Research article | Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2014, Vol. 5(4) 93-109
Selim GUNUC, Serap CAVKAYTAR, Belgin SONMEZ, Fidan OZBEY, Zeynep KILIC
1 | The Influence of Peer and Self-Assessment on Learning and Metacognitive Knowledge: Consequential Validity
2 | The Development Study of National Identity Perception Scale
3 | Self- Assessment of Middle School Teachers: Classroom Management and Discipline Referrals
Seyithan DEMIRDAG |
4 | Comparison of Instructor and Self-Assessments on Prospective Teachers' Concept Mapping Performances Through Generalizability Theory
Goksu GOZEN, Kaan Zulfikar DENIZ |
5 | Development of an Intercultural Awareness Scale for Students in an Educational Environment with Different Cultures: a Study on Validity and Reliability
Ceren KARAKOÇ, Gökhan AKSU |
6 | Academic Staff Satisfaction Scale: Validity and Reliability Study
Ertuğ CAN, Şenol SEZER |