Research article | Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2014, Vol. 5(1) 125-132
Evanildo dos Santos LEITE
1 | Concept Maps as a Tool for Meaningful Learning and Teaching in Chemistry Education
Mustafa KILIC, Murset CAKMAK |
2 | Augmented Reality Applied to Natural Sciences
Bárbara Maria Lemos FERREIRA, Thaís Nogueira FERNANDES, Suzana da Hora MACEDO |
3 | Concept Map as a Tool in the Teaching-Learning Process Os Electrostatic
Suzana da Hora MACEDO, Marco Antônio Gomes Teixeira da SILVA, Evanildo dos Santos LEITE, Áurea Gonçalves MACABU |
4 | Comparison of Instructor and Self-Assessments on Prospective Teachers' Concept Mapping Performances Through Generalizability Theory
Goksu GOZEN, Kaan Zulfikar DENIZ |
5 | Investigation of How Freshman Pre-Service Teachers Relate Chemistry Laboratory with Daily Life