The main purpose for this project is to evaluate language learning by means of Erasmus+ projects. The study is designed as a qualitative and simple literature review to evaluate students’ and teachers’ language learning activities in terms of Eramus+ projects. The findings of the study have proven that participating in international projects and mobilities is strengthening the students’ motivation in language learning. It can be suggested that creating authentic environments can help students’ developing language skills. On the other hand, by collaborating with their colleagues, teachers can also enrich their abilities.
Keywords: Language Learning, English, Erasmus+ | |
Original Articles The Views of Primary School Teacher Nominees on the Language Applied in Teaching Mathematics
Mine BAYAR pp. 63 - 73 Abstract Teachers' effective use of mathematical language in teaching mathematics appears as a factor that certainly influences students' insight into the lesson. This research aims to investigate the views of primary school teacher nominees about the mathematical language applied in mathematics lessons and to make some recommendations for the effective use of mathematical language. This research has been organized using phenomenology research design, one of the qualitative research designs. The study group of this research consists of 12 teacher candidates who endure their education in the Department of Primary Education. The semi-structured interviews were conducted face-to-face. The data obtained was considered by descriptive analysis technique. In this context, the participants stated the mathematical language idea as a concept, symbol, graph figure, sign, number, and term. Besides, the participants listed the factors affecting the effective use of mathematical language as difficult, daily life language, time, curriculum, attitude, incomplete, and application. Finally, the participants made some recommendations such as it should be included in the curriculum, activities should be prepared, visual materials should be used, emphasis should be placed on undergraduate education, and simple, clear, and understandable language should be used to increase the effective use of mathematical language. As a result, teachers need to have the competencies to use mathematical language effectively, as it will increase the mathematical achievements of students. Hence, both pre-service and in-service training should be provided to prospective teachers and teachers to enable them to use the mathematical language effectively.
Keywords: Mathematics teaching, mathematical language, classroom teacher |