Volume 8 Issue 2 (April 2017)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles Contemporary Educational Methods for Communication: Psychological Impacts


pp. 1 - 9


Education is directly concerned with psychology but use of psychology in educational methods is not sufficiency. This study discusses requirements of contemporary education methods and evaluates psychological impacts on communication education and emphasizes productivity of psychological impacts on communication education. Modern age developes on many different dynamics and on a modern economical model and people live in high rhythm lives and in anxious psychological situations. Contemporary conditions affect all components of modern life and all approaches and behaviors and requirements change due to contemporary developments. Education medthods naturally change and contemporary methods require modern conditions and modern approaches. Psychology is especially regarded in business and in education because of contemporary conditions and it is noticed that psychology affected productivity. Psychology is used as a positive impact to increase productivity in education in some countries and they get success and respect.

Keywords: Education methods, communicaiton, psychological impacts, contemporary education

Original Articles Comparison of Pisa 2012-2015 Results with Turkey and Estonia and Finland


pp. 10 - 18


In recent years, the PISA International Student Success Assessment Program examinations have proved that Estonia and Finland's achievement in mathematics and reading skills, particularly in science, is well above the OECD average. In this context, it is very important for researchers to examine the results of PISA and to carry out researches that will contribute to the education policy. In light of these researches, our country can catch up with the successful countries. The aim of this study is to demonstrate how Estonia and Finland achieve such a success in the PISA examinations and compare their success with the results of Turkey. The research was conducted through document analysis and interview methods within the context of the case study approach. The study was derived from PISA 2012 and 2015 national assessment reports and semi- structured face-to-face interviews with PISA Country Coordinators of the countries mentioned. Similarities and differences between these two countries and Turkey were determined and a comparative analysis was made. According to the analysis, The success of the PISA of the two countries depends on the factors that they carried out an education system where all schools provide education with the same quality and the duration, they use student-centered teaching, science courses start in primary school, students are forced to take a compulsory examination at the end of each instructional level. At the end of the research, necessary suggestions were presented to Turkey based on the obtained data.

Keywords: PISA exam, success, Turkey, Estonia, Finland

Original Articles Measures for Limiting Corruption upon Migration Wave in EURope


pp. 19 - 25


Fight against migrant smuggling has been put as a priority issues at the European Union policy agenda. The trafficked person who has been targeted as object of criminal exploitation is specifically unique for the human trafficking. The objective of this paper is to present measures, which could result to limitation of corruption mainly through analysing the existing legislation framework against corruption in Europe. The analysis is focused on exploring the multiple origins of factors influencing migration processes in Europe, as corruption could be characterized as one of the most significant reasons for refugees to flee their countries. Corruption has a significant role in managing smuggling operations and in particular when criminal organizations and networks are being involved. Illegal migrants and refugees usually represent significant source of additional income for officials involved in the process of boarding protection and immigration control within the European Union borders.

Keywords: Corruption, influence, human smuggling, legislation, migration

Original Articles Developing Lesson Plans for Visually Impaired Students of English

Fatima Zohra KROUM, Jihane BENMASSOUD

pp. 26 - 34


The aim of the paper is to discuss the importance of lesson planning for visually impaired students of English as a foreign language. Not only will offer basic information related to the history of teaching visually impaired students but it will also provide a set of learning tools, teaching approaches and aids for them. Similarly, it will suggest some procedures and techniques to develop English lesson planning for the visually impaired students. Equally important, the paper will examine the main differences between lesson planning designed for non-handicapped and visually handicapped students. In addition, this paper will conduct semi structured interviews for some visual impaired students in classes to narrate and explain some different stories and challenges that visually impaired students face in their studies and classes. Therefore, this paper includes some solutions and recommendations to teachers and professors to help and educate the visually handicapped students in an effective way.

Keywords: Lesson plan, visually impaired, blind, English language lesson, aids