Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2024, Vol. 15(1) 123-141

“I Want to Be a Teacher-Researcher!” Self-Evaluation of Candidate Teachers Participating in the Tübitak 2237 Project


pp. 123 - 141

Publish Date: June 30, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


21st century skills are linked to teachers' professional development. The concept of teacherresearcher also emerged with this connection. This study is the product of a TUBITAK project that aimed to explain the concept of teacher researchers to prospective teachers. In other words, this project has been developed to better explain the concept of teacher-researchers, which supports teachers' active involvement in both teaching and research processes, to pre-service teachers and to increase their awareness of this concept. The project offered courses to prospective teachers under the titles of thinking education, scientific research methods, and skill learning. These courses were given online by expert teachers and faculty members working at various universities. The study lasted 6 days in practice and self-evaluation feedback was received twice at the end of the applications. 30 teacher candidates from different branches participated in the research voluntarily. At the end of the research, we conducted self-evaluation practices. We designed the study as a case study model to show how the program progresses. We used content analysis as the method for analysis. After the teacher candidates completed their self-evaluation, we identified 4 main themes. "Self-Evaluation, Expectation From the Project, Functionality Of the Project, and Practices In the Project". As a result, it was concluded that the project was able to reach teacher candidates who have the potential of the researcher teacher to think scientifically, democratically and critically.

Keywords: Teacher-Researchers, Professional Development, Self-Evaluation

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
ALTINTAS, I.N., & UNVEREN, . (2024). “I Want to Be a Teacher-Researcher!” Self-Evaluation of Candidate Teachers Participating in the Tübitak 2237 Project. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 15(1), 123-141.

ALTINTAS, I. and UNVEREN, . (2024). “I Want to Be a Teacher-Researcher!” Self-Evaluation of Candidate Teachers Participating in the Tübitak 2237 Project. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 15(1), pp. 123-141.

Chicago 16th edition
ALTINTAS, Irem NAMLI and  Dilek UNVEREN (2024). "“I Want to Be a Teacher-Researcher!” Self-Evaluation of Candidate Teachers Participating in the Tübitak 2237 Project". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 15 (1):123-141.