Volume 1 Issue 3 (October 2010)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles Education and Intelligent Tutor System in Turkey

Zerrin Ayvaz REIS, Sebnem Zeren OZDEMIR

pp. 1 - 16


In this study, the educational system that is in the term of Republic of Turkey was analyzed and the periodic process of education systems all around the world was presented. Afterwards, the process and the method modules began to be used at education with the information technologies. The Intelligent Tutor System is the application of A.I. and it is used for education and training. The aim of this study is to differentiate the Intelligent Tutor Systems in Turkey and all around the world, where suggested developing information and lists with dates are provided.

Keywords: Intelligent tutor systems, education, e-learning

Original Articles An Investigation on the Motivation Level of Efl Students

Gulten GENC, Ahmet KAYA

pp. 17 - 28


Motivation in the realm of education is concerned as one of the most important factors to support learning process and provide high-quality learning since it enhances personal growth and adjustment. Motivation is also an important factor in foreign language education and achievement. It was also emphasized in the literature that motivation and students’ language proficiency are positively internally related. So, the issue of motivation is thought to be analyzed carefully in understanding the determinants of language achievement in any EFL setting. For this purpose this study has been designed to examine the likely effect of the motivational factors on the foreign language achievement of the students learning English as a foreign language. The study was conducted at the School of Foreign Languages at a state university in 2009-2010 academic year. The data have been collected through the questionnaire (AMTB) developed by Gardner and analyzed through SPSS 11.5 for windows. The research highlighted that students in the school study English with low motivational intensity and desire to learn English. It has also been seen that gender, compulsory or optional states of the students, importance of English, high school type and achievement in foreign language studies are important factors in determining students’ motivational level while students’ previous preparatory school education and home background characteristics are not. Finally, some practical recommendations were noted.

Keywords: Teaching English as a foreign language, motivation, autonomy in EFL

Original Articles Exploring Differentials Across the Preschool Systems in the Maghreb Region


pp. 29 - 37


This paper sheds light on how the economic background and socio-historical context have had a solid bearing on the preschool system in the Maghreb region. Building on a number of comparative studies from mainstream early childhood education literature across discrete cultural contexts, the paper seeks to investigate the influence of these social-cultural dynamics on the conceptualization of the preschool system. However, such impact does not only figure across countries with distinct cultural and geographical lines but rather among counties sharing almost the same cultural heritage. In this respect, it is thought here that a homogeneous cultural environment such that of the Maghreb countries (i.e., Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco) does not necessarily subscribe to the same blueprint because of the significant differences which figure in regards to the structural organization and pedagogical agendas of preschools within each of the Maghreb countries.

Keywords: Early childhood, preschool, Maghreb countries, socio-cultural background

Original Articles Motivational Analysis among Science Teachers About Environmental Education -A Case Study of District Bandipora(Jammu and Kashmir) India

Iftikar Rashid WANI,  Mohammad Yousaf GANAI

pp. 38 - 42


The environmental education in schools, colleges and universities plays a vital and indispensable role in improving the national quality and strengthening students’ environmental consciousness. The purpose of this study was to investigate how aware are the science teachers in secondary school of environmental issues while teaching science in classrooms. In the present study we determined awareness levels of prospective science teachers on various environmental aspects using a qualitative and quantitative analysis. The study was carried out in the form of a case study with about 400 teachers teaching up to the class VII in secondary schools of different educational zones in district Bandipora during the academic year 2008-2009. The sampled teachers were divided into four groups such as, science teachers of govt. schools (STGS), science teachers of private schools (STPS), other subject teachers of govt. schools (OSTGS) and other subject teachers of private schools (OSTPS). A standard questionnaire was prepared incorporating diverse issues of environmental science and applied to all the sampled teachers. According to the data obtained from the questionnaire results, significant difference were observed in the levels of environmental knowledge and perception in different groups of teachers owing to variability in their educational background, depth of interest, extent of seriousness, professional commitment, scientific attitude and sense of societal responsibility etc. However, the STGS group appeared most prospective with likelihood of improvement and doing better. The study calls for urgently putting in place the strategies and policies by the Education Department so as to safe guard the environment.

Keywords: Environmental education, teaching strategies, science teachers, school education, private and govt. schools, environmental consciousness

Original Articles Students’ Perceptions Toward Vitamin Education Support Service

Ozgen KORKMAZ, Mustafa AYGUN

pp. 43 - 55


Vitamin is an education support service which is compatible with the MNE’s curricula, is accessible through the internet, and was developed for teachers and students. Vitamin’s purpose is described as helping students better understand lessons and realizing full learning. Vitamin provides students and teachers with e-education solutions blended with state of the art visual content and interaction and offering a personalized learning process. The present study aims to determine students’ perceptions toward Vitamin’s effectiveness and usefulness. It is a descriptive study designed on the basis of the survey model. The study group consists of 688 students studying in the 4th-8th grades in Husnu M. Ozyegin Primary School in the central province of Kirsehir. The data were collected using the Scale on Students’ Perceptions toward Vitamin (a=0.956) developed by the researchers. The collected data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, arithmetic means, standard deviation, Anova and LSD statistics. The results obtained through the analyses could be summarized as follows: Most of the students find Vitamin useful. Besides their positive views about Vitamin, the students also think that Vitamin may have adverse effects for them. A great majority of the students do not use Vitamin. The more frequent the students use Vitamin, the more positive their attitudes toward Vitamin. Furthermore, the levels of positive perceptions among the students who never use Vitamin are lower than those of others. The students’ positive views about Vitamin decrease with increasing grade level, while their negative views increase.

Keywords: Computer, internet, education, Vitamin, blended learning, online learning

Original Articles Effects of Multimedia Glosses on L2 Vocabulary Learning


pp. 56 - 63


The present study investigates the effects that different types of multimedia glosses have on second language vocabulary learning. Sixty elementary level learners of English were randomly assigned to three types of annotations: with only textual annotations available, with only pictorial annotations available, and with both textual and pictorial annotations available. Subjects were asked to read four annotated texts with the intention of comprehension. Acquisition was measured by means of two types of tests: word recognition test and picture recognition test. Results showed that the groups that had access to both textual and pictorial annotations significantly outperformed the other two groups in both tests. The results also indicated that the pictorial group obtained significantly higher mean score in comparison to textual group.

Keywords: Multimedia glosses, vocabulary, second language learning

Original Articles An Investigation into Students’ Attitude Towards Adult Education Programmes: the Case of Ghana


pp. 64 - 73


The purpose of this was to examine students’ attitude toward adult education programmes in Ghana as well as the challenges facing adult education students. The study employed a mixed method approach using a semistructured questionnaire and interviews as means of data collection. The study revealed that, the participants were aware of the importance adult education programmes for both individual and national development and this was reflected in their attitudes towards such programmes. Despite these positive attitudes, the participants could not hide their grievances regarding high cost for the programme as well as the huge travel cost and time. The results strongly support the need for the government and adult education authorities to be more pro-active in providing adult education programmes, financial support and scholarship for students to motivate more people to enroll in such programmes for national development.

Keywords: Attitudes, adult education, development

Original Articles The Potential and Challenges of Introducing New Technology in Distance Teaching and Learning


pp. 74 - 86


One of the most significant recent technological developments at the Zimbabwe Open University has been the introduction of the CD-ROM digital text as the central medium of instruction. The ZOU has always used tutorials and the module as the main delivery mode. However, the advent of the global village, advancement in new technology and the socio-economic and political challenges Zimbabwe experienced in the past two years from 2008 to 2009 forced ZOU to adopt an alternative medium of instruction (CD-ROM digital text) in order to survive. However, the introduction of the CD-ROM text has become a topical issue that has raised heated debate in ZOU’s departmental, faculty and senate meetings. Those supporting the use of CDs have argued that ZOU must adopt new technology in order to survive in today’s computer age and in the global village. On the other hand, critics have seen the use of CD-ROM as one way of abandoning the distant and the socioeconomically disadvantaged student! This article reports the findings of a university-wide study the two authors conducted at the ZOU during the 2nd Semester (July-December 2009) in order to contribute meaningfully to the current debate on challenges ZOU and other ODL institutions are facing the introduction of new technology in their delivery mode. The present study focused on three key issues, students’ preparedness in the use of CD –ROM in their studies, whether students found CDs convenient to use and what ZOU should do to improve effectiveness of CD-ROM in the teaching and learning process. We collected data through a questionnaire from a stratified random sample of 100 undergraduate students 25 students from each of the following faculties, Arts and Education, Sciences, Commerce and Law and Social Sciences. This study found that the majority of ZOU students were not ready and prepared to use the CD-ROM as only 34% of ZOU students were computer literate, 5% had personal computers, 12% had computers either at home or at their workplace. Fifty-eight percent of those students with access to computers reported inconveniences from other members of the family or workmates when using the computer for their studies. The majority of students (72%), experienced financial challenges in the use of CD-ROM due to high costs charged at inter-net cafes and for printing the module. The major implications of the present study are that: 1. Before introducing new technology, ODL institutions must conduct a survey to determine the extent to which students are ready and prepared to use the new technology effectively. 2. ODL institutions must know and understand who their students are, their characteristics and the domestic environment in which they operate. 3. ODL institutions must provide the resources (equipment and software) and training for students when introducing new technology. 4. ODL institutions must provide access and technical support to students to ensure the effective use of new technologies.

Keywords: New technology, distance teaching, distance learning

Original Articles Problems and Prospects: Women Development Through Non Formal Basic Education

Muhammad Abdul MALIK, Muhammad SAFDAR

pp. 87 - 98


Main purpose of the study was to evaluate the challenging role of Non-Formal Basic Education (NFBE) in eliminating the poverty and gender disparities in the rural areas of Punjab. Problems and issues pertaining to the NFBE were also assessed in this study. 750 students, 250 teachers and 50 administrators were taken as samples systematically. An inventory sheet and three questionnaires were used as research tools for data collection. Main findings of the study revealed that NFBE schools are playing a dynamic role in national development by uplifting socio-economic status of masses in the rural areas. NBFE schools were also playing a vital role in discriminating gender disparity by providing equal opportunities of education to male and the female as well. Teachers’ remuneration was insufficient and there was a lack of physical facilities (lack of buildings, electricity and furniture, etc.) in these schools. Syllabus of NBFE was informative, easy, interesting and illustrated with diagrams. Motivational campaigns may be launched through media to mobilize community for maximum participation in the NBFE schools.

Keywords: Non-formal basic education, women development, poverty elimination