Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2016, Vol. 7(1) 81-92

Technology Education in Preschool: an Applied Sample Lesson

Gökben TURGUT, Yeliz TUNGA, Tarik KISLA

pp. 81 - 92

Publish Date: January 31, 2016  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


Science and technology is rapidly changing and developing in our ages. Human knowledge is being renewed and changed every day. This situation makes technology integration which accelerates accessing information into educational systems inevitable. Developing ICT skills of children starting from early ages gains importance considering the fact that those skills support the ability and attitude to use electronic media their future lives. For this reason, European Union gave a significant place to education of information technologies as naming “Technical Skills” in 111th European Youth Program in order to meet changing trends in both education and labor market in 1993(TEİAŞ, 2010). In the same manner, State Planning Organization of Turkey declared goal as “information and communication technologies will be one of main tools of education process and it will be provided that both teachers and students use those technologies effectively” in the Strategy of Information Society (2006 -2010). Then, Movement of Enhancing Opportunities and Improving Technology”, known as FATIH project was started(MEB, 2012). Researches related to FATIH project shows that teachers complain the most the lack of suitable e-content for interactive boards and tablets (Özkan and Deniz, 2014, Gürol, Donmuş and Arslan, 2012, Ayvacı, Bakırcı and Başak, 2014). In this study, it is aimed to present suggestions and experiences for researchers and early childhood educators by showing a sample lesson with various instructional materials based on those gaps in the literature. For this reason, a sample technology education lesson was developed for preschool students. First of all, an e-content which is compatible with interactive boards is developed by using Adobe Flash software considering preschool children’s needs and characteristics. Furthermore, various instructional materials is prepared to gain objectives of the lesson. Then, the lesson was applied in a private school with 16 preschool students. At the end of study, suggestions and experiences is reported for future researches.

Keywords: Preschool, Information Technologies, Smart Board, E- Content, Technology Education

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
TURGUT, G., TUNGA, Y., & KISLA, T. (2016). Technology Education in Preschool: an Applied Sample Lesson. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 7(1), 81-92.

TURGUT, G., TUNGA, Y. and KISLA, T. (2016). Technology Education in Preschool: an Applied Sample Lesson. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 7(1), pp. 81-92.

Chicago 16th edition
TURGUT, Gokben, Yeliz TUNGA and Tarik KISLA (2016). "Technology Education in Preschool: an Applied Sample Lesson". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 7 (1):81-92.