Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2014, Vol. 5(1) 93-103

Integration of Visualization Techniques and Active Learning Strategy in Learning Computer Programming: a Proposed Framework

Siti RosminahMD DERUS, Ahmad Zamzuri MOHAMAD ALI

pp. 93 - 103

Publish Date: January 31, 2014  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


This paper reviews the issues and problems faced by students in learning programming, thus recommend a conceptual framework to overcome the problem. Computer programming courses are said to be complex and difficult, particularly to novice students. Among the causes of students’ failure in developing programming skills is their inability to visually illustrate the flow of the program code during the program execution. To overcome this problem, a Program Visualization (PV) is recognized as one of the available learning support tools that can help novice students in enhancing their understanding of the programming execution. Nevertheless, using the PV alone without the active engagement with the tools will not produce the optimal learning outcome on students' programming performance. Previous studies indicated that, active learning strategies are among the most effective strategies in learning programming. Apart from learning strategies, there is a requirement of active involvement of students in the learning process, the ability to think logically which affect their ability to solve problems, thus lead them to develop a program. In addition, using PV as learning aids is expected to increase the students’ self-efficacy in learning assignment activity and overcome the challenges of learning. Consequently, it is also important that these aspects are viewed in studies related to the effectiveness of any instructional materials such as PV to enhance programming performance, particularly in finding approaches that can improve novices’ self-efficacy.

Keywords: Programming, program visualization, active learning, logical ability, self-efficacy

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
DERUS, S.R., & ALI, Â.Z.M. (2014). Integration of Visualization Techniques and Active Learning Strategy in Learning Computer Programming: a Proposed Framework. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 5(1), 93-103.

DERUS, S. and ALI, Â. (2014). Integration of Visualization Techniques and Active Learning Strategy in Learning Computer Programming: a Proposed Framework. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 5(1), pp. 93-103.

Chicago 16th edition
DERUS, Siti RosminahMD and  Ahmad Zamzuri MOHAMAD ALI (2014). "Integration of Visualization Techniques and Active Learning Strategy in Learning Computer Programming: a Proposed Framework". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 5 (1):93-103.