Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2014, Vol. 5(1) 11-25

The Effects of Minimalist Movement on Painting Arts and Music


pp. 11 - 25

Publish Date: January 31, 2014  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


The word minimalism which is derived from the word minimum in French means the least or the smallest amount needed for something. Minimalism in arts was founded at the end of 1960s in New York and it’s called in the technical literature as Minimalist Art, ABC Art or Reductive Art. The most important particularity of this movement in arts is extreme simplicity and an objective approach. Painters and musicians gave particular importance to simplicity in their works. The minimalist movement which flourished during the last phase of paintings of Kazimir Malevich in 1913 has been a source of inspiration for the painters in the following decades. Minimalism has also been used in music where melody and harmony are simplified to minimize the emotional impressions. The literature review has been used in this study. From the beginning of the minimalist movement, musicians and painters in this movement were studied in chronological order and particularities in their works were put under the scope. From among minimalist artist Ellsworth Kelly and Michael Nyman were chosen for sample surveys and their works were examined in terms of minimal particularities. In addition differences and similarities between the art styles of both artists were manifested. Consequences have been drawn from these particularities and suggestions were made in terms of interdisciplinary minimal studies.

Keywords: Minimalism, minimalism in painting, minimalism in music

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
INAN, S., & YUCETOKER, Â. (2014). The Effects of Minimalist Movement on Painting Arts and Music. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 5(1), 11-25.

INAN, S. and YUCETOKER, Â. (2014). The Effects of Minimalist Movement on Painting Arts and Music. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 5(1), pp. 11-25.

Chicago 16th edition
INAN, Sukriye and  Izzet YUCETOKER (2014). "The Effects of Minimalist Movement on Painting Arts and Music". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 5 (1):11-25.