Research article | Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2013, Vol. 4(1) 173-179
Mustafa Sahin BULBUL
1 | The Effect of Activities in Robotic Applications on Students’perception on the Nature of Science and Students’ Metaphors Related to the Concept of Robot
Ozgen KORKMAZ, Halis ALTUN, Ertugrul USTA, Armagan OZKAYA |
2 | Stereotypes as Stigmatizing Barriers to Effective Inclusive Education
3 | Integration of Young Students with Outstanding Mathematical Abilities to Creative Teamwork
Dimitrina Petrova KAPITANOVA |
4 | Aspects of Teaching Mathematics to Gifted Students in the Context of Inclusive Education
Vladimira ANGELOVA |
5 | Science Teaching Laboratory Applications: Common Knowledge Construction, Learning Cycle Models and Stem Approach
Harun Çelik, Hüseyin Miraç Pektaş, Orhan Karamustafaoğlu |
6 | The Nature of Science Instruction with a Direct Reflective Approach: “Hess” and “Thermodynamic Laws”
Gökhan Demircioğlu, Rabia Özdemir |