Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2014, Vol. 5(4) 93-109

Development of a Self-Assessment Scale for Effective Presentation Skills and the Validity- Reliability Study

Selim GUNUC, Serap CAVKAYTAR, Belgin SONMEZ, Fidan OZBEY, Zeynep KILIC

pp. 93 - 109

Publish Date: October 31, 2014  |   Single/Total View: 0/0   |   Single/Total Download: 0/0


The purpose of this study was to develop a “self-assessment scale for effective presentation skills”. The scale was developed via two different research processes. As the intention was to develop the scale via a two-factor construct determined by the researchers in line with the suggestions in related literature, the CFA was carried out on 50 items in the first study for item analysis and item selection. In the second study, the CFA was applied again for the appropriateness of the two-factor 41-item scale obtained in the first study. The sample of the Study-1 was made up of 409 teacher candidates and the sample of the Study-2 included 423 teacher candidates. Finally, the two-factor 41-item scale was tested, and such good values of fit indices as c2/sd: 2.84, RMSEA: 0.067, NFI: 0.90, NNFI: 0.92 and CFI: 0.93 were obtained. The Cronbach Alpha of the scale was found to be α= 0.90.

Keywords: Effective presentation skills, presentation skills, self-assessment, scale development

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
GUNUC, S., CAVKAYTAR, S., SONMEZ, B., OZBEY, ., & KILIC, Z. (2014). Development of a Self-Assessment Scale for Effective Presentation Skills and the Validity- Reliability Study. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 5(4), 93-109.

GUNUC, S., CAVKAYTAR, S., SONMEZ, B., OZBEY, . and KILIC, Z. (2014). Development of a Self-Assessment Scale for Effective Presentation Skills and the Validity- Reliability Study. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 5(4), pp. 93-109.

Chicago 16th edition
GUNUC, Selim, Serap CAVKAYTAR, Belgin SONMEZ,  Fidan OZBEY and Zeynep KILIC (2014). "Development of a Self-Assessment Scale for Effective Presentation Skills and the Validity- Reliability Study". International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 5 (4):93-109.