Research article | Open Access
International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications 2019, Vol. 10(2) 28-38
Tika Rahmawati, Crys Fajar Partana
1 |
Integration of Visualization Techniques and Active Learning Strategy in Learning Computer Programming: a Proposed Framework
Siti RosminahMD DERUS, Ahmad Zamzuri MOHAMAD ALI
Volume 5 Issue 1 |
2 |
Development and Validation of Mathetics Style Programme in Mathematics for Grade Ix Students
Volume 5 Issue 3 |
3 |
Innovation and Change in Education: the Case of English Instructors at a Private University in Turkey
Busra TOMBAK, Mehmet SAHIN
Volume 5 Issue 4 |
4 |
Comparison of Student Engagement from Two Different Universities in Turkey in Terms of Technology Integration and Campus Climate
Emrullah YIGIT, Selim GUNUC
Volume 8 Issue 3 |
5 |
The Profile of Students’ Self-Efficacy on Hydrocarbon Hybrid Learning and Android- Based- Game
Nur Fitriyana, Antuni Wiyarsi, K. H. Sugiyarto
Volume 9 Issue 2 |
6 |
Virtual Laboratory Based on Inquiry in Chemical Equilibrium as Learning Innovations
Dinda Nadia Mutiara Ifthinan, Sri Atun
Volume 10 Issue 1 |
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Development of Android Based Chemical Learning Media for High School Students
Arina Diana Fatma, Crys Fajar Partana
Volume 10 Issue 2 |
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Students’ Concept Understanding in Chemistry Learning Using Macromedia Flash Based Inquiry Learning
Retno Prapti Utami, Eli Rohaeti
Volume 10 Issue 3 |
9 |
Macromedia Flash Based on Guided Inquiry in Critical Thinking Skills as Learning Innovations
Srireski Jainal, Dra. Isana Supiah Yosephine Louise
Volume 10 Issue 3 |
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The Utilization of Virtual Reality on Development of Three Dimensional Visualisation on Chemistry Subject
Ika Setiawati A. Bakar, K. H Sugiyarto, Jaslin Ikhsan
Volume 10 Issue 3 |