Volume 7 Issue 3 (July 2016)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi



Original Articles Vocational Education Systems in Turkey and the World: New Trends and Problems


pp. 1 - 10


This study aims to analyze the development and problems of vocational education systems in the globalizing world. It also investigates the implications of educational development on vocational education. As it suggests the development and problems of vocational education both in Turkey and within international context, it is a descriptive study which is designed through qualitative research method. To collect data, literature related to vocational education was examined. The results of the study indicate that the implementations with regard to vocational education are schoolbased vocational education and instruction, dual apprenticeship system and informal implementations.

Keywords: Education, Vocational Education, Models in Vocational Education

Original Articles The Effect of Informal Learning on Teachers’ Professional Development: a Case Study


pp. 11 - 22


The aim of this research was to analyze the opinions of teachers working in High Schools on informal learning regarding if they had any informal learning in school environment, which informal learning activities took place, and if this learning had a contribution to their professional development. The research was a qualitative study with a multiple holistic case study design. Data were collected from interviews using semi-structured interview forms. At the end of the research, conclusions were classified under three main themes. The first main theme was that there were some informal learning activities which the teachers were engaged in. The second main theme was that most of the informal learning happened through talking and sharing resources and ideas with others. Especially teacher candidates experienced informal learning through observations of the practices of senior colleagues. The final theme indicated that the informal learning in school environment had a positive effect on teachers’ professional development.

Keywords: Informal Learning, Professional Development, Trainee Teacher, Senior Teacher

Original Articles Mobile Literacy Requirements in the Context of Lifelong Learning


pp. 23 - 32


Today we create and update information faster, and access this information more easily, than ever before. Modern society, therefore, is in need of people who are eager to progress and whose lifelong learning skills are high. Mobile technologies, which have become an indispensible part of our lives, have great potential to support lifelong learning. However, there are numerous mobile operating systems in existence, including Android, iOS and Windows OS, and all of these operating systems offer a different user experience. For an efficient mobile experience, users need to acquire technical control of the device and to understand its limitations at both the hardware and software levels. In addition, there are crucial skills that are needed, such as the ability to access required information, to search for apps, and to assess their reliability and suitability. The concept of mobile literacy covers all of these skills. This study will discuss current levels of mobile literacy in the context of lifelong learning.

Keywords: Globalization, Lifelong Learning, Mobile Literacy, Mobile Technology, Mobile Applications

Original Articles A Review on the Program Evaluation Strategies in Distance Education

Salih USUN

pp. 33 - 45


The purpose of this study was to review the program evaluation strategies in point of suitabilities to distance education . In the study, it was used of literature review technique to gather data. Firstly ,relevant and previous studies in the literature on the program evaluation strategies in distance education were searched and in detailed reviewed. Then, thirteen evaluation strategies that were frequently used to collect data for educational program evaluations were described and reviewed in point of suitabilities and utilities to distance education. In conclusion, it was determined that the objectives‐oriented strategy and systems ‐based evaluation strategies were highly suited to distance education programs. But, traditional, expertise‐oriented, humanistic and academic evaluation strategies were not suited to distance education programs. The conclusions obtained in this study may be useful in the exploration of further research areas in the field of program evaluation in distance education. In future , qualitative and / or quantitative researches should be realized on the suitabilities of the strategies of the objectives‐oriented and systems ‐based evaluation for distance education programs.

Keywords: Distance education, program evaluation, strategy

Original Articles Effect of University’s Web Pages to Students in Preference Period

Mustafa COSAR

pp. 46 - 51


Preferences of students taking university entrance preparation is known to affect multiple factors. Among the most important ones, want to see the city and university student education, family orientation, tutoring and guidance teachers redirects, close to the joint decision of friends, standings and finally the university may be able to introduce themselves criteria. The decisions of the students to increasing the number of universities in preferred period since the 2000's has captured quite. In this case, students and parents have been making universities are researching gather broad information about them. Web pages of universities that are highly effective in influencing the availability of this information gathering phase and preferences is of utmost importance. In this study, students who choose the University of Hitit, were tried to be determined the level of receiving information from the web page. First, during the preference period, the web page's clicked reports was taken. Then, some information collected with survey the students. This information has been interpreted and evaluated with the help of statistical analysis. This study as a decision support system can help students and universities.

Keywords: Web design, High education, Preference, Google analytics, Decision support system

Original Articles Factors Influencing Social Media Usage for Learning and Teaching Purposes

Ibrahim AKMAN, Cigdem TURHAN

pp. 52 - 59


In this study, adoption of Social Media for learning and teaching purposes (SL/T) has been analyzed based on a conceptual research model. Factors included in this study have been categorized under two empirical factors, namely, socio-demographic and utilitarian. A survey approach has been adopted for this purpose and the least square regression techniques is used to investigate the relationships among the variables included in the research model. The test results indicate that, except perceived awareness (PAW), all the remaining factors have significant effect on the actual usage of SL/T.

Keywords: Social media, learning, teaching, socio-demographic, utilitarian, regression

Original Articles The Effects of Student-Content Interaction on Academic Performance in Distance- Learning Courses

Neslihan Fatma ER, Mustafa ER

pp. 60 - 68


Information technology is a widely used tool to facilitate teaching and learning activities in tertiary education. Distance learning courses designed and delivered via information technologies present opportunities to students with difficulties in enrolling and attending courses in higher education. Students enrolled in these courses are expected to participate in the technology supported learning environments and interact with the content presented through distance education technologies. This study is designed to elaborate on the factors that have effect on student success in two undergraduate courses taught through distance education technologies. Participants of this study are 124 freshman students. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of student-content interaction on academic performance via a detailed analysis of data retrieved from the distance learning environment. This study will also shed light on the relationship between gender differences and success levels in distance education courses with respect to participation performance.

Keywords: Distance learning, academic performance, student-content interaction

Original Articles Preservice Science Teachers' Orientations Towards Teaching Science to Middle Schoolers

Nurcan CANSIZ, Mustafa CANSIZ

pp. 69 - 78


The purpose of this study was to explore the orientations preservice science teachers (PST) hold in preparing to teach science to middle schoolers and how their beliefs were reflected in their CoRes. As the framework to evaluate PSTs' orientations, Magnusson, Krajcik, and Borko's (1999) nine orientations were utilized. Eleven senior preservice science teachers (PST) were selected to participate in the study using a convenience sampling method. Each preservice science teachers prepared six CoRes on different science topics. The result indicated that most of the CoRes were designed around didactic-based orientation and any of PSTs prepared the CoRes based on conceptual change and activity-driven instructional approaches. Moreover, the study provide evidence that PSTs hold multiple orientations. Results from this study suggest that, among other factors presented in the literature such as early experience, PSTs orientation may be affected by the objectives in the curriculum as well.

Keywords: Science teaching orientation, pedagogical content knowledge, content representations, instructional approaches

Original Articles The Views of Science Teacher Candidates Regarding the Collection, Recycling and Disposal of Waste Batteries


pp. 79 - 87


The aim of this study was to investigate the views of science teacher candidates regarding the collection, recycling and disposal of waste batteries. The study was conducted with a total of 92 fourth-year science teacher candidates attending the education faculty of a public university in Turkey. Study data were collected using five open-ended questions regarding the collection, recycling and disposal of waste batteries, and analyzed using the descriptive analysis method. It was determined that 57 of the teacher candidates participating to the study did not have any views or knowledge regarding the institutions and organizations in Turkey responsible for the collection, recycling and disposal of waste batteries. In addition, 79 of the teacher candidates described that current activities in Turkey for the collection of batteries are inadequate, while 85 of the teacher candidates noted that public service announcements through the visual and printed media, as well as posters and informative programs, regarding batteries might help increase people’s level of awareness on this subject. Another noteworthy result of this study was that all of the participating teacher candidates expressed the importance of raising environmentally-conscious individuals by including the subject of waste battery management into educational programs/curricula at all levels of education.

Keywords: Science teacher candidate, waste batteries, recycle

Original Articles Artvin Citizens’ Reasoning About a Local Environmental Issue: Cerattepe

Mustafa CANSIZ, Nurcan CANSIZ

pp. 88 - 93


Mining is a current problem in Artvin. Officials decided to extract copper and gold mine in Artvin. However, there are different opinions about this. A group of people objects the decision of officials. On the other hand, there exists a group of people supporting mining. Taking into account of stakeholders’ position is valuable in creating democratic societies. Therefore, citizens should have the right to participate in decision-making process because they are affected directly from it. For the purpose of deciding on their position, local citizens’ views about copper and gold mining in Cerattepe were investigated. For this purpose, 534 local citizens were interviewed. Their reasoning was coded as econcentric, anthropocentric, mix, or none of them. The data analysis showed that most of the local citizens showed mix reasoning (including ecocentrism and anthropocentrism) against mining in Cerattepe but they could not provide sound and scientific reasoning supported with evidence.

Keywords: Environmental dilemma, reasoning, socioscientific issues