Research article | Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2013, Vol. 4(4) 184-196
Seyyed Behrooz HOSSEINI
1 |
Predicting Factors Affecting University Students’ Attitudes to Adopt E-Learning in India Using Technology Acceptance Model
Vandana MEHRA, Faranak OMIDIAN
Volume 1 Issue 1 |
2 |
Factors Affecting the Secondary School Teachers, in the Use of Distance Learning for In-Service Training as Professional Development in Pakistan
Muhammad AKHLAQ, Shazia Munawar SULEHRI
Volume 1 Issue 2 |
3 |
Quality Assurance & Distance Education System: Problems & Challenges
Mushtaq Ahmad DAR- INDIA, Sabina YEASMIN
Volume 1 Issue 2 |
4 |
Factors Conducivce for the Purposeful Use of Libraries among University’s Students in Pakistan
Syed Manzoor H. SHAH, Saadia SALEEM
Volume 1 Issue 2 |
5 |
Motivational Analysis among Science Teachers About Environmental Education -A Case Study of District Bandipora(Jammu and Kashmir) India
Iftikar Rashid WANI, Mohammad Yousaf GANAI
Volume 1 Issue 3 |
6 |
Students’ Perceptions Toward Vitamin Education Support Service
Ozgen KORKMAZ, Mustafa AYGUN
Volume 1 Issue 3 |
7 |
An Investigation into Students’ Attitude Towards Adult Education Programmes: the Case of Ghana
Volume 1 Issue 3 |
8 |
The Effects of Perceived Instrumentality and Future Time Perspective on Students’ Graded Performance and Attitudes Regarding English Class
Nursen OZCETIN, Altay EREN
Volume 1 Issue 4 |
9 |
Opinions of English Language Prospective Teachers on the Use of Learning and Study Strategies
Volume 1 Issue 4 |
10 |
Psychology Behind Success
Volume 1 Issue 4 |